it was a bright sunny day when dominique destine arrived at work. the day earlier, she had been in a buissness meeting when the news report aired. she nearly chocked on her morning coffee when she saw the video playback of the disaster that was averted by goliath's clan that morning. she was quite surprised at how the people were reacting to the recent exposure of the gargoyles to the public, she was baffled as to why they were being accepted so peacefully by so many people. although she had to admit that there were still those who harbored hatred towards them. "in any case at least this hasn't affected my work" dominique thought as she arrived at the cross walk towards her building. she had decided to walk to work today to try to relieve some of the stress that had been placed on her since the meeting, it seemed that the members of her allied company were somewhat startled with the news that the gargoyles existed and had demanded an explanation from her as to why they had not been informed of their existence prior to the news report. "damn them, goliath if i lose this buissness deal because of your "love" for these humans i will hunt you down for all eterni-" her thoughts were cut off as a man suddenly collided head-on with her and knocked her to the ground. "what are you doing!" she shouted as she pushed the man..or rahter boy off of her. "it was just like these humans to interfere with everything that took place in her life" the boy looked at her "are you alright?" he asked in a seriously concered tone. as he said this the rage inside of dominique peaked and she slapped him "alright! alright! you have the nerve to ask me that after you pounce on me like that!" the boy looked shocked "but ma'am i was- " she cut him of "you were what trying to get me killed i swear if i wasn't late for a buissness meeting i'd have you arrested!" she finished her little speech and headed into her office building leaving the unknown boy behind her " humans get more insane everyday" she thought as she headed into the elevator and into her meeting.

that night, dominique or demona as she was called after the setting of the sun, was taking a small flight through the city to clear her mind. for her being a human for the better part of the day accumulated a lot of stress and flying was always the best cure. the freedom of being able to fly unhindged through the sky always gave her a sense of calm no matter what her day was like. this night however her her midnight glide over the city was interruped , when she heard the sound of someone on a megaphone "people of newyork! hear me! these demons from hell must nolonger be able to live amoungst us! these gargoyles, these hellspawn will bring about judgement day! " that was it demona had had enough "first they make me late for my day job and now they this " she thought angily as she swooped down on the man who was saying the outragious speech, when she landed she stayed in the shadows at first, she was about to make her move when a figure approached the man and began to converse with him, with her advanced senses she listened in "hey, john don't do this. " the other man punched the other in the chest "no, you don't know how monsterous they are! " the man screamed, the other man whom demona realised was a teenager suddenly tried to grab the other man but it seemed that "john" was the stronger and in a quick flash the boy was thrown from the side of the building. "no! "demona called out as she dashed out from her place in the shadows and dived over the side of the building, she caught up with the falling boy, and caught him " you" she exclaimed as she caught him "it was the same boy from that morning the one who had knocked her over. she flew back up to the roof of the building, when she reached it, she quickly laid the boy down and walked towards the other human "you will stop this, do you understand?" the man was clearly scared to death he nodded feircly before running to the door leading to the stairs, wetting his pants in the process. "mmm" demona turned to find the boy awake and leaning against the wall, "you saved me, thank you" at this demona's eyes widened as it hit her, she ahd just saved the life of a human. "i'd better go before i start being any nicer to him " she thought as she went the edge of the roof and was about to leap when she heard a soft voice "wait, please" hearing that tone of voice reminded her of somthing, she turned around and walked over to the boy "who are you?" she asked calmly "kyle, my name's kyle" he looked at her without any fear in his eyes which was surprising considering he had just been pushed off of a 65 story building and then saved by a living breathing gargoyle "thank you, for saving didn't have to..but i'm glad that you di-ahh" he stopped as pain shot through his arm, demona went against her better judgement and helped the boy with his arm, it wasn't broken but there was a large but down one side, she bandaged it with a peice of his shirt. she didn't know exactly why she was helping this human so much, but inside she knew the truth, she was helping him because in a way he remined her of herself, back when she was on her own after the vikings destroyed the gargoyle clan. "there, it should be healed by the end of the week" "thanks..i..was wondering if you would..." demona looked at him quizically "if i would what?" the boy looked nervous which was to be expected after what just happened, but demona realised that he was nervous for a different reason "i...would you talk with me?" "talk wiht you? "yes, not about anything personal but...its just been a long time since i've actually talked with someone, and right know i'm kinda stuck here so.." "i shouldn't, it would just get us more attached to one another and i can't risk that. " demona thought to herself, but the pain she remembered going through in the past wouldn't let her leave this child alone, the least she could do was to talk to him for an hour. "alright what did you want to talk about? " for the next few hours they talked at first demona couldn't wait for it to be over but after a while she found that she was enjoyiing herself, it had been generations since she had been able to talk so openly with anyone. and being able to do so was pleasing. after talking for a while about who they werethe boy's name was kyle he worked at a small resturant that was surprisingly close to nightstone unlimited, she told him her name and a little about herself, after a while she had run out of things to talk about so kyle suddenly, started to talk about his day.

"so, i was walking to the bank to cash my paycheck when i saw this woman walking out into the street, it didn't look like she was paying attention or else she would've noticed the truck, "hump, humans, they never can focus on simple things, like remebering where you are." demona thought, as kyle continued his story "so she just walked out into the street totally oblivious to the truck that was speeding down the street, " "and what did you do?" demona asked intrigued "i might aswell here his side of the story while i'm in such a good mood" she thought as kyle started to answer her. " well, i ran and tackled her to the ground, i almost got hit myself in the process. but you know what pissess me off? i save her life and she hits me, then she threatens to arrest me! i just can't believe the people in this city somtimes. you know i wish she was a little more like you" demona hid a look of shock "more like me? how so? "well, your kind and understanding, and even if you did have a crappy day before hand i doubt that you would've threated to arrest me for saving your life." kyle sighed "look, i'm sorry this is probably boring to you anyway i-" he sudden;y stopped talking and looked at his watch. "you should go!" "why?" "demona it's almost 3 in the morning sun rise is in an hour." "damn" demona said as she got up to the edge of the roof again. "wait, demona, could we talk agian sometime?" she thought about it quickly "sure, i'll meet you on the roof of you resturant in two days." she said hurridly as she lept from the roof and glided swiftly towards her home. "wow," thought kyle but he quickly shook his head "no way , she's outta my leauge.