Disclaimer: Nothing.


He did not care who was in that bathroom, Kai really needed in. There was only so long he could hold it in for, and there was no way he was going outside to do his business.

''I'm coming in.'' He announced loudly and took the knob in his hand, before roughly turning it to one side.

The lock broke open (it never worked properly, anyway) and an irritated voice snapped back at him, no sooner his footsteps led him into the steaming room.

''It's rude not to knock first.'' Rei snuck his head out from behind the curtain and glared as his wet hair started to drip on the floor.

Kai merely grinned in return as he stepped up to the bowl.

''It's rude to stare.''

Rei disappeared behind the curtain again and a moment later, a fruity scent laced the hot steam, trapped inside the small room.

Kai loved the scent of strawberries and sighed happily. It was soft but relaxing. The odor was almost as intoxicating as Rei himself but Kai knew that the male tasted so much sweeter than the wild, crimson berries.

The sound of his zipper could be heard and that is when Rei started to hum, loudly. The last thing he wanted to listen too was the echoes of urination in the porcelain bowl. His wordless tune lasted throughout the whole process as the other male relieved himself.

''You know, Kai, it is very unattractive to hear your lover pee, in the morning.''

Kai laughed. He just had to go.

The taps turned on lightly, a minute later, as he washed his hands clean. Rei expected to hear the door close again, but instead, he heard the curtain rattle.

''No peeking, Kai.''

Kai looked at Rei appreciatively as he took a good look from behind. It was enough to make any hard on return. He could not really see anything, besides his long and slender legs but the view was still majestic. A flow of black water cascaded down his back as ivory suds of strawberry followed every strand to the tub's bottom.

Rei's tanned and fleshy behind was hidden by the ebony waterfall but Kai grinned, nevertheless, especially when amber eyes glanced back at him. He did not really mind being caught; it was very much worth it.

''When are you going to let me see all of you?'' Kai asked.

Rei too, soon began to smirk.

