A/N: Hello ppl! I'm really excited about this story! Nobody has ever attempted an M/J fic! So I'm really excited where this'll go! So read plz!


Chapter 1: Out of High School and Off To College!

The day was sunny over in Spittoon, Arkansas in the year 1980, where a young lady no younger than twenty with red curly bushy hair and a petite outline. She was dragging a bunch of suitcases and bags "This stuff is so heavy!"

"Yeah, well maybe if you didn't pack so much stuff, maybe you'd be able to carry it out yourself!" exclaimed a woman who looked like the young woman, but maybe a couple years older and a lot more muscular.

The petite one threw a heavy looking suitcase into a 1977 Monte Carlo "You didn't have to help me ya know."

"Well ya know it's the biggest thing of my little sister's life, going off to college and all that good stuff." Said the muscular woman, "You're a lot smarter than me, at least you're going off to college and not going to be still living in our parents house."

The petite young woman chuckled and smiled. She reached over to her older sister and gave her a hug "Thanks Alicia that means a lot to me."

"Hey, what are big sisters for?"

All of a sudden a bright flash went off in their faces. They covered their faces in fright. They looked up and saw two older people, a man and a woman, standing there smiling. Alicia and her little sister looked at each other and the little sister started talking "I thought they would be asleep! It's five o'clock in the morning!"

Alicia shrugged as the man and woman came towards them "Oh Madeline, I just can't believe that you're already off to college!" screamed the woman

"Mom, it's Maddie, not Madeline!" grunted Maddie "I hate that name!"

"We'll miss you a lot," stated the man "But your attitude is one thing we're not going to miss."

Maddie grunted and rolled her eyes, the mom spoke up "Exactly what I mean."

Maddie laughed and gave both her parents a hug "I'll miss you guys!"

Her parents returned the hug "We'll miss you too!"

"Don't forget to write!"

"Have fun!"

"Live your life!"

"Make new friends!"

"Live your dreams!"

"Don't grow up too fast!"

Maddie smiled and jumped into her car and drove off.


Maddie pulled up in front of a house where she saw another family standing outside the house talking and hugging, she honked "Hey, are you coming?"

The people hugged one last time and the girl that looked Asian and had black hair jumped into the car "Well it's about time!" the girl exclaimed

"Sorry, Harriet I was stuck with my family!"

"So was I, but I didn't wait!" she exclaimed "And stop calling me Harriet or I'll call you Madeline!"

"Deal, I shall call you Harri."

"Fine with me!"


Later the next day Maddie and Harri were at a gas station and they were coming out of the building "Do you have any idea where were going?" Harry asked. She was holding all the food they decided to get while their stop there.

"Yeah, I do now, that guy inside really helped."

There was also two guys walking towards them, there was a skinny one with a pale shade of blue hair and a skinny body and the other one had a bigger body with black hair pulled back in a mullet "Jack, you're going to run into somebody!" asked the smaller man

"No I'm not!" said Jack who was walking backwards

Before Jack could stop, he ran into Maddie. With the size of his body, she was hit so hard she fell to the ground!

Jack instantly realized what happened and lent a helping hand "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"No, it was my fault; I should've been watching where I was going!"

"Are you alright?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, Thanks for asking."

Maddie picked up her map, dusted herself off and walked away. But as she was walking away she turned around to look at him one more time then turned back around.

Jack walked away but then he turned back around, he wasn't walking backwards, but turned back around to take a quick glance at her then turned back around.

But if only at that time they knew that they would meet up again and fate would bring them together in a way that they never thought possible for them at that time.


Maddie and Harri walked out of their car and up to their destination called 'University of Wisconsin' "We're here!" screamed Harri

"Finally!" yawned Maddie

"We're finally in higher education!"

"No more parents!"

"No more rules!"

"OH YEAH!" they both screamed at the same time

They stepped up on the curb and started walking towards the school "So what do you think we'll find here?"

"I don't know?" answered Maddie "Our future?"

Before Maddie could turn back around she slammed right into a bulletin board "OW SON OF A…"

"Hey," Harri said, she helped her up "are you alright?"

"Yeah, my face hurts though." Maddie answered "I'm just a target for random objects today aren't I?"

But before Harri could answer, Maddie turned her attention to something on the bulletin board "Look!"

"What is it?" Harri asked

"An announcement for a new club." Maddie answered "It's called the ghost club. I love ghosts!"

"Oh great, you found one thing here already, your obsession!"

But Maddie wasn't listening, she was reading the flyer it said…

Ghost club

Are you interested in ghosts? Then this is the place for you!

Held every Wednesday at 5pm by Jack Fenton and Vlad Masters.

See you there!

Maddie smiled, she knew that this place was going to be great! Her future was here and she knew she was going to find it!


A/N: Hate it? Love it? No flames, but if I messed up, please leave some constructive criticism so I can make this story as great as ever! Thanx!  Review plz! Till next time…
