AN: Oh God, I actually made another part XD -snickers- I don't know if this is really good. Personally, I think it's more IC than the first one, but nyah o.o

I luff Roy, he's so cute x3 -huggles-

Enjoy! n.n


Poor Edward never saw it coming.

He stared.

And stared.

Stared some more.


His mind was completely blank as he stared across the room at the dark-haired man, whom had just made his life a living hell. He vaguely noticed the whole cafeteria staring at them, but decided to pretend that they weren't there. Or that he wasn't there—whatever was the best.

It took him five minutes (child-prodigy, my ass!) to respond. By that time, anger had built itself up, as well as embarrassment, annoyance and RAGE.

In a matter of seconds, Edward had run across the room, had grabbed Roy by the arm and was dragging him outside. It was raining, but Edward didn't really care at the moment—in fact, it was kind of handy. It would make killing Roy be a whole lot easier.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Edward roared, flailing his arms around. Roy gave him an annoying smirk, before he slipped his arms around Edward's waist and pulled the ranting boy closer, who, thanks to this action, abruptly stopped.

"Why, declaring my love for you, of course," he replied smugly, readying himself to dive in for a nice kiss. Edward, however, had other plans.

"GET THOSE LIPS AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!" he panicked and punched Roy on the cheek with his automail arm.

Poor Roy never saw it coming (-snickers-).

He groaned as he clutched his hurting cheek. "Damn it Edo-chan, you don't have to be so violent. I didn't know you were a masochist."

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?" Edward growled.

"A masochist?"

"No, before that, you bastard!"


"No!" Edward scrunched his nose in disgust. "Edo-chan!" Roy blinked once, before a smirk yet again appeared on his face.

"Well, Edo-chan, since we're going out now, I need to have a proper nickname for you. Unless you want me to call you chibi-Edo." Edward fumed.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT HE COULD DATE AN AMOEBE!" he hollered, pouncing on the man. Roy flew backwards on the street and the back of his head hit the pavement. He groaned—getting Edward was harder than he thought. He never had this much trouble with getting a girl. Edward sat on top of him triumphantly, both his hands holding Roy's wrists down so he couldn't get him off. Roy swallowed—he really liked this position.

He knew he liked bondage. He always knew.

Roy licked his lips—being in the military had its advantages. Like being able to throw off someone who was straddling your hips and reverse their positions.

Which was exactly what he did.

"Well, I think you've been a bad boy," Roy said in a husky voice, making shivers go down Edward's spine as he lied on the cold, wet pavement. "Attacking your superior? Tsk," Roy continued. Edward tried his best not to notice the way his hair was slick with both sweat and rain, he tried not to listen to that deep, husky voice and he tried his absolute best not to notice that Roy was hanging over him and sitting on a very, very sensitive place.

He tried.

But failed.

"How shall I punish you?" Roy pondered, his eyes glazed. Edward growled.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he said, before freeing one auto-mail arm and yanking the man down by the collar of his uniform.

For the second time that day, Roy never saw it coming.