Jaheira1000: Another lovely fic for all you ReiKai lovers!

Disclaimer: Not mine!

Warnings: Yaoi, lemons, possible torture. (There will also be a scene that some would qualify as rape, but I don't because both enjoyed it:P) and MPREG!



CHAPTER ONE: Problems Begin

Rei Kon was having a problem. All neko-jin have a small fault, known as heat. This lasted for three weeks, and caused a slight change in the neko in question. This caused them to try and mate with the person they love or lust after.

His only consolation was the fact that he was in love, and not just lusting after someone. The problem was the fact that he was gay, and he wasn't sure if the object of his affections swings that way. For this reason, he had been unable to do anything about it.

Ever since he started going into heat, he had managed to be in his home village for that season, but this year he couldn't. The reason? They were snowed in, in a hotel in Moscow. The other problem was that he was not only sharing a hotel with his love, but also a hotel room. Life is such a bitch. That's right, you guessed it. Rei was in love with none other than Kai Hiwitari, the cold-hearted, badass leader of the Blade-breakers.

According to weather reports, they would remain snowed in for at least another, you guessed it, three weeks. This meant that, since he would hit heat the next day, he would be spending the entire period in close proximity with the one person he would most avoid during this time. Like I said, life's a bitch.

Currently, he was lying on the bed on his side of the room, watching Kai sleep peacefully. Normally his gaze would be focused on him unwaveringly until sleep claimed him, but tonight Rei couldn't keep his eyes from straying to the clock on his bedside table. As a result, he was nowhere near sleep. He knew that when heat kicked in, he would pass out for a few hours as a result of all the hormones flooding his body.

He was just hoping that he wouldn't jump the younger boy. That's right; Kai was younger than Rei. They were in Moscow, still trying to sort out the mess the abbey was in.

It was three years after BEGA and Ray, Tyson, Kenny and Max were all turning nineteen, while Kai was only turning seventeen. Another ironic thing was the fact that all of them save Kai had grown taller, resulting in him being the shortest member of the team, while Rei was tallest, and Kenny second tallest. The others teased him constantly, but he did his best to ignore them.

In spite of these facts however, Kai was still the leader. He got his own back by taunting them with the fact that they took orders from someone smaller AND younger than them. He also changed his style of clothing, and it had a few small side effects. One of these was the fact that it made him look more vulnerable; it also caused anybody who looked at him to become horny instantly. This included both girls and guys. They practically started drooling when they saw him. The reason? He had taken to wearing mostly form-fitting black leather. I know, drool-worthy. It also made him look fragile because it contrasted sharply with his pale, ivory skin.

Thinking about Kai's change in style made Rei groan. Looking down, he realized he once more had a problem down below. Groaning again, he made his way towards the bathroom. Carefully closing the door behind him, he started taking care of his 'problem'. When he was done, he washed his hands and made his way to the door. Before he reached it, he promptly collapsed...

Kai yawned widely and looked at the clock on his bedside table. 06:05. Hmm, now that's strange. Normally I'm up before Rei. He thought, after seeing Rei's empty bed. Stifling another yawn, he made his way to the bathroom. Seeing the door closed, he knocked. He waited a while, before pushing the door open. He got a wonderful view of Rei slumped on the bathroom floor. Dropping the clothes he had brought with him, he rushed over to Rei, kneeling before him. He shook the raven-haired teens shoulder.

"Rei? Rei! Wake up! What are you doing on the floor? Are you ok?" All of this was shot at Rei as he stirred groaning. Looking up with dazed amber eyes, the first thing his lust fogged mind saw was the object of his affections. Struggling to prevent himself from jumping the concerned slate-haired beauty before him, Rei nodded briefly.

"I'm fine. I just slipped a bit. I've...gotta go." With that, he stood up and left the room, leaving a very confused Kai behind, stumbling slightly from resisting his body's urge to ravish the other teen. Making his way along the corridor, he came to a stop outside Tyson and Max's room.

Disposing with formality he crashed through the door, waking Max and stirring Tyson. Slamming the door shut behind him and locking it, he practically collapsed on Tyson. This effectively woke him completely, and both rushed in concern to help their obviously distraught friend.

"Rei dude, what's wrong? Max help me out here man."

"Come on Rei, what's wrong? Tell us." Looking up into Max's concerned blue orbs, he calmed down slightly. Slowly, he started explaining about his problem. He focused his eyes on the ground for the most part of his narration. Looking up he saw their stunned expressions. After all, taking in the news of Rei being gay, being in love with Kai, and going into heat was quite a lot to take in at once. Finally, after much thought, Tyson asked.

"Is there any way of getting rid of heat? I'm sure you don't go through it for the rest of your life!" Looking up sadly, Rei shook his head. "The only way to get rid of it is to mate with the person I'm in love with. Once a neko-jin is mated with someone, they are bound together permanently. I couldn't do that to Kai, because he would be bound to me too. It doesn't matter whether the two involved are both willing, as long as we have sex, we will be mated. That's why I don't wanna be around him, but I also don't wanna tell him how I feel, because I don't even know if he's gay or not." The others had slight looks of shock on their faces at this piece of information.

"Any possibility that what you feel for Kai is only a crush?" Max asked cautiously. Rei shook his head sadly.

"Neko-jin only fall in love once in their entire lives, which also means that I can't ever get over Kai if he rejects me. That's why I don't wanna tell him." They all nervously whipped their heads around at a soft knock on the door. Cautiously opening the door, they met the face of Kenny. He smiled seeing their concerned looks.

"I may have heard everything, but Kai left a while ago. He didn't hear anything." They all sighed in relief. Looking at Rei the Chief said.

"Don't worry Rei. I'm sure we can help prevent you from...uh..."
"Jumping Kai?" Tyson supplied.

"Yes! Thank you Tyson. Don't look so down Rei. Have you ever thought of trying to make Kai fall in love with you too?" Whipping his head up, Rei shook his head thoughtfully.

"No, I've never thought I had a chance. Besides, he deserves better than me, but I guess I'm selfish because I don't want to let him go." Nodding their heads sympathetically, they started discussing ways and means...

It was now around one in the afternoon, and the others had managed to talk Kai into joining them for a movie. The others had strategically seated themselves in such a way, that Kai had no choice but to join Rei on the love seat.

They had all dragged bedding into the living room, planning on sleeping where they were after the movie. Kai seated himself next to Rei, curling his legs underneath him like a small kitten. Afterwards, Rei would never know what happened in the movie, since he was too aware of Kai next to him.

Every time the small teen moved, he brushed against Rei, who nearly moaned at the contact. The point where Rei nearly burst was were Kai failed to stifle a small and very cute yawn. After the movie, everybody promptly fell asleep. Rei naturally, couldn't since Kai's legs had become somewhat tangled with his. Forcing his eyes shut, Rei eventually fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning, the first thing Rei was aware of was that his blanket was very warm and comfortable, especially with the slow rocking motion it made. Hold on a sec. A blanket moving? Cracking open one eye, he nearly screamed. Sprawled across him, was Kai. His small hand was curled around the blanket on Rei's chest, and his head was tucked into the crook of Rei's neck. Rei looked around to see everybody else waking up.

After a while, everybody but Kai was awake and gaping at them. Rei held up his hands slightly and mouthed 'Not me!'. Looking at him in disbelief, their eyes widened when Kai started stirring. They watched in surprise as he lifted his head looking Rei dead in the eyes. They all gulped, thinking about what flowers they should get for Rei's funeral. Imagine their shock when Kai blushed and apologized to Rei while glaring at the others.

"Sorry Rei. I was cold, and too lazy to go get another blanket." Seeing the shocked looks on the faces of his other teammates he defended himself. "Hey! We sometimes have to share a bed, and some hotels DON'T have enough blankets!" Thus saying, he stretched and they heard a number of clicking noises.

"Much better." He mumbled before striding towards the room he shared with Rei. As he disappeared inside, the others stared open mouthed at Rei who grinned sheepishly.

"It's just too easy to hide the extra sheets, even though it gives the hotels a bad reputation." Gaping at him, they all burst out laughing.

It was now the fifth day of their enforced stay at the hotel, and Rei's...problem...was getting more difficult to handle. Every time he saw Kai, hentai images popped into his head. The others were exploring the hotel, and they would only be back late. Walking into the kitchen, he was surprised to see Kai making hot chocolate. He must have decided to come back early. Watching him move easily around the kitchen was just the last straw for Rei. Striding up behind him silently, he bent low to whisper in Kai's ear.

"What're you making?" Whirling around, Kai nearly dropped his full mug. Seeing Rei, he glared and said.

"Don't do that!" Smirking slightly, Rei stepped forward.

"Do what?" Stepping back unconsciously for every step Rei took forward, Kai answered.

"Don't sneak up on me!" Rei's smirk widened, revealing his fangs.

"But I like sneaking up on you." Seeing Kai's eyes widen slightly, he stepped even closer, backing Kai into the wall. Placing his arms either side of Kai's head, he looked down into the startled face below him.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Kai stuttered slightly. Rei stayed silent, just enjoying his dominance. He lowered his head slightly. Kai pulled back, his head making contact with the cold wall. Rei could see the nervousness and confusion in his eyes. Kai was getting very uncomfortable. What was wrong with Rei? He glanced into Rei's eyes, searching for an answer.

Seeing Kai open his mouth to speak, Rei wasted no more time. His mouth captured Kai's and he felt the younger teen gasp in surprise as he promptly dropped the mug he was holding. Rei, however, ignored the broken cup and took advantage of Kai's open mouth by slipping his tongue inside. Kai felt Rei's tongue explore his mouth, brushing against his own. He was so shocked, he couldn't react. He couldn't even move. Dimly, Rei heard a door slam and he heard Tyson's voice. Breaking off the kiss, he somehow managed to restrain himself, before whirling around and stalking out of the kitchen. Kai watched him leave, still in shock. He couldn't believe what had happened. With his back still against the wall, he felt his legs give way beneath him. Numbly, he felt himself slide onto the floor, his knees level with his shoulders. A few seconds later, the rest of the team entered the room. At first they didn't notice him, until Max looked down and interrupted Tyson.

"Oh my God, Kai! What happened?" Looking down at their young friend, they saw him start trembling. This they found strange, since he was warmly dressed. He didn't move, he didn't even acknowledge their presence. He just kept staring at the floor blankly until Tyson touched his shoulder lightly. Looking up in surprise, they couldn't believe the look of confusion and hurt in his eyes. Kai opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He tried again, and succeeded in choking out a few words.

"Rei...h-he...h-he..." The others gulped down their concern. Kenny stayed with Kai, and tried to calm him down while Tyson and Max went in search of Rei.

Rei POV:

Oh my God, I can't believe I did that to Kai! I suppose I should be glad that the others interrupted me, but I can't help but feel disappointed at the same time. I really tried hard to stay away from him, but the boy is just too gorgeous for words.

The only thing I truly regret is that I forced myself on him. I feel so bad. I keep seeing his shocked face. I keep hearing him asking me what I'm doing. I see Tyson and Max approach me with murderous looks on their faces. Oh man, what now? As they near me, I see Tyson step forward as if to strike me. Fortunately for me, Max stepped up to restrain him.

Normal POV:

Tyson and Max were both fuming, but Max was at least willing to listen to Rei's explanation. The same could not be said of Tyson.

"What did you do to Kai?" The furious blader ground out. Blinking, Rei lowered his head in shame. In a low, barely audible voice, he proceeded to explain what had happened. He also mentioned that seeing Kai so unexpectedly when he had not been expecting him was partly to blame for his loss of control. They listened in stunned silence. They couldn't understand how a simple kiss could be so traumatic for a person unless...

"Guys, I think it's possible that Kai has never been kissed before. That would explain his behavior. It must be pretty bad to have your first kiss forcibly taken away from you." At Max's thoughtful words, Rei felt even worse. How could he do something like this to Kai?

Meanwhile, Kenny was hopelessly trying to get Kai to stand up, but the younger boy was completely ignoring him, still lost in his own little world. He couldn't believe what Rei had done. Why had he done it? Was it to torment him? Had he offended the neko-jin in some way that deserved this terrible punishment? No, Rei wasn't that cruel. He wouldn't do something like this without a good reason…would he? Kai was very confused right about now.

He still couldn't get over the fact that Rei had kissed him. Another thing bothering him was the fact that Rei had pulled away so suddenly. His head was starting to ache, so he just decided to pretend like this had never happened. It sounded good in his head, but he knew it would be very difficult to put it into practice. After all, it's not every day you lose your first kiss to someone of the same gender, especially when you yourself are unsure about your sexual preferences. Oh yeah, definite headache. Standing up on shaky legs, Kai finally tuned into what Kenny was saying. Kenny looked relieved that Kai was actually back in the land of the living again. While listening to Kenny's assurances that Tyson and Max would handle Rei, Kai started walking away from him.

"Hey Kai, where are you going?"


"Out where?"
"I don't know yet, but I need to think." Satisfied that he had given Kenny enough information, Kai left the Breakers hotel suite and made for the training room…

Tyson and Max could see that their newest discovery about Kai had made Rei feel very guilty. They could only imagine how he must be feeling right now. He really cared about Kai, and it's not as if he meant to do that to him. It wasn't his fault that he was a neko-jin who went into heat. Trying to reassure him Tyson made a suggestion.

"Why don't you go to the training room and keep yourself busy there. That way we can give Kai some time to cool off." Nodding slightly, Rei smiled his thanks and made his way outside.

Rei stopped outside the hotels training room, trying to decide what he would do. After deciding on martial arts training, he opened the door and made his way over to the changing rooms. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed someone else who had also decided to do the training, but his mind was too preoccupied to notice. Only after he had gotten changed and made his way over to the martial arts mats did he see whom it was.

Rei mentally kicked Tyson's butt. The other person training was none other than the one person he was most determined to avoid. As he watched Kai mutilate a punching bag, he couldn't stop himself from staring. His posture, frown and strikes all pointed towards enforced concentration. In other words, he was trying to distract himself, and Rei had a pretty good idea what the young teen was trying to forget. This made a little stab in the region in his heart when he realized Kai was trying to forget the fact that Rei had kissed him. As soon as the thought occurred to him, Kai turned around meeting his eyes.

Kai flushed a deep red and averted his gaze. Ignoring his aching heart, Rei strode forward. He stopped a good three feet away, trying not to admire the way Kai's tank top clung wetly to his body. Seeing Rei stop, Kai looked up. Rei tried desperately to apologize, but he knew it would be difficult since he had enjoyed the kiss so much.


"It's ok Rei. Let's just forget it ok?" The softly spoken words each drove a spoke through his heart.

"Sure Kai. I just…wanted to apologize." Seeing the ghost of a smile flit across his face, Rei brightened a little.

"Do you wanna spar?" Although the request surprised him a bit, Rei was happy. Kai had forgiven him. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have invited Rei to join him. As they took their positions across from each other, Rei was excited. He hadn't sparred in a long time. As they started fighting, nothing else mattered. The funny thing that neither of them noticed was the fact that they moved perfectly in sync. As the one would punch, the other would block and counter with a kick, which in turn would be blocked once again. After about half an hour of fighting, Rei noticed Kai's attention wandering slightly. Taking advantage of that, he managed to flip Kai over his shoulder and pin him to the mats.

Finding himself in close contact with the floor, Kai blinked in surprise. He knew his attention had been wandering, but he didn't realize how much until he was forced from his thoughts by Rei's maneuver. Even though Rei's face hovered only inches from his, Kai wasn't stressed. Seeing the look in Rei's eyes, he knew what was coming, but for some strange reason he didn't care. Rei looked down at the body trapped beneath his.

Seeing Kai's face looking so peaceful only inches from his was torture. He saw various emotions flicker through those crimson depths before stopping at one. Acceptance. Leaning down slightly, he touched his lips to Kai's, savoring the sweet taste. He was however, very surprised when Kai seemed to lean into the kiss, adding a bit more pressure. Gliding his tongue across Kai's bottom lip, he silently asked for entrance. Kai opened his mouth ever so slightly, but it was enough. The moment his lips parted, Rei's tongue dove deep into his mouth, exploring every inch of his cavern. Hearing the slight moan released from the back of Kai's throat, Rei smirked against the kiss. Eventually, air became an issue and he lifted his head before reaching down again.

Throughout this, Rei's hands were constantly moving, running up and down the sides of the beautiful boy beneath him. Sliding his hands up from Kai's hips, he hooked his thumbs onto the waistband of Kai's pants and tugged at them lightly. This move brought Kai back down to earth with a vengeance. He suddenly realized what he was doing and pulled away from Rei, giving the neko-jin a shove backwards. Since he was caught by surprise, Rei toppled over. Sitting up, he just managed to catch a view of Kai running back to the shower room. What happened?

Kai POV:

What the hell was that? Why did I do that? This is Rei I'm thinking about. How could I just kiss him, especially after what he did this afternoon? I really need some time to think. Why did I kiss him back, I'm not even gay…am I? I still can't believe I did that. One minute I zone out, and the next I'm on my back making out with one of my teammates. I think I'll go hide out in the kitchens. At least I'll have some time alone there to think.

Rei POV:

Ok, let's think about this calmly. OH MY GOD, KAI KISSED ME! If I died now I would most definitely die happy. I can't believe he responded like that, though I do wonder why he suddenly bolted. Maybe he never thought of being gay. Either way, I'm still on cloud nine!

Normal POV:

After taking a quick shower, Kai made his way into the kitchens, which bustled with activity. He was allowed in the kitchens because he owned the hotel they were staying in thanks to his power-hungry grandfather Voltaire. After securing a relatively quiet spot for himself he started going over recent events in his head.

By now it was pretty much an established fact that Rei had a thing for him, but he wasn't sure if it was just a crush, or whether he was actually in love. The second thing that had been established was the fact that he was either bi or gay, since he had enjoyed that second kiss far too much to be completely straight. The only problem now was the fact that he didn't know whether he liked Rei in that way. Either way, until he made his decision, he would have to avoid him; otherwise his decision might be made much more complicated.

Meanwhile, Rei had also taken a shower, and made his way back to the Breaker's hotel room. Upon reaching it, he made his way over to where he heard voices. The rest of the team was sitting in the kitchen discussing their next tournament. As Rei walked in, they all greeted him, and he was so happy with what had happened, he couldn't resist sharing. After all, they were trying to help him win Kai's heart, so they had to know of every detail. After telling them all what had happened, the others congratulated him on his progress. After chatting for a while, the Breaker's decided to go to bed, but Kai remained in the kitchen, falling asleep where he was.


Jaheira1000: I still think uke Kai is soooooo cute! Remember to R&R! Ja ne:P