Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Baskets, dreams or Haru... is that clear? This is just a fanfic born out of my admiration of sensei's pure genius! Long live Yuki and Kyo! Nyan!

Chapter 3: the yearnings of my soul…

The droning sound of the electric heater drew his feverish mind towards consciousness. The unfamiliar surroundings left him feeling strangely disconnected and out of sorts as weary eyes blinked in rapid succession, searching for something… or somebody.

'Alone… what did I expect?' He thought morosely, dragging a hand over his face. A musky scent invaded his senses and he frowned, confused. His gaze studied his hand asking for answers to the thousand questions that bloomed inside his brain. The skin on his hand felt tight and tingly, the scent itself clean with a touch of earthy musk he found extremely alluring.

Staring at his hand as one would a foreign object; he wondered why it smelled so different from the rest of him.

'Because it is not you.' Kuro Haru informed him succinctly from a corner of his mind.

"Finally, Kuro. I thought you were gone for good this time. Now tell me, why does my hand smell like it does? Anybody would think I jerked off, only this is not my scent." He asked lightly, waiting patiently for a reply that was too long in coming.

"Kuro…" he warned when no answer was forthcoming. "Come on, man! You are up to no good and I know it. Spill it!"

There was something about Kuro's silence that made his hackles rise. Suddenly remembering the images of his most recent dreams, he paled. A gut feeling told him those were not 'just dreams' but actual memories.

'That can't be happening! Not again!' His mouth tensed into a hard line as he growled menacingly.

"Don't tell me you had your fun using my body again... Damn it Kuro! You promised! Who's cum is it this time? Anybody I know? Answer me or I'll swear to God I'll… I'll…" his flushed cheeks disclosed his shame at the mere thought of such a possibility.

"Tell me damn it! Whose is it? Answer!" The skin over his knuckles paled as he pounded his blanket-covered thighs. His anger was almost a tangible, living thing pacing inside the darkened room.

"Mine." A voice pierced the silence, a shadow moved towards him out of the darkness surrounding his bed.

Whirling, he gaped incredulously.

"Tohru-chan?" His tired mind was slow in understanding the reason behind Tohru's presence inside the room. She came to a halt beside his bed, a wet towel on her hand. Belatedly, he realized she had been the one taking care of him all this time. Her small hands trembled around the towel she was using to presumably cool down his fever. Her pale face and dark eyes held a challenge in its depths.

"The scent on your hand is mine, Haru." She stated again on a clear voice. She straightened her back and hid the towel behind her back, pushing her breasts into a more prominent position. Something in his gut tightened as his eyes followed her actions.

Blushing he looked away, unable to hold her gaze. In confusion, he turned inwards for confirmation. The only one who could unravel this mess was Kuro.

'It can't be! I couldn't have! Kuro! Please! Tell me this is not true!' he begged silently, close to tears.

Kuro's maddening silence served only to confirm their guilt. Ashamed, he tried to apologize. His heart felt sick inside. There was no way he could undo what Kuro had done. Just thinking about sullying the innocent girl before him made him cringe inside. Kuro had always wanted her and deep down inside he knew it was only time before he tried to act upon those wants. There should have been something he could have done to prevent this! He knew it was impossible to forgive such a thing, but he would find a way to atone somehow. He had to make it up to Tohru one way or the other.

"I… I… Tohru.. I mean... Honda-san… I..." he started, falling silent when his mind drew a blank. Maybe it was the fever, maybe it was the grief and shame he felt deep inside his soul. It didn't matter why but he didn't know what to do or say to make it better.

Closing his eyes in shame he cursed himself for a fool wondering how he could have used her so badly. He was a slowpoke, a beast, an idiot, a scumbag, a looser and now apparently a rapist. He didn't deserve to live. 'Rin was so right!' Helpless tears rolled down his cheeks as he took in deep breaths, still unable to face Tohru.

"Please, Tohru… I…" He sobbed brokenly, trying to repress his tears but unable to continue.

'Such a pathetic excuse for a man! I only got you what you wanted!' Kuro finally replied with a smirk, enjoying his tears.

Curling inside himself in shame, he covered his face with his hands. 'Surely she hates me now! Kuro! How could you!'

He flinched slightly as hesitant hands wrapped around his. Vanquishing his resistance, they took hold of his hands and guided them to close around soft, cloth-covered skin. His eyes opened as his hands closed around warm, twin globes.

"Tohru?" he repeated inanely.

"There, now. Don't say a word. This will work out somehow. Close your eyes and feel me." She whispered using his hands to massage her covered breasts. Once she was sure he would continue on his own, she used her free hand to rummage under the blankets in search for something. His fingers flexed around the warm flesh, drawing a pleased mewl from her throat. Unable to comprehend her actions but pleased beyond words, he stalled until nimble fingers burrowed under his boxers.

'This is not happening.' His eyes widened when her hand wrapped itself around his quickly hardening length.

"This hand here pleased me enormously." She started, bringing one up to kiss and lick his fingers tenderly, her pupils dilated and wide.

"My only problem now is that since I've tasted you, I find myself wanting more. You must take responsibility." She whispered with a naughty pout, her flushed cheeks a clear indicator of her lust.

Leaning forward to steal a kiss, her hands flew to her blouse, tearing
at the buttons in her haste to rid herself of clothes. She wanted some skin on skin contact.

"Touch me!" She begged, her hungry gaze caressed his body eagerly while she bared her breasts to his incredulous gaze. Her hands guided his saliva-slick digits into her crotch, urging him to fondle her silently. To his eternal surprise, she was wet and naked under her skirt, her body ready and begging for release. Like a mindless drone, he proceeded to do as she requested, his hand teasing the coarse black hairs while tracing the moist lips that begged for his touch, dipping just the tip inside her heat.

Twisting like a cat, she leaned forward, pushing his finger deeper inside her body. 'Man she's hot!' He thought distractedly as his digit moved on its own making her moan. Greedy for more of those throaty sounds, he added first one then another of his fingers inside her hungry sex, mimicking with his hand what his body begged him to do.

"Tohru-san" He stuttered and closed his eyes when her ravenous lips wrapped around him, licking and sucking him into submission.

His hips moved instinctively while his length submerged repeatedly inside the deep, wet cavern that was Tohru's mouth.

The heated tongue teased his aching tip before drawing his balls inside her mouth, sucking and pulling on his scrotum and using her spit to tease the tight ring of muscle behind them. He hissed as the tip pushed inside his ass, rendering him immobile.

"Tohru…please" he begged, pleasure rendering his limbs rigid, his fingers buried knuckle-deep inside her. Moaning incoherently, he bucked in desperation, pushing his hand harder inside her.

Moaning his name, she rose. His fingers soon missed her warmth and he started to protest before he realized she was moving towards him not away from him, the spectacle rendering him speechless.

Entranced, he allowed his hand to fall to the side as his mind noted her wildly flushed cheeks, the swaying white globes and the contrasting triangle of fur amidst the creamy expanse of skin of her thighs. Lust teased him into submission while he waited for her actions with a bated breath wondering how he'd gotten so lucky while he was at it.

Placing a knee on each side of his hips, she smiled knowingly before taking hold of his length and guiding it to her weeping entrance. Half-closed eyelids kept his brain from melting as he groaned with heartfelt satisfaction as she promptly impaled herself on his raging erection.

His sensitive tip twitched painfully at being suddenly encased inside a furnace. It was a good kind of pain he welcomed wholeheartedly.

'So hot! She is so hot inside.' Were the only thoughts inside his dazed brain. She moved over him like a wild beast, the slapping sound of their connected bodies driving him higher into passion as she pounded herself mercilessly, teasing her breasts for his enjoyment while contracting around him.

'Oh God Kuro! She's killing me!' he wailed searching inside his mind for the familiar presence. Strangely enough, it seemed he was blessedly alone for the ride and it pleased him immensely. This time around, Tohru was his.

"Tohru… Tohru!" he panted holding onto her hips, to synchronize their movements. He was incredibly close to climaxing and he wanted to come deep inside her.

Suddenly there was pain. Pain like he'd never known before. Screaming with pain, he opened his eyes to find Kyon's boots connecting with his most sensitive place after tearing a struggling Tohru away from him. Pushing her into the waiting arms of Yuki, he laughed maniacally as he rained kicks and punches over his prone form.

"I'm gonna kill you, you fucking hentai cow! I will fucking kill you!" Haru cowed, trying to protect himself from the sudden assault.
A particularly well directed hit against his ribs had him seeing stars while he struggled to cover himself as best as he could. Kyo hit him over and over, angry beyond words.

'So, this is kyo's potential when he takes all the stops? Maybe I will die.' He thought with strange detachment as he was beat within an inch of his life. Another kick connected with his head and it rang terribly.

He watched in horrified fascination as Yuki slapped Tohru in a vain effort to make her react. Still, she kept on coming straining her body to reach him which in turn pushed Kyo to hit him harder. 'Stop… Tohru.' He wanted Yuki to stop. It was not her fault.

Single-mindedly, she crawled towards her goal like an animal until Yuki, their resident timid mouse, pushed her forcefully into the floor and sat on her, cursing them both all the while.

"Whore, how dare you! How could you, Haru! Damn you both! You are dogs! Both of you!" Tears coursed down his cheeks as his pale hands tightened around her neck. He was going to stop her from reaching her goal one way or another. Death seemed like a good answer at that moment.

"Stop! Yuki, stop! You can't! Please!" He wailed, attempting to sit, sweating profusely as cool arms pushed him back against the bed.

"Easy there, Haru-kun. You are safe… it's all a dream…" A soothing voice patted his fevered brow and he blinked slowly, trying to dispel the nightmare that had taken his brain by storm and turned it to mush.
Focusing in the light bulb directly over his head he took calming breaths to bring his unruly pulse under control.

'It was a nightmare, it never happened. Tohru is still the same sweet and innocent being. I haven't fucked her, Yuki is not trying to kill her and Kyon is not gonna kick me in the balls with his boots until I bleed.' He paused until his breathing calmed enough.

'God! That was some really fucked up dream!' Relaxing a bit after a while, he allowed his senses to open to the scene around him.
Once more, the droning sound of the electric heater pulled his feverish and tired mind towards consciousness.

Warily, his eyes strained around, looking for something… or somebody. He was sure somebody had soothed him when he awoke from his nightmare, who was it?

'Am I really alone… Why is this so familiar?' He thought worriedly, trying to pin down disturbing images that faded before he had time to do more than notice them.

Dragging a hand over his face, he frowned in confusion. A musky scent invaded his senses, the skin in his hand felt tight, the scent itself musky and earthy: sexual in nature. Ears buzzing, he stared at his hand as one would a possibly deadly object; fearing to ask himself why it smelled so different from the rest of him.

Something deep inside made him steer clear from that string of thought and it was gone before he could pursue it.

"Haru?" a hushed voice called from a corner of the room. His heart beat madly wondering if this was a dream or not. The shadows parted to disclose the familiar shape of Yuki and he sighed in relief.

"Are you feeling better? Ha'ri said to let you sleep as long as you wanted; that you are quite sick and need all the rest you can get, but you seem to be in pain most of the time. I was going to call him again if you didn't wake up soon. Kyo was here until a few minutes ago. He went to check on Tohru. After you collapsed, so did she. Remember? We helped you part of the way back but at the end we had to haul you with a truck, because you transformed." Yuki finished with a helpless shrug, a frown marring his face.

"What?" Haru queried, wondering at the other's expression, his pulse skipping along his veins with the fear. His mind had hazy images he couldn't shake and Kuro's silence was starting to drive him nuts.

'You better tell me what happened before I discover the truth by myself. If you dared to dishonor Tohru I swear I …' He started unsure of what he would do.

'You swear what? She certainly didn't protest. She was actually grinding her pussy against our hand with lots of enthusiasm if with little skill. We buried 3 fingers and a thumb inside her hot body. She could have screamed or whimpered even but she didn't. She just let it happen!' Kuro mocked his outrage from his corner inside the depths of his soul.

'What?' He straightened his body still as he struggled to believe Haru's words. His alter ego usually was a pervert but never a liar. His ears buzzed as his face turned beet red.

'Then it's true? You… you… my hand… the scent…?' he queried in a dazed mental loop.

'That the peculiar scent over your hand is all Tohru's cunt juice? Yeah… But she enjoyed it…and I can prove it. That's why she's unconscious and resting. She enjoyed your hand so much she was not ready to face reality after she climaxed. And something tells me she will be coming back for more…' he chuckled evilly, conjuring perverse new ideas to torture Tohru and Haru.

"Fuck off!" Haru screamed and Yuki jumped beside him.

"Well, then. If you didn't want me to talk to you, you should have said so." Yuki shot back coolly more than a bit hurt and started to rise.

Haru felt like a heel having forgotten Yuki's presence. "Forgive me…Kuro… I mean… I …" he started but decided against saying anything else. Deciding that way lay the way to madness, he suddenly allowed his curiosity got the best of him. "Ano sa… Yuki?" he started cautiously.

His cousin's forgiving nature had him stopping at the sound of his voice. "Hn?"

"What did you say happened to Tohru?" he asked careful to keep his tone neutral.

Yuki turned around with a surprised expression. "I just finished telling you. After you fell, she fainted right beside you. I believe the effort was too much for her. She is resting on her bed right now." He turned and continued to the water basin set on the dresser.

"Kyo is looking after her right now. Don't worry." He said with a soft smile.

'You can say the effort was too much for her! Of course! Keeping down her wanton cries was too much of an effort all right!' Kuro crowed while flashing him with images of Tohru's flushed face while he played with her body. Haru tightened his hand, fighting against an arousal that threatened to burn a hole through the blanket.

'This is not happening! I never touched her.. I…' his guilt was so big he chose to lay back and hide again. He was not up to facing anybody anymore. It was too much. Kuro was in his corner happily petting his memories of Tohru and he wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

'I will sleep, Kuro. I don't want to think about this anymore. You better keep out away from me from now on, understood?' he ordered as he felt his mind once again submerge in the pleasant warmth of oblivion. It was all too much to process at one go.

'Maybe this time my dreams will be pleasant and true.' He sighed and relaxed against the blanket.

A few minutes later, the door to his room shut signaling Yuki's departure. Dark eyes opened once more and the thin youth cradled his head over his crossed arms as he lay on the bed. He was truly pleased with the results of his little experiment.

'I can't wait to see what else we can get from her, Haru-kun. You can cry and pout all you want after I get my piece of ass. So, how 'bout getting ourselves a piece of tight, white ass, my repressed alter-ego? I bet it must be tender.' He drawled, pulling his hand from under his head, he brought it close to his face and inhaled the faint scent that was all Tohru.

His body tightened upon remembering her flushed face and dripping wet folds. Licking his fingers for want to taste some of that maddening scent, he smiled perversely.

'Just a bit more, Tohru-chan. Wait only a bit more… Soon I will be by your side. I promise to take really good care of you.'

Author's note: -shrugs- there you have it. I am still not happy with the outcome, but since I am tired of trying to fix it, I decided to publish it as is. /

I know its not good, but well, it was finished more than 2 weeks ago and still cant find how to make it better, so this is it. The intention for this chapter was dark, disturbing and hot. Hope I made it. ciao! .