This is the final chapter and it's the first IggyMax implied fanfic! T.T I'm going to miss it but I get to work on another IggyMax fic, yay me! So Please Enjoy!

I just finished my first week of school... Omg I have a bunch of homework... Mk, so the reviews:

I'll give my reviewer winners at the end... you'll know why... don't wan't to spoil the ending.

ofautumnskies: I LOVE YOU! I love this song! And yeah, I officially love this. The song for the whole story :D I give you the largest coookie I can bake!

BlackGothFaerie: Aww! I feel loved! XD Yeah, I know the feeling when I read DP fics. As much as I get annoyed with it, it leaves me with a really good feeling of excitement. But don't worry, this is not the end... I have a sequel coming... working on it (when I'm not working on honors homework XP)

Chapter 6:

Final Chapter
I Finally Saw You


Fuse, she feels so warm in my hands. I hear her chirp happily whenever I touch her head. I got to figure out a way that she can follow me when we're flying from place to place.

"Iggy. I need to talk to you." Max whispered in my ear. I nodded letting Fuse hop onto my shoulders. I wonder what Fuse looked like, what color was her feathers and her beak. I stood up as Max grabbed my hand leading me towards the entrance of the cave, I could feel the heat of the sun. "Follow me." She let go of my hand and I heard her jump off the lip and her wings snap open.

"Get ready." I whispered to Fuse, pulling out my wings and soaring up towards Max's flaps. We flew, from my guess, for almost a half hour landing near soft ground, like muddy grass or something. Fuse's feet were holding onto my shirt, I could feel her talons trying to break my skin. "So what do we need to talk about?" I asked, Fuse jumped on top of my head. I could hear a nearby lake; maybe that's why the ground was moist.

"Sight really." Max sounded nervous. She's been acting odd ever since I told her about how I wanted her to see. I don't know why she's still that way; I mean it's been almost two weeks. "Iggy, I see you." My heart jumped slightly as her hand cupped my cheek softly. "But I doubt it's the way you want me to."


I think my body just sunk to the bottom of that lake. Max continued. "I love you, yes, but you were my first love and I got over you after some time. I'm sorry. And when you told me to see you I tried. I tried to see what you wanted me to see and I thought about how I actually saw you."

"I admire you, always so fearless; always making bombs that could potentially kill us. You live for the moment while I just sit by thinking." I beamed inwardly. She admired me. "But I realized in these past weeks that the more I admired you it was more of just a proud feeling. Like a mother would feel proud of her son."


Another stab in the heart but my expression remained blank. Max's hand slid from my cheek and fell to her side. I can hear her; I think she's choking back a sob. "And I'm sorry Iggy. I'm really sorry that I can only see you as a son. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I'm sorry if I broke your heart, I'm sorry that I'm hurting you right now."

"Max…" I trailed off, what was I supposed to say? It hurt like hell but I needed to comfort her, I brought all of this on her anyway. Fuse chirped in confusion above me. "Max, I'm sorry to put you through this." I took slow hasty steps towards her, feeling her arm I grabbed it softly and pulled her towards me. I hugged as her body shuddered with sadness and guilt.

Max pulled away moments later, I heard her take a few steps back. "I want you know something." Her hair rustled in the breeze. "Even though I love you like a mother would her son, I hold you closer because you've always been there for me. And know that I'll never desert you. I'll always be by your side. If you need me, I'll be there in a moments notice. I love you that much. I'll drop everything. Even if I'm fighting Ari or if one of our team goes missing and we have to find them. I'll drop it to make sure you're safe and whole." Max sniffed. She hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry Ig, I'm sorry I couldn't see you the way you saw me."

"It's ok." I said after a while. Slowly pulling away from Max, I rested one of my hands on her cheek, my fingers running over every detail of her face. I smiled sadly, I could finally see her face in my mind and it was sad. "I would always want my mother to be happy." My fingers found her lips and pulled one corner of her mouth into a smile.

Even if you don't love me Max. It's ok; I'm fine with just being seen as your son. At least I know I'm still loved by you. And perhaps that's how I see you too. You were someone to look up to, like my guardian. When our lips met in the other cave I didn't feel a spark. Maybe you saw me the way I wanted you to after all.

Max let out a sad laugh and I beamed at her. I could feel her smile sincerely. We would be Mother and son, well sort of. "So," Max began, her feet squishing into the ground as she went from heel to heel. "I'm thinking of taking the flock out for something. And suggestions?"

"Ice cream, Strawberry mocha for me." I grinned. Max laughed, her voice echoing in the forest.

"Strawberry mocha it is. Lets go before everyone worries." Max told me. I nodded, waiting for her take off before jumping into the air, Fuse flying just in front of my shoulder. "So we're cool right?" Max asked when we almost reached the cave.

"Better than cool." I nodded towards her voice. We landed just in front of the cave, Fang and Angel were up, I could hear their footsteps.

"Get up you lazy bums!" I heard Max yell into the cave. "The sooner we leave, the sooner we get ice cream." The vibrations of everyone jumping up in excitement almost startled me. I could see everyone's figures, just barely. Fuse chirped in excitement on my head. I could only grin.

"Well that was an awakening." Total complained from within the cave. I heard Fang's footsteps grow closer to Max and me.

"Hey." Max's voice sounded happy and shy at the same time. I heard them kiss and hid my disgusted face. "We're all cool now, I'm hoping?" She asked Fang.

"Cooler than cool." Fang replied. I should probably get away from this love sap thing now. I heard shuffling of Nudge trying to shove something into her pack.

"Here," I began, kneeling beside Nudge, my hand accidentally brushed against her hand. I felt her gaze on me. "Let me help." I felt the fabric, it was her sleeping bag. I rolled it up for her and helped Nudge pack it.

"Uh, thanks." Nudge replied. I heard her hand go to her head to brush back her hair. I smiled at her, maybe Nudge wasn't so bad. If she could stop talking for once , I think she would be ok to hang out with.

"No problem." Fuse chirped in agreement after I spoke. Gasman, I grinned. He was trying to hide something, his shuffles were weirder than normal. Well his shuffles were already weird. My grin faded in realization. Oh Crap. "Fire in the hole." I muttered and ran towards the entrance, not caring if Fang and Max were still outside making out.

That was the WORST sound ever! I mean when people say 'let it rip', they obviously haven't heard Gazzy when he lets it rip. I give him a seven for the sound though. The bomb at Itex was way better. And then that smell. "GAZZY!" The flock yelled. Worse than rotten eggs, worse than silent but deadly's, worse than ANY horrible smell! Jeebus Gazzy? What did you eat?

You know what? My packs still in there… it probably stinks of Gazzy… great, Max? When do we wash our stuff again?

Everyone was outside, I could hear most of them gagging at the smell. Total says the flowers wilted from ten feet below. Yeah… that's kinda how bad it was.

When all our stuff aired out we flew towards a city near Idaho or somewhere. It's all the same to me. We landed and took a while to find an ice cream shop, how fun. Walking blindly through the streets with a bird on your shoulder.

But the ice cream, the ice cream was great, three scoops for me, actually I think everyone got three scoops and Max and Fang split a sundae. How fluffy, as some people would say. I'd say too boyfriend and girlfriend – ish, disgusting. But then again, that's me, the almighty Iggy.

Fuse chirped happily after Max gave her a cherry. I could only smile to myself. So what if we saw each other as Mother and son. It's one way to go. I shrugged. Nudge was talking with Angel and Gasman was telling me something about a bomb. I should probably be listening but I'm not. Whoops.

Another chirp. I looked in the direction of Fuse's chirp and saw a flash of red. "Max?" I asked. Was that red feathers? I heard Max turn in my direction. "What color is Fuse?"

"Red, why?" Max replied. I could imagine her curious face. I myself was questioning myself. Did I just see some of Fuse in my darkness? I blinked and tried to look around. Nothing but black.

Another chirp, I saw Max's face for a split second. She grew up. Her face is different than I remember. But then again the last time I saw her was seven years ago when we were nine. "Nothing." I replied. Were my eyes healing? Slowly but were they? Or was it Fuse, her chirps are making my nerves react to make my eyes work. I don't know. All I know is that I saw Fuse and I saw Max.

You can see me Max and now, I finally saw you.

Awww T.T I'm sad now... I can't believe I did that to poor Iggy. I wanted him to get together with Max... But you know, sometimes it works like that. Don't worry Iggy! I'll becoming with a full out IggyMax story soon! It's called Beneath the Strawberries. And we all know Iggy has Strawberry blonde hair ;D Then I have a Masquerade story as a Sequal to this one (Me thinks it's pretty cool) and then A completly Orginal story Called '30 seconds' with our new favorite Triangle! IggyMaxFang! I already know how it will end and you won't believe the ending...

To my reviewers:

Yascarocks and Mrs Pierre Bovier, I'm sorry... I wanted it to be IggyMax too T.T But it just kinda turned out that way (WAAA!) :cries:

filmakersdream, Da Jitter Bug, and SamanthaFantasyFan You won! Big cookies for the three of you!

And thanks to all my reviewers!

So keep a lookout for my upcoming stories!

