Beetle V.S. Halfa

Synopsis: BEETLEJUICE Xover The Dietz family moves next door to Sam and there daughter Lydia draws the attention of Danny, will Sam accept Beetlejuice's "help"? Eventual DxS.

Notes: - I will be using the movie versions of the Beetlejuice characters, but the B-man may turn out a little less psychotic

I'll try to keep chapters consistent but no guarantees

DISCLAIMER: insert typical Disclaimer joke here

Chapter 1

No matter how hard Amity Park tried passing itself off as an average Middle-American town most still know it as a kind of ghost capital USA; the town has after all suffered major ghost attack's, and has been the scene of many ghost sightings.

Most of all though, the town is known for the ever present ghost boy; a figure which had evaded the capture of many ghost hunters including the government's guy's in white, and local ghost hunting couple Jack and Maddie Fenton. The town however offers little paranormal attractions aside from a tour offered by a boy named Tucker Foley who takes visitors on a short bicycle ride through known ghost hotspots for 20 dollars.

In summary the town is best left to those obsessed with the paranormal, and a definite skip-it for my more refined reader.

Rating (out of five) X - - - -

Charles Boseman – Travel critic

Lydia Dietz skimmed over the article not quite sure what to make of it; a haunted town? Her family had spent the last year in a haunted house, but it had all seemed rather tame after awhile. Her dad tried to get the ghosts involved in his amusement park idea, convinced it was the million dollar plan that would get him back on top in the real-estate business, but it never worked out. Now moving to the most haunted town in the USA, she began to suspect her father's reasons for moving again. As their car passed the Amity Park entrance billboard she wondered if her dad had quite given up on the idea.


Taking heavier breathes to match the quickening beats of her heart, Sam Manson teased herself into believing what she was experiencing was not the product of her dreams but the final outcome to years of innocent flirtation.

Her best friend Danny Fenton lay next to her in bed with a look of passionate resolve that seemed to make the endless barriers and conflicts that had always stood between them melt away.

He leaned in closer till they're faces were inches apart; Sam could feel the warmth on her face from a combination of his breathe and the blood rushing to her head which made her normally milky white cheeks turn a shade of crimson. Her mind seemed to have trouble focusing on the dark and gloomy atmosphere of her room, which had blended together into a dark purple haze that surrounded the two of them.

"Sam?" He said in an almost inaudible whisper.

She tried to speak but his words seemed to drag slowly through her mind loosing bits of meaning along the way.

"Sam" He said again, though his face now joined the unfocused images in the background.

"Danny…?" She whispered; her mind clearing as his face came back into focus, now with the look of care-free happiness he usually wore.


"D-Danny!" Sam yelped as reality came crashing down around her.

'What is he doing here? Oh please tell me he didn't here me whisper his name in my sleep.'

Danny however seemed totally clueless as ever even though Sam's cheeks now matched her blood red sheets.

"Your finally awake" he said with mock exasperation. "I was about to call Tucker up here to see if he still had an Ember track on his PDA we could play at full blast to get you up". The joke was lost on a very uncomfortable Sam who was still processing her fake fake-out-make-out.

'Now that's just sad, a new low. It's bad enough I look forward to our fake-out make-outs since that's probably as close as I'll ever get to a real relationship with Danny; now I'm making out with him in my subconscious.'

For a moment she briefly thought back to his bare chest, the near-kiss, those leering eyes…Wait a second, leering eyes?…MY NIGHTIE! Sam pulled her covers up to her neck, covering her skimpy black nightie (strictly a comfort thing). While Danny eyes suddenly became interested in one of her posters on the far side of the room.

"Y-yeah..uh… so I'll see you downstairs when your ready" he said uncomfortably leaving the room. The moment he left Sam buried her head in her pillow.

'Oh God smother me now!'


Danny didn't say a word to Tucker as they waited for Sam, what was he supposed to say!

'Hey man guess what, I was totally checking out Sam's rack dude'

It made him uncomfortable just thinking it. He hoped this wouldn't make things awkward between them all day, every time he started thinking of Sam in that way he'd start acting like a total spaz around her; neither Tucker nor Sam ever seemed to notice though.

'Thank god those two are so clueless, now if I could just get that image OUT OF MY HEAD!'

Tucker watched his best friend pace back and forth down the entranceway, smiling while he leaned again the wall totally relaxed. He had told Danny to go up alone and wake Sam hoping seeing her lying there in bed might stir something up, but obviously allot more than that happened up there.

'Probably saw her naked' Tucker thought noticing Danny making nervous glances upstairs. He knew the only way these two lovebirds would ever get together was if someone...slowly..carefully...and with the precision of a surgeon…

...Flung the two of them into an outrageous scenario that would make them recognize they're feelings for one another!

'When my job is done, I am SO going to be best man at there wedding'


Eventually Sam came downstairs in her usual goth attire.

"So sleeping beauty decided to join us, we've already wasted half a Saturday. Was your clock broken or something?" Tuck asked

"Actually for once my parents didn't wake me up with there 'It's a beautiful sunny day out there' routine" Sam said imitating a cheery voice similar to her mothers. "I'm guessing it must be a pretty dark and gloomy day out ther- Ahh!"

Bright sunshine poured in through the front door. Birds chirped happily, and squirrels played together across her lawn like a scene from an old Disney picture; Even the sound of a morning dove could be heard faintly in the distance.

"My god it's worse then EVER!" Sam screamed trying to slam the door, while Tucker and Danny held it open and forced her out.

"C'mon Sam it's not that bad, I think I see some dark and sinister looking stuff over there" Danny said motioning just next-door, where several moving vans were unloading some of most bizarre sculptures he had ever seen. Many of them seemed downright frightening but Danny couldn't help at smile at the look of delight on Sam's face; the different way Sam reacted to these things is what made her so unique compared to the other girls he liked.

"Well, looks like your going to be living right next door to the Adams family Sam- " Tucker paused as one of the movers removed another sculpture, this time of a gruesome severed head with a snake like neck.

"- or maybe the Munsters?" he finished, though Sam only seemed to get more exciting at this prospect.

"Or maybe the coolest family ever!" She cried eagerly.

Sam proceeded next door pulling Tuck and Danny closer to the hideous furniture and sculptures as they dragged there feet. She stared at some of the sculptures then moved towards one of the desks still lying on the lawn; a box of photos had been left open on top, Sam dared herself to peer inside after one of the movers lay a large leather recliner down nearby and didn't seem concerned with what she was doing there.

'Probably thinks I'm with the family, for once Goth equals Blend in'

Sam started looking through some of the photos. Most were in black in white or taken at night, all were very artistic; she continued digging deeper despite Tucker and Danny's insistence that they leave.

'I swear if these guys didn't know me there lives would be a total bore' she thought to herself, relishing in the fact that (because of Desiree's meddling) she knew it was accurate.

"Alright Sam, you've looked at the photos can we go now, we're being surrounded by stuff that looks like it belongs in the ghost zone." Danny replied glancing nervously around.

"Actually I don't think Skulker's much for post-modern furniture" Tucker said pushing the ON switch for a nearby table lamp and watching as all the knobs on the table it was sitting on light up.

"Weird" Tucker said scratching his head.

"Believe me, my family's seen weirder" a voice said only a few feet away, making all three teens jump a foot in the air in surprise.

The black leather recliner that had been next to them the whole time turned on it's base revealing a teen girl covered from head-to-toe in black, she seemed to blend almost totally in with the chair; Her pale face just barely visible under a dark veil, and her black gloved hands holding a professional photography camera in her lap.

"-And from the things you've been talking about, so have you guys."

A/N: Thoughts, Comments, Criticism? All welcome and in-fact encouraged, Seeing as how if I don't get many reviews I'll take that as a sign I'm not quite up to scratch yet.