
Welcome to the wondrous sequel to "Sohma's VS The Parallels".

Glad you could make it!


Dukoro-chan owns zero. Zilch. Zip. Nothing.

Tohru stood at the kitchen sink, washing the dishes. It was a new week; the Parallels had mysteriously disappeared only days ago and now everything was back to normal. She had also recovered from having to slave away in the kitchen for hours on end to feed all the people who flocked to Shigure's house. Although, she did sort of miss having someone stand by her side all day and ask her questions. It kept her company in those lonely, lonely times. She hummed a tune from the TV she saw earlier that morning.

"Yo, Tohru," Kyo whistled. "Can ya speed it up a bit? I'm starving out here!"

Yep, Tohru was glad everything was back to normal. Kyo was still on her back, but it sure beat having EVERYONE on your back. She smiled inwardly to herself and began moving her hands faster. Kyo left.

"Good morning, Miss Honda!" Came Yuki's more cheerful voice. He also seemed more pleasant now all those twins had gone.

"Oh, good morning Yuki! How was your sleep?"

"Fine, thank you. Smells delicious, whatever you're cooking…" He toddled off, leaving Tohru alone in the kitchen again. Tohru waited instinctively for Shigure to come in next, as he was usually last awake. Although, Tohru remembered, Shigure always said-

"As a writer, I need my beauty sleep! Which means I can sleep unusual hours at will! Now, if you're ever tired, you know you can always come sleep with me…"

Tohru chuckled to herself as she remembered this was usually were Kyo smacked Shigure around the back of the head, making Shigure cry dramatically.

She began serving up the miso soup and fish she had just cooked. She clapped her hands together and carried out the plates she had just finished washing, filled to the brim with food.

Now, Kyo had sworn he had smelt leeks when he went into the kitchen. He had been tapping his fingers against the table waiting, so he could yell at the poor girl.

"Tohru!" He yelled, the moment she stepped foot into the kitchen. "Eww! I hate leeks! How could you cook these! Are you trying to kill me?"

"Stupid cat," Yuki concluded, like the boring person whom only has one insult he is. "She didn't cook leeks. She cooked miso and fish. Now, tell me, who's favourite breakfast is that?"

Kyo paused; fist raised and mouth hanging wide open. He didn't know weather he feel bad for yelling at Tohru like that when she cooked his favourite, or be embarrassed that she did that for him.

"Feh!" He said, swiping at his hair. "Like I care!"

Tohru smiled sweetly. "Are you sure you don't want any Kyo? I could make you some leeks, if you feel sick!"

"NO. FRICKEN. WAY." Kyo growled, grabbing his plate and shoveling in his food. Yuki rolled his eyes and ate his food respectively, keeping his dignity and fists at the ready. Then, almost on cue, Shigure came prancing down the stairs.

"Kyo! Have you been abusing Tohru, the poor little flower? I heard you in your room last night; have you been thinking like a pervert?"

"What I didn't…" Kyo stopped. What the hell was he talking about? He found it best to leave while he still could. He made a break for it before Shigure could say anymore. Shiggy, the pervy dog, giggled. Tohru, oblivious, smiled awkwardly.

"Um, Shigure?" She asked hesitantly. "W-What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, check Kyo's sheets today. You'll see!"

"SHIGURE!" Came the angry voice of Yuki. "Leave Miss Honda alone! She wasn't want to be scarred by someone of the likes of you!"

Shigure ran away before Yuki could stab him with the spork. He didn't intend to have his eyes poked out.

And so, the day began as normal. So what came next was a big surprise.




I bet I'm being so hated right now.
