CHAPTER ONE: truth beyond the silent boy


'Talking in signs' or writing something down


Flashbacks or dreams

A boy with black jet hair was laying on a king size bed staring at the ceiling as if there was some kind of puzzle he was trying to figure out. He stared at the ceiling withought even blinking his violet eyes. He wasn't really thinking much he was more like reviewing what had happen in his live since he went to high school. Not a lot has happened well he had the perfect live you would be confused why he was laying on that bed like he was the only person in the word. He heard a knock on the door, probably one of his friends coming to check up on him. He turned from the ceiling to look at the door as if he was a robot. He didn't say anything he just started at it withought saying anything it was as if he couldn't talk well the truth was that he couldn't talk. He could only do signs and that was it, he could hear but no word has ever escaped from his mouth. The person entered the room the person was his halve brother who was about 16 not older than he was. He was only older than him for two years making him 14 years old.

"Sango's here with your other friends" he said as he walked to his bed and sat at the edge.

"What's the matter" he asked looking at his brother with a concerned look on his face.

'Nothing, just thinking' he signed, he got up and sat next to his brother smiled and walked out the door. This quiet InuYasha Shessy was never really use to him he liked him more when they used to fight and just be like every brother who argue and fight for nothing sometimes. He signed and followed him down the stairs. When they got down stairs there were some of his friends from school they smiled at him and he smiled back. He's mostly popular with the girl because he is a sweetheart to all of them, and to boys he didn't like peeking on anyone or fight with anyone.

"Hey Yasha wass up, read to go play some basketball" Miroku his closest friend said. He nodded yes and they walked out to the court which was just right outside the backyard. Oh yah and he's mostly popular because he has a big house with mostly every sports field in it.

"Let's go four, Sango you wanna play?" Miroku asked looking at her with the ball ready to serve.

"No I'll sit this one out" she said hugging her legs and looking forward.

"Then one of us has to sit out" he said as he looked around. Inu got his little book out since they couldn't understand sign language much and wrote something down.

'I'll sit out; I don't feel like playing much anyways' he showed it to everyone.

"Are you sure?" they asked looking at him funny.

He nodded yes and went over to where Sango was sitting and sat next to her.

'What the matter with you' he wrote down and handed her the little note. She looked at and looked at him before reading it when she did she just smiled.

"Nothing thanks for asking thought" she said smiling at him again and they started watching the other boys playing basketball. They watched the game Miroku and his team won.

"Yay!" he said as he jumped up celebrating his victory.

"Come on I'm going" Sango said as she got up and stretched calling for Miroku.

"Wait for me, see ya later Yasha" he said as he shook Inu's hand and ran after Sango since they mostly lived in the same street.

"Yeah see ya later Yasha" his other friends said shaking his hands too. He waved to his friends as they disappeared to the gate and he headed to his houses exhausted already.

"Tired little brother" Shessy asked as he smirked at him he was just getting out of the door. Inu not caring he just waved him off and walked to his room. Shessy looked him funny and walked right behind him but going to his room. When their parents' come home they entered InuYash's room to find him staring at the ceiling.

"How are you doing?" his mom asked, he turned around hearing his mom's voice and smiled at her but didn't say anything. His dad just smiled and waved since even if he did ask him a question and InuYasha answered it he wouldn't understand.

Inu waved back and turned back on staring at the ceiling that he has been staring at fir a long time since he got in his room.

'Are you feeling alright?' his mom singed him.

'Yeah I'm okay thanks for asking' he said smiling at his mom he hugged him and his dad too they got out and walked into Shessy's room. His room was messy and the music ….god turn it down a bit.

"Shesoumaru dear would you turn it down a bit?" his halve mother asked.

"Sure mom wass up, InuYash's been quiet again he hasn't said anything since you left.

"He doesn't talk" his dad reminded him.

"Oh yeah but he's been so quiet that you'd thought he was sick or something like that" he said sitting down again.

"I know we're worried too" his mom said sitting next to him.

"What do you think we should do?" Takahashi asked as he sat putting Shessy in the middle.

"Well we might as well go to sleep" Izoy said as she got up followed by her husband.

" night" they said as they walked out of the room his mom peeked back in " clean up your room" then got out closing the door. He whined as he threw himself on the bed while his leg touched the carpet.

InuYasha started at the ceiling so much that he fell asleep and that was what he didn't want. To his the same nightmare as last night, he'd been thinking about that dream all day withought knowing it. The one ting he was concerned about was that girl that was always involved in it. He couldn't remember the name but he was always with her all the time, but why was it a nightmare then while he felt so right being wit her. 'Who is she, is she real or just my imagination?' he thought as he got up not wanting to go to sleep again waking up the past that always made him think too much.

After about one hr or so he had gotten to sleep.


A little boy about 5 or 6 was sitting in a car with a booster sit and clapping her ands while his brother looked annoyed beside him.

"Would you keep shut" he said calmly.

"But I don't wanna" he said clapping some more and signing alone with the radio. The older brother who had blond long hair with a calm look in his face. While his little brother more like halve had black jet hair violet eyes coming out just like his mom. The little brother was InuYasha and the older one was Shessy he was always annoyed when his brother would shut his pie whole but that was the fun of it getting to mess around with him fight with him, they always liked doing that a lot. The 5 year old InuYasha was singing his favorite song from Disney radio while ha clapped his hands.

"I'm gonna getcha, getcha………." He didn't finish the song suddenly he was trusted forward his belt getting loose and hitting the front of the car. It was the big accident that changed his live.

"Inu…Yasha!" his family shouted barley talking since they were hit too. Shessy was cut on his arm, his dad was cut around the tummy and their mom was hit above the heart making her unconscious.

"Momma!" he shouted and went out cold. The police come to see who was hurt. The other family that they bumped into was hurt but only the little girl was hurt most.

"My baby!" the lady cried while they put the little girl who looked like she was 4 years old into the ambulance.

"Lady you have to stay in your bed you girl is going to be just fine" the police assured her and put her in her own ambulance. InuYasha was in a coma for about a month and so was the little girl who was sleeping next to his bed. The little girl had woken up a day before him but she was still in the hospital because she had damage to her hearing.

When he woke up the next day he found his mom sleeping on a chair she said sitting in with a bandage on her forehead.

" mom what happened?" he asked getting up when his mom heard his voice she got up and hugged him the rest of the family waking up from where they were sleeping.

"You're up" his dad said. He saw Shessy smile and that was a price for him because his brother didn't smile as much.

"Go get the doctor" Izoy said as he took hold on her son.

"I'm so glad you're up I thought you weren't going to wake up in years" he said hugging him tighter. He didn't say anything even though he was hurting his face stayed calm a Shessy's but didn't push his mom away either. The doctor some in and did a check up he was fine but he had to stay in the hospital for a week or two to see if everything was okay.

"Bye honey we have to go now" his mom said as he kissed him goodbye.

"Mommy I don't want to stay here bye myself" he said starting to cry.

" I'm sorry I really wish you could come home but you can't the doctors say that they have to check to see if everything's fine" she said tears running down her cheek " I'll come every day" she promised.

"Yeah" Shessy said smiling at him.

"Okay" he said as he smiled and they walked off.

Since that day he got out of the hospital he never could or would speak another word ever again, and that's how he got mute.

End of flashback.

He turned and tossed remembering what happened that day, he wished he's go back to that day and change it somehow so he wouldn't have to remember anything else or he wished he's lost his memory or something like that. That would have been much better then it would be worse when he started getting the memory back so it was a little better the way he was right now……right.

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