Summary: It's been five to six years since the Winx Club and the guys have graduated. Except, no one knows where Musa is. They've heard from her but, she refuses to tell where she is. Will the Winx Club and the guys find Musa? MAJOR MxR, Some of everybody else.

Is That You, Musa?

It's been five to six years since the Winx Club and the guys have graduated from Alfea and Red Fountain and everyone is happy. Well, almost everyone. Everyone, but Riven and Musa.

Bloom and Sky had gotten married once they got out of school. They have two children: a girl and a boy, named Savannah and Blake. Bloom is the Queen of Sparx and Eraklion. Sky is the King of Sparx and Eraklion. Bloom works as a writer while Sky is a "nanny", however you want to say it. She is also the only person who has kept in touch with Musa since she left.

Stella and Brandon had gotten married soon after Bloom and Sky did. They have three children: two girls and a boy, named Starla, Bethany, and Sean (pronounced like Shawn). Stella is the Queen of Solaria and works as a famous fashion designer. Brandon is the King of Solaria and still works part-time as Sky's bodyguard.

Flora and Helia had gotten married soon after Stella and Brandon. They have two children: a girl and a boy, named Hailey and Frankie (Don't ask… My friend came up with that name for Flora's son…). Flora works as a famous gardener and plant caretaker at a botanical center while Helia works as a famous poet.

Tecna and Timmy had gotten married next in line. They have two children: a girl and a boy, named Tina and Timothy. Tecna and Timmy both work as big time technical engineers and inventors.

Layla had gotten married last to a guy named Bryan. They have one child: a boy named Bryant. Layla is Queen of Tides and a famous sports player in basically all sports. Then, Bryan is King of Tides works as an aeroslam assistant coach at RF.

Well, Musa and Riven? There's not much that I can tell you about them. Everything that the Winx Club and the guys know about Musa is that she left six years ago after she graduated from Alfea and didn't tell anyone where she was going. Then, about Riven, he works as a teacher at RF and doesn't talk to the others a whole lot since Musa left. Well, at least, till one night…

Chapter 1: "Bob's Musical Diner"

It was a long and tiring day and had turned to night. Except that very same night, a certain black cherry-haired man was leaving from Red Fountain, very late I might add. He was getting on his levabike, as he heard a voice.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Riven!" a tall, black-haired man yelled as he was leaving also.

"Same to you, Bryan!" Riven shouted back while Bryan drove off.

'Ugh…I'm so tired…I think I might take the other way home this time and see if I can get a cup of coffee on the way there though.' Riven thought to himself after he had yawned and drove off through downtown Magix.

About five to eight minutes of driving, Riven was driving through the main streets of downtown Magix. He passed many places where he could get coffee, but one of the places caught his attention the most. Maybe it was because of all the bright, neon-colored lights that were surrounding it. He looked up at the neon-colored sign and noticed the diner he stopped at was called "Bob's Musical Diner".

"Well, Bob, I hope you have good coffee…" Riven said as he parked his levabike beside the sidewalk and began to walk inside the diner.

Once he walked into the diner, he looked around it before sitting down at a booth near the front window. It looked like a normal '50s old fashioned diner. Bright-colored walls, checkered-tiled floor, red old fashioned booths, a window in the back where you could see the cooks in the back making the food, posters with famous musicians on all of the walls, and those different colored '50s styled uniforms that the waitresses had to wear.

When Riven took his seat at a booth, he didn't even bother to look up anymore. He just laid his head in his arms on the table. Even though, he could hear everything that was happening in the diner at that moment, such as a cook fighting with one of the waitresses.

"Todd, I am telling you, this sandwich is burnt!" the black-haired waitress yelled at the brown-haired cook that you could see standing behind the window.

"And I'm telling you, Maria, the sandwich is not burnt!" Todd the cook yelled back at her.

"Are you blind! Do you not see all of the brown and black spots on the sandwich!" She yelled as she pointed out all of the spots on the sandwich in front of her that she was holding.

"No! It just got slightly toasted…"

"Slightly toasted! You call that slightly toasted! The word to describe it is burnt!"

"Well, so what if it's burnt! It's not like it's your sandwich anyway!" He said while he took the burnt sandwich away from her.

'Who in the world works here!' Riven thought to himself as he continued to listen with his head still on the table.

"Well, who in the world would want to eat a burnt sandwich made by you!" Maria yelled at Todd who was scraping the burnt sandwich off of the plate and started to make a new one.

The tired cook didn't even say anything back at her. He just glared at her and continued on with the sandwich.

Maria turned away from the window to see that a very tired Riven was sitting at one of her tables. She started to walk towards him until she finally realized who he was and what he looked like. She began to back up and turn away from him.

"Um, guys, I think I'm gonna take a short break outside…" She said while going towards the back door. Except before she could even get to the door, she had bumped into someone. She looked up to see who it was.

"Oh, hi, Bob! I was just going to take a short break outside!" She told him while she smiled nervously at him, hoping that he would be okay with it.

"Ya know, I would let you take a break right now, but you took one already just a few minutes ago. Now, how 'bout you go and take care of that young man right there that's sitting at one of your tables?" Bob, her gray-haired, overweight boss said as he pointed towards Riven and pushed Maria a little towards the table.

"Um, okay…" She said sort of nervously. 'Well, here goes nothing…' She thought to herself as she walked closer and closer to Riven's table.

"Um, hi, I'm Maria. Would you like something to eat or drink?" She asked him once again nervously as she had finally approached the table.

She didn't even bother to look up at him. She just kept her head down, facing her red, white, and black uniform and the floor to the walls and the ceiling.

"Uh, yeah. I'll just take a cup of coffee." A very tired and drowsy Riven answered, not looking up at her. He stayed in the same position with his head resting on his folded arms.

"Um, okay. I'll get that for you right away, sir." She said as she turned around to go and get his cup of coffee.

'That actually wasn't as bad as I thought that would've gone…Oh well. He looks like he's pretty tired anyway.' Maria thought to herself as she was over at the counter, filling up a cup of coffee. 'Maybe he'll stay drowsy and tired the rest of the time he's here. Just maybe…'

She was thinking all of these sorts of thoughts through her head, not really paying attention to the coffee that was almost overflowing the cup.

"Maria, are you there? You might need to clean the coffee that you just poured on the counter." Todd said through the window, trying to get her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, Oops!" She said while quickly setting the coffee pot down and getting a towel to clean the coffee up with.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who makes mistakes like that!" Todd exclaimed.

"Shut it, Todd!" She said back at him. A few seconds later, she was done cleaning up the mess that she made. She began to walk back towards Riven with his cup of coffee.

"Here's your coffee, sir." She said to him while setting the cup of coffee next to his folded arms on the table.

"Oh, uh, thanks." He said, finally lifting his head up from his folded arms and picking up the cup of coffee and taking a sip of it.

"You're welcome." She said while heading back towards the counter where she previously was at.

As soon as she reached the counter, Bob came walking through one of the back doors, which was obviously the door to his "office".

"Hey, Maria, I need you to do another song really quick before you go home in a few minutes." He said in a low voice to her.

"Another one! Do you even know how many songs you ask me to do each day!" She asked, trying not to sound loud.

"Yes, another one. I know, you work and sing hard. You actually sing fifteen to twenty songs each day. You're probably are hardest worker here. You can't tell anyone that I said that too." He said in a whisper.

"I won't tell anyone. Ya know, there are other hard working people here who are great singers and probably would love to sing right now? Except I'll do another song if you really want me to…" She said while sighing, knowing that he really wanted her to sing before she left to go home, even though she really didn't want to.

"Good. Now, go up there and get a song ready, please." He said while going back to his "office" in the back.

'Sometimes I really just want to hit him…He appears and makes me do all of this stuff at the worst times…Now, I gotta think of another song to do…' She thought while going to one of the sides of the diner where there was a miniature, little stage. She went behind the stage where you could sort of see her talking to people that were back there also. A minute or so later, she came back out with two guys that had guitars in their hands. They all went on the little stage and got everything ready. Maria grabbed a microphone that was on a stand. She nodded to the two guys behind her to tell them that she was ready. As soon as she did that and music began to play, Riven had fully awakened once he started to hear her sing.

"Tell me

Just what you want me to be

One kiss

And boom you're the only one for me

So please tell me

Why don't you come around no more?

Cause right now

I'm crying outside the door of your candy store"

'I've heard that voice before…Many times…Could it be her?' Riven thought while listening to Maria sing. He continued to listen while trying to fight his thoughts going on through his head.

"It just takes a little bit of this, a little bit of that

It started with a kiss

Now we're up to bat

A little bit of laughs, a little bit of pain

I'm telling you my babe

It's all in the game of…

Love is

Whatever you make it to be


Instead of this cold lonely sea

So please baby

Try and use me for what I'm good for

It ain't saying goodbye

It's knocking down the door of your candy store

It just takes a little bit of this, a little bit of that

It started with a kiss

Now we're up to bat

A little bit of laughs, a little bit of pain

I'm telling you my babe

It's all in the game of love

It's all in the game of love

You roll me

Control me

Console me

Please hold me

You guide me

Divide me

Into me

So please tell me

Why don't you come around no more?

Cause right now

I'm dying outside the door of your loving store

It just takes a little bit of this, a little bit of that

It started with a kiss

Now we're up to bat

A little bit of laughs, a little bit of pain

I'm telling you my babe

It's all in the game of love

It's all in the game of love

It's all in the game of love

Let's play the game of love

Roll me

Control me

Console me

Please hold me

In this game of love

I'm out here on my own"

Everyone in the diner clapped their hands for her. They all loved hearing her voice at the diner. She smiled as she stepped off the stage and said thank you to everyone through the microphone before turning it off and putting it back on the stand where it originally was.

'That is her! I know that smile and singing voice any day! I can't believe it! I've found her!' Riven smiled as he had finally got his senses back in and fully recharged by coffee.

"Hey, Bob, I'm gonna go home right now. I'll see ya tomorrow!" She yelled through the door in the back.

"Okay, Maria! Thanks for doing another song for me!" She heard him say through the other side of the door.

"No prob!" She said while grabbing her bag and jacket that was hanging on a hook on the wall in the back near the door. She began walking towards the door.

"Hey, Linda, can finish taking care of the young man behind me? I'm gonna go ahead and go home." She whispered to one of her fellow waitress friends that was taking of a woman sitting in a booth near the front door.

"Sure, Maria, I'll do that for ya! I'll see ya at work tomorrow!" She said to her as Maria left out the door.

'Uh oh. I gotta catch up with her if I'm gonna talk to her!' Riven thought while quickly getting up out of the booth and walking towards the door.

"Um, sir, you need to pay for what you ordered." Linda said to him as she saw him almost leave out the door.

"It's on the table!" He said back while running out the door.

"Well someone's in a rush tonight!" She exclaimed.

Once Riven was out the door, he looked around to see where she went. He noticed a figure across the street going into a building that looked like apartment homes. He walked closer and looked to see who it was. It was her!

"So that's where she lives. Smart, Musa, smart. It looks like I'm just gonna have to visit you again tomorrow." He said to himself while going to his levabike and began to drive back home happily, knowing that he had finally found his one and only, true love again.