Edited author's note:

This was originally going to be a oneshot, but I had ideas of where to go with this, and thanks to some encouraging reviews, I have decided that I will continue it as a full blow angsty gay incestuous love story YAY!

In the first chapter, Sasuke is 7 years old and Itachi is 15. x3

The Perfect Plan


Chapter 1 – Clouds


The light patter of those little feet ran along the wooden decking in the garden. I looked up to see him running towards me wearing a cheerful grin and what appeared to be one of my shirts.

"Sasuke, why are you-"

My sentence came to an abrupt end as I had to dash over and rescue him from falling into the small pond. He'd tripped on the shirt.

"Look, aniki! Now I look just like you!"

I was knelt down at his level and he smiled up at me from the embrace I held him in. His eyes were so bright and glittery and his little cheeks so adorably rosy that I had to blink and tell myself how wrong it was to be thinking of him in such a way.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?"

His smile drooped a little, "You're not angry are you? I just wanted to be… like you." I couldn't help smiling at this. He was constantly doing things for me. He idolised me. He wanted to be just like me. He would scribble on paper with his yellow crayon and present it to me, explaining that it was an intense battle between myself and an S-rank missing nin – here were the shuriken in the air and there was the headband and there was him fighting alongside me. To anyone else it would have been just a bunch of yellow scribbles, but to me it was a reminder of the feelings I shouldn't have.

He was my brother. There can't be anything more wrong than feeling more for your brother than companionship. He always made me happy. His cheerful little personality always brightened up my day. But this was a feeling that only I could know. If anyone else found out… if he found out… what would he say?

We were already closer than most other siblings. He often came to hug me for no reason. I'd always ask him "why?" and he'd just shrug and smile. Most nights, he'd creep into my room and I'd feel his slight form cuddle up against me. I would find it difficult to sleep on the rare occasion where he didn't join me for some reason. I couldn't find comfort in my bed without that little warm person laying beside me.

The thing was… he was so innocent. He couldn't understand what this really meant and I certainly didn't want him to. To him, I was just a very close family member.

"Sasuke, that shirt is too big for you," I said, releasing him from my arms so I could roll up the sleeves to reveal his little hands.

"No it's not! Auntie said I'm growing up really fast so it'll fit really soon! Aniki, I'm bored!"

I rolled my eyes. Only he could change the subject so suddenly like that. "What do you expect me to do about it?"

"Teach me shuriken!"

"No, I've just come back from an S-rank-"


"Tomorrow," I said, flicking his pale little forehead. He rubbed his head and I saw the sparkle disappear from his eyes. His mouth curled down and his eyes began to shimmer from tears.

"Sasuke, stop, you're too old to be crying." He ignored my words and clung to my waist, sobbing.

"Aniki! You always say that, but you never do! Just this once I want to do something with you!"

I prised him from me using one hand, but both his caught and gripped it as he looked up at me with tears on his face. I couldn't bear seeing him like that and he damn well knew it. Too many times he'd used that on me, knowing I can never help but give in. This time was no exception.

"Okay. I'm too worn out after my mission, but I'll show you something." His hands clasped mine tighter and his large, dark eyes lit up.


I picked him up and jumped up onto the flat roof of our house before laying him down on his back there. I sat down beside him.

"Look at the sky," I said.


"Look at the clouds."

"Aniki, I don't understand."

"Can you see that cloud?" I pointed, "It looks like a bird."

He was silent for a moment as his mind processed what I'd just said and he stared at the cloud, trying to figure out what I meant. I watched his face. He tipped his head sideways slightly as he thought and his young brow creased in concentration. Then his teeth bit down on his bottom lip in determination.

Suddenly his eyes widened, "Oh! Oh! Look, nii-san! That one looks like a heart!"

His pointed finger waved frantically at the sky and I couldn't tear my eyes off his impossibly adorable face. He looked so delighted. I began to move my arms to hold him, but I was opposed by a voice in the back of my mind, "No. Don't do it." Damn… why do I have to feel like this? Why do I have to go one step too far and experience this forbidden love? Why me?

"Is your heart like that?" he said, bringing me back from my thoughts, "I wonder if your heart is fluffy like the cloud, aniki!" In his moment of excitement over the heart-shaped cloud, he grabbed my hand again. So warm… so soft… it felt so reassuring but at the same time, the voice was telling me "no, it's wrong." I just wished he wouldn't do things like that. He would never understand how it hurt me.

If only the circumstances could be different…

If only we were older…

If only we weren't brothers…

I just wished that something could happen and make everything different. If my family didn't exist, it might be easier for me to have him. If he didn't know we were brothers…

"I want to touch your heart, aniki."

…yes… that would be perfect. And at that moment in time, I was hit with the perfect idea. What did I care more about? My life? Or him? I knew the answer to that question and that was what gave me the idea for the plan. The plan that would make him mine.

He was tugging at my shirt and I stroked his head, making him grin.

"You already have."

Authors after note: Oh yeah, "aniki" means "big brother" and "nii-san" means brother. :3

So what do you think? I hope you like it so far. Next chapter is going to be a time jump woooo. Thank you for reading!