Secret Obsession

Written by Rini's Ghost

Summary: Ryou has a secret obsession on a certain mew… (One-shot)

Disclaimer: Sniff Sniff…I didn't want to do this but if I don't, I get sued…Now you wouldn't want your favorite authoress to run out of money and not update now. Anyways back on topic before these lawyers kill me with their glares. I do not; I repeat, DO NOT own any characters from Tokyo Mew Mew or Mew Mew Power! But I do own this plot! Heh Heh -Runs Away-

Ryou started to pace around the room.

When is she going to get here?

I hope nothing is wrong.

He began to worry.

I hope she comes quickly.

I can't relax without seeing her.

I need to see her timid but bright smile

I won't be able to live if I don't see her.

He started looking out from the window.

I want her to look at me with those kind eyes.

I want her here with me right NOW.

His eyes roam the scenery that was in front of him.

Holding her in my arms…

Kissing away her tears…

Telling her "I love you"…

He caught sight of green locks.

I want her…

I need her…

Please hurry and come.

He pleaded in his mind.

You're mine and mine only.

You're my secret obsession…

"I love you…" He quietly whispered.

Suddenly he heard the front door of the little café opened. It slowly revealed the green-haired mew, smiling at him.


The End