Memories & Revenge

Chapter One

The small group gathered around the table was an odd combination of species. They came from all over the galaxy to be present at this important congregation of delegates. Delegates from planets that were destroyed leaving almost very few or no survivors. The survivor's came together to form a special task force. A team that focused only on one objective: to track down and kill the murderer who annihilated their perspective planets.

"Are you sure you know where he is," asked a blue figure at one end of the table. "Last time we thought we had him He'd already left that planet."

A body in white stood at the head of the table and looked across at the elderly man who addressed him. "Yes, that's true Aoi-sama, but this time we've monitored His ki for quite sometime now, and it's been stationary on a Type 3 planet."

"I hope your right, Alle. I've invested a lot of money in your task force for it to fail now."

Alle forced a smile, "We've all invested a large sum of money, Elder," gesturing to the surrounding group of people who were nodding at his words. "As my word of a Nekojin, I will make Him pay for destroying our worlds."

The blue elder Aoi stood up, "You better be sure Alle." He turned to walk away with his attendants, "You better be damned sure you know what you're doing. My people have just rebuilt and are trying to recover some stability from our former lives on Planet Mizu. I don't want us to have to flee again. Because you fail and anger Him further."

Alle bit down to keep his mouth shut and his diplomatic smile plastered on his face. "Of course, Aoi-sama," he bowed as the elder swept by him.

He straightened himself back up and turned back to the group at the table. "If you have anymore concerns, please feel free to speak at this time." Alle watched as the rest of the members shook their heads. "Then this meeting is adjourned. And the next time a meeting is called I will have even better news."

The members stood and began to file out the room Alle nodded to each of them as they left. He glanced up and noticed that one of the members was still in the room. Benz. He did not want to deal with her now. Nevertheless, he had no choice; after all she was his fiancée.

Benz was of the Kuruma planet. She was tall and willowy with long silver hair and gray eyes. She stood up and glided toward him. She had been in love Alle since she met him; she even joined the group just to be near him. "Prince Alle," she called to him as she got closer.

"Princess Benz," he reached to clasp her hands into his. "What can I do for you?"

"I wonder if we are doing the right thing."

He gave her a strange questioning look.

"I mean with seeking revenge," she clarified for him. "You said that He has been stationary on a Type 3 planet for some time now. Maybe we should give up the idea of revenge. He's probably changed."

Alle let out a feline growl dropped her hands as if she scalded him and turned his back on her. "Do you actually believe that!" He whirled back around to face her. "Do you actually believe the He could change? Do you?" His tail swishing vigorously as he advanced on Princess Benz.

Benz backed up a step. "It's just that--"

With inherited feline grace, Alle closed the distance between them. "Or maybe you've forgotten what He has done to my planet and to yours. Maybe you would like to forget the screams of agony from your loved ones dying! Or your subjects crying out to be saved, and you can't do anything about it?"

Tears formed in Benz's eyes as Alle hurled accusations at her. "Stop it. Just stop it right now." She wiped the moisture from her eyes. "You know I would never forget. I'm worried about you. I don't want getting revenge on Him to be the only thing in your life."

Alle took a calming breath. "It won't be." He took her small hands and kissed each of them. "I want to deal with Him and have it over with, but I can't focus on us if He is still out there alive. I want us to feel safe. I do not want to worry about Him becoming active again and attacking our peaceful life. I don't want to see our children cut down by that malicious monster."

Benz looked up at him, and wished with all her heart that the words he uttered were true. "I understand. I was just worried about you."

"I'm okay, Benz. Don't worry, this will be over very fast, and when it is, we can start focusing on our own lives--together."

They walked to the door and Benz stopped to look at him. "I hope your right, Alle." She caressed the side of his face and gazed into his the deep pools of his eyes. "I love you. Please come back to me safely. Do not lose yourself in revenge."

Alle watched her disappear, and whispered after her. "Of course, I'm right. He will never escape me as long as I live. I will chase Him to the farthest corner of the universe to get my revenge. Make no mistake I will have my revenge."

"Prince Alle," called a voice from the doorway. "We're ready for your instruction, sir."

"Fine, but first I want to check on my cargo." Alle went through the door and walked down a hallway as the soldier followed at a discreet distance. He came upon a tremendous door sealed shut. Walking forward he placed his hand on the scanner and waited. It beeped a bright white color that processed his bio-data, before the doors would slide apart. Alle walked in and called for lights. Inside the brightened chamber laid a lonely creature on a small cot motionless.

"Who is it," the creature called out in a feminine voice. "Who's there?"

"It's me," he called as he walked closer to her bed. "Prince Alle."

The girl creature turned her back on him, "Please go away."

A grim smile flirted with the edges of his mouth. "Not yet, I have one more thing to do with you." He walked to a panel by her bed and slid it open. Alle withdrew a vial and a needle. He pushed the needle into the vial and pulled it back half filled with a dark liquid. He placed the vial back into the panel and slid it shut. "Now, guess what I have for you."

"No, please," she whimpered. "Please no more pain." She burrowed under the thin black sheet covering her, and tried to hide.

"I don't care what you want," replied Alle. "You're going to be my trump card, just as soon as I inject you." He motioned for the soldier that followed him inside, "Hold her down, while I inject her."

The soldier walked forward at his Prince's command and climbed on top of the female straddling her bucking body as he caught hold of both of her arms leaving her helpless. "Don't worry. I won't be coming again for a couple of days."

She looked at him with sightless blue eyes. "Please don't Alle-sama." She started to weep uncontrollably. "Please."

He looked frowned down at her then struck her in the face. "Do not ever call me by my first name! Don't address me at all." He took the needle and jabbed it her arm. Watching as the dark liquid pumped into her body. The soldier released her arms and moved off the bed when the needle emptied.

They watched in fascination as her body jerked and convulsed as the virulent liquid mingled with her blood. Her violent movements caused her body to twist and churn in agony. She tried to call out but her vocal cords would not work.

When her tossing finally stopped the prince turned on his heels and walked out the door. "I hope that didn't kill her," he muttered to his companion. "She's much more useful alive."

"Do you want me to go back and check on her in a couple of hours, sire?"

Alle stopped and looked back at the closing doors. Pursing his lips, he tapped a finger to them considering. "No, don't do that, if she dies I can still use her." He turned back around. "Though she would be more useful alive." He shrugged. "Oh well, let's get to the bridge."

Walking to the bridge of the ship the young Nekojin prince watched as the gathered workers rose and kneeled before him. The captain came forward, "We await your orders, Prince Alle."

"Good then take us out of orbit and charter a course for a Type 3 planet."

"Which Type 3 planet do you want us to set a course for, Prince Alle."

"Earth. He's there waiting for me. And I shan't be late this time."

"Hai, sire. Type 3 planet Earth, charter the course," called the captain to the assembled Nekojins. "Move your tails, Prince Alle has a important mission to complete. Don't let him down."

In the small room, the female creature turned on her side to face the dank wall that she couldn't see and cried, "Oniisama."

Prince Alle looked out the observation window as stars and planets zoomed by, he purred in his throat. Matte…Vegeta, I am coming for you.


End Chapter 1. Created [01/08/01] and Modified [02/04/01]. Well, this is my first chapter for my Dragon Ball Z fanfic. Heck this is the first chapter that I have ever written for DBZ. So, like my RK fics, thanks for reading and if you have any comments or critiques please send them to me (this also includes flames) at: [email protected]. Dark Shadow Princess.

Lunatics Ravings:

Oniisama--Older brother it's more respectable.


Alle--That's my take on the word "alley cat" I think it looks more masculine without the 'y.'

Nekojin--Well this should be self-explanatory. Neko--cat, and -jin--people. So that means this is "cat people."

Mizu--means water.

Aoi--means blue.

Kuruma--means car.