Inuyasha is about to make a huge decision in his life. He's gonna make his move on Kagome. But will Hojo beat him to the punch. And what will happen when Kagome falls terribly ill. Will Inuyasha still make his move or will he stand idly be as he watches that woman he loves slip through his hands. It's my first fanfic so please bear with me! >


What's Your Answer?

Chapter 1

"YOU GOING TO WHA…" yelled Marko just as a certain half demons hand muffled him. They fell backwards from their seated position. THUD! The ground shook as they hit. The thud made Kagome stir in her sleep. Inuyasha and Miroku froze with tension as they watched her toss around, and then settle back down into her sleep.

"SHUT UP! You're going to wake the others," whispered Inuyasha. He sat back against a tree and stared into the campfire. Then he switched his gaze from the fire to Kagome.

She was sleeping under the branches of the tree Inuyasha leaned against. He scanned over her details. From her silky raven hair to her how her cheeks were slightly colored pink to her scent of cherry blossoms and vanilla. He noticed that a tendril of her hair was in her face. He reached over and carefully brushed it behind her ear. He touched her cheek and felt her smooth skin under his fingers. She moved slightly to one side to the other. When she settled a bit, she smiled as if she was having a sweet dream.

Inuyahsa blushed a little and quickly sat back in his usual way, with his legs crossed Indian style and his hands tucked into the sleeves of his kimono. He looked over at Miroku and found a sly smirk on the monk's face. Inuyasha felt his face going crimson. He turned his head so fast that he could have given himself whiplash. Through the corner of his eye, he looked back over a Kagome as the campfire light flickered upon her face.

Inuyasha and Kagome have been on again off again for the past six years. They have told each other that they love each other, but because of their short tempers they always end up fighting. But every time they get into a fight they always get back together and act like nothing ever happened. It works for them, however I wouldn't recommend that kind of relationship for anyone else.

"Now tell me Inuyasha, when exactly did you decide to do this?" asked Miroku. Inuyasha stared at the campfire. He almost didn't answer Miroku's question. " It's been almost five years since the jewel was put together and almost six years that Kagome and I have been together. She's nineteen years old now and if I don't do this now it might be to late later. I-I love her…… and I want to be with her," said Inuyasha.

Miroku looked over at Sango and sighed. "You have a lot of courage my friend. To take on such a large commitment… and knowing that she might reject your offer. I commend you, Inuyasha." Inuyasha fell anime style. His leg twitched. "Well thanks for the pep talk," said Inuyasha as he was getting up from his fall, "but now that you mention it…. I don't know what I would do if she says no." He tilted his head back and looked up at the tree, he looked through the branches and the leafs; and saw the moon. It gleamed as bright as the sun, even though it was almost the nigh of the new moon. 'Tomorrow night I'll be human. That's when I'll ask Kagome to marry me' thought Inuyasha.

The night eased by slowly. Miroku and Inuyasha were half asleep when they heard rustling a small distance from camp. Both men stood quickly. Inuyasha's ears twitched as he sniffed the air. 'I recognize the scent, but I can't remember who it belongs to,' thought Inuyasha. He growled and cracked his knuckles awaiting the approaching danger.

Miroku readied to attack with his staff. The jingling of his staff woke Kagome. Yes, the soft jingling of the monk's staff woke her. Not Miroku yelling at the top of his lungs. Not the minor earthquake of both full grown men hitting the ground, but this! THIS! I guess this just proves that Kagome is a strange person.

Kagome turned over on her stomach in her sleeping and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She looked up at Inuyasha and Miroku. She saw how they were standing, full of tension and ready to kill whatever came their way. "What's going on you guys?" asked Kagome. Inuyasha cracked his knuckles again. "Something's trying to sneak up on us," snarled Inuyasha. Kagome got up out of her sleeping bag stood behind Inuyasha.

"What's a girl got to do for a good nights sleep around here?' asked Sango as she woke up from the rustling. Kilala stated to hiss. She transformed from her small cute form to her huge cat form. Sango got up from where she was sleeping and went to stand behind her friends. The group readied themselves for whatever came their way.

The rustling got closer and closer to the group of travelers. A near by bush began to tremble. A figure began to emerge from the shadow. "It's been a while since I saw you guys last. It took me a while to find you," said the figure as it stepped out closer to the group. The figure stood almost four feet tall as he stood in front of the group. His orange hair tied back into a ponytail, adorned with a turquoise ribbon.

"Shippo!" yelled the group. Kagome ran up to hug her fox demon friend. Shippo had stayed in the same village the group had stayed in and past through. He had fallen in love with one of the young village girls named Misuki. It's been a year since the last saw their small friend. "How's it been squirt?" asked Inuyasha.

"Yeah Shippo. Last time we saw you, you and that girl, Misuki, were doing pretty well." Said Sango.

Shippo froze with tension as he tried to remember the horrific event. Kilala jump on his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. Shippo petted her head.

They all sat around the campfire later that night and drank freshly brewed tea. It was silent until the monk decided to ask, "So tell us Shippo, why aren't you in the village with Misuki?" Shippo looked down at his cup of tea. He didn't answer Miroku's question right away. "Everything way fine until a few months ago. A huge snake demon came down from a near by mountain and demanded a monthly sacrifices or he would destroy everything in his path. The villagers refused and sent their best men to kill the demon." Was Shippo's answer.

"So what happened after that?" asked Kagome.

"Yeah, don't leave us in this suspense!" said Inuyasha

Still looking down at his teacup he continued his story. "The men were gone for two days. On the third day...the snake demon came into the village and started to kill and burn everything and everyone. The men managed to weaken the demon, but that didn't stop it. Many of the villagers, they were killed by the masses. Those who lived began to run. I-I-I tried….really did! But I couldn't protect her. In the end I sent Misuki with a family that was running away. I stayed to fight, but after it was over, I couldn't find her anywhere…" he broke off. His body was shocking violently at the memories.

Kagome reached over and began to stroke his head, trying to comfort her friend. The others were still taken away by his story. No one said anything for a while. Kagome was the one who broke the silence, "It'll be okay Shippo. You're with people who will protect you now." Shippo looked up at Kagome and smiled trying to hold back his tears. Then he went wide eyed as he looked at Kagome's face more closely.

"You sick Kagome? You look kind of flustered," said Shippo. The others turned their attention to Kagome. Inuyasha remembered that earlier that night, when he saw color in her cheeks. Kagome sweat dropped anime style because of all the new attention. "Come to think of it, you do look a bit pale. Maybe you should lay down a bit," said Sago.

"I'm fine. My throat is a bit dry but that's all. I'll drink some more tea. Everything's fine," protested Kagome. She sipped some her tea. Everyone seemed to relax a bit or more, everyone except Inuyasha. He didn't believe her for a second.

--------------------------------------LaTeR tHaT NiGhT---------------------------------------------

Sango and Miroku were asleep behind a couple of trees; separately of course! Shippo and Kilala were asleep on Kagome's sleeping bag. Kagome went and place a blanket on Shippo, so he wouldn't be cold. After that Kagome went and sat close to the fire. Inuyasha leaned against a tree. He was on guard duty and Kagome was "keeping him company."

"Here. You seem cold," said Inuyasha as he gave Kagome his fire rat kimono. Kagome didn't look up or even thank him; she just rapped herself in his kimono and smiled. He sat next to her and leaned in close to her face. She blushed crimson and asked, "What is it, Inuyasha?" He leaned in even closer than before, about an inch away from Kagome's lip that he was trying his hardest not to kiss. Instead he touched his forehead to hers. "You've got a fever. Why did you lie to the others about this," said Inuyasha.

"I didn't lie. I told you that I had a sore throat. That's all I have," protested Kagome. Inuyasha still didn't seem to believe her. "I think I'll get some sleep now," said Kagome, rising to her feet, "See you…" Kagome trailed off.

She started to cough. Her coughing got drier and weezier. "See! I knew that you were sick!" snarled Inuyasha. Kagome's coughing continued; it kept getting worse and worse. She fell to her knees and tried covering her mouth to muzzle her coughing. Inuyasha reached over and put his hand on her shoulder; he sniffed the air and whirled her around so they were face to face.

Kagome was covering her mouth to muffle her coughing. "Kagome let me see your hands! NOW!" yelled Inuyasha as he forced her hands away from her face. He went into shock at the sight of her hands. They were covered in blood! He looked up at her face and saw that some blood was dripping from the edge of her mouth. "Inuyasha… I-I don't know what's going on. I'm scared…. please….help me," whimpered Kagome.

Inuyasha pulled her into a tight embrace. Kagome cried into his chest, her bloody hands now stained Inuyasha's shirt. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you Kagome. I'll take you home, so nothing will hurt you," said Inuyasha.

'You gotta hold on! Don't die on me now! I need you in my life. I love you!'