Hello Everyone! I apologize for the delay and seemingly purposeful neglect of my promise to you. Honestly, a couple days after my last update, my family computer broke; since the holidays were coming up, we couldn't buy a new one. Now, we have a brand new computer that works perfectly. Yet sadly, we have come to the last chapter of Anonymous Letter. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation

Anonymous Letter

Chapter 7

"Bang, Bang, Bang!" Three gunshots rang through the thick air. Takusei and Nasaro abruptly clutched their aching right hands in their left, grimacing in pain. Ressai, who resided between Takusei and Nasaro, dropped his gun in bewilderment. Placing his startled gaze on Shuichi, he took in a huge gulp of air and slowly fell upon his knees. Shuichi sat before him with a slightly deep graze from Ressai's bullet slightly below his shoulder, biting his lip in an attempt to not cry out. In the confusion, Yuki rushed to Shuichi. He stood there for a few seconds seemingly in a daze while he stared upon all the dried blood and scratches on Shuichi's face. Taking his eyes off of Shuichi's face with a twinge of sadness, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a pocketknife. With a rushed urgency, he started to grate at the rope. Meanwhile, K ran over and stood in front of Yuki and Shuichi in order to protect them from danger.

"Shuichi, are you alright?" Yuki whispered breathlessly to a dazed Shuichi. When no response came, Yuki quickly tossed away the broken rope. Planning on getting Shuichi out of the building, Yuki grabbed his shoulders but Shuichi winced, leaning away. Yuki stopped in puzzlement, but finally understood when he felt a slightly thick, warm substance on his fingers. He brought his left hand up to his face and what he saw made his breath hitch. There, on his pale hand resided the red liquid of blood. Yuki whipped his head down to Shuichi's right shoulder and saw a gash about a quarter of an inch deep releasing small rivers of deep red. Hiro, who had run over after Yuki, saw the gash and ripped off a long piece of his deep green cotton shirt. Yuki took it gratefully from Hiro and tied it around Shuichi's cut.

"Yuki, get Shuichi out of here!" Ordered K, but before Yuki could even blink two figures in black clothing and masks came from the left and right sides of the room carrying guns. On instinct, K carefully kicked the guns on the ground out of reach of Ressai, Nasaro, and Takusei. He then stepped back so he could keep and eye on both of the enclosing dark figures. Hiro took up place in front of the huddled group members of Black Night so that they wouldn't pull anything tricky when, unexpectedly, one of the black clad newcomers spoke.

"Put down your gun. We do not wish to harm anyone in this room," said the soft spoken voice from the unidentified person on the right.

"We both would like to stay clear of violence," spoke the person on the left with a somewhat deep voice. Simultaneously, the people put their guns on safety and softly dropped them on the ground and continued to walk forward. With K the only one bearing a weapon, he lowered his gun only somewhat. Hiro, who wasn't facing the Black Night band members, didn't notice anybody had moved until, suddenly, they heard the cocking of a gun behind them. Shocked, they all turned to see Takusei, holding his gun up and moving it in a semi-circle.

"Stay away, all of you!" He said shakily, both of his hands holding onto the gun. Both of the dark figures started to move toward him, but he waved the gun at them threateningly.

"Takusei, put down the gun," the female voice spoke to him gently.

"No! Why should I? You were the one that shot the gun out of my hand before!"

"Do what your mother tells you, Takusei Mikai!" The other dark figure boomed in a deep voice. In confusion and fear, Takusei dropped the gun and moved up against the wall.

"It- it's not possible! My parents died with my sister!"

"No son. We didn't die. We just disappeared," Spoke the deep voice. Together, both figures removed their black masks to reveal a woman of about 40 and a man of about 45. The woman had black hair and a few wrinkles on her face, while the man had dark brown hair with more wrinkles. Takusei gazed at the couple before him and leaned limply against the wall.

"Mom, Dad… I thought you died…" Takusei trailed off, his voice thick with emotion as tears started to form at the corners of his eyes.

"We didn't die physically, but we did mentally. Because of that, we killed Shi Hirota for killing Mae. We were going to go back home, but we didn't want to get you into any trouble with the police, so we decided to go underground and hide for a while. Honestly, we never thought we would be gone for so long," Takusei's mother explained, tears running down her face. Her husband held her and continued the explanation.

"Soon after we killed Hirota, the police were hot on our trails. They chased us practically around the world until we finally shook them off. We realized we needed to get home and help you, but we still had to dodge the regular police. It wasn't until recently that we made it back to Tokyo, but when we got here we couldn't find you. We searched forever until we saw Nasaro, who we recognized immediately.

"How did you know it was me?" asked an amazed Nasaro.

"Nasaro, it can't be that hard. Not everybody has had light brown hair with black highlights and green eyes for the past 3 years of their life," Ressai grunted at Nasaro's stupidity. Mr. Mikai cleared his throat and looked at Ressai and Nasaro before continuing his story.

"So, we followed him. When he went into this building, we were so surprised. We decided we would watch you guys. When we witnessed the group of people outside the building, we were curious and a little frightened. We had no idea if Takusei and Ressai were in there or not, but the man with the gun, Mr…?"

"Just call me K," K replied, lowering his gun to hang limply in his hand at his side. Mr. Mikai nodded.

"Mr. K worried us. So, we snuck inside and-," Before he could finish his wife cut him off.

"How could you even think of taking this poor boy's life? He did not kill Mae and he certainly had no intention of angering you! I thought we taught you better!" She scolded, looking apologetically upon Shuichi. Shuichi sat in the chair and softly nodded his head in understanding, but he still seemed upset. A sad look grew upon Mrs. Mikai's face as she turned back to her son. "Son, how could you do this? Have you really concentrated on revenge for this long? Mae has already been avenged. We did it so that you wouldn't have to," she uttered while more tears ran like miniature creeks down her pale face.

"Mom, I didn't know! For all I knew you and Dad had been killed by Hirota as well. What was I suppose to do?" Takusei asked, his voice on the verge of yelling.

"You should have moved on! We told you that when Mae was taken! Weren't you listening at all?" Mrs. Mikai cried at her son. "We told you that no matter what happened to us, you had to move on and be happy. Your father and I hoped that you would have listened, but both of us never counted on blind rage and revenge getting the better of you. Not only did you not move on, but in your bout of revenge you brought Nasaro and Ressai into your scheme. How could you be so inconsiderate?" Takusei stared at his mother, fear in his eyes. When a hand came down on his shoulder, he jumped and turned around quickly to see his father.

"Son, we only wanted what was best for you. This game of revenge should never have come upon you. Just apologize and come home with us. Of course, you will be severely punished," he said while Takusei turned his head away in shame. "But, we'll deal with your punishment after we have some family time." Once Mr. Mikai finished, Takusei got up and made his way over to Shuichi. K moved away somewhat jerkily in debate, but realized that nothing bad was going to happen by the uncertainty in Takusei's eyes and moved over to stand next to a somewhat startled Hiro. Thoughts tumbled through Takusei's head; what was he suppose to say to the person that he kidnapped and almost killed? Before his mind could come up with a conclusion, he found himself standing in front of Shuichi who was being held up by Yuki.

"Um… I don't really know how to apologize to you," Takusei started unsurely. "I guess what I want to say is that… I'm sorry for everything. I guess I let all my bad feelings get to my head and somewhere along the line revenge popped up. It must have been because I really blamed myself for my sister's death and my parent's disappearance. Since you were the person I lost the band competition to, in my head you seemed like the most logical person to go after. I really am sorry for causing all this trouble." At this, Shuichi's fear lessened and he openly admitted his own feelings

"I'm sorry as well. If you really needed the money, Hiro and I would have given it to you. We probably wouldn't have even asked why. Hiro and I worked hard to win the money for people that needed it, not for our own benefit," Shuichi replied, putting a small, friendly smile on his face. It took a little more effort to conjure up the smile, but with the pain emanating from his shoulder and face, it was no surprise.

"Is there anything I can do to get your forgiveness?" At Takusei's plea, Shuichi attempted to think of something, but nothing really came to mind.

"I already forgave you. When your parents explained their story my mind was already made up. Here's what you can do for me; Go home and be with your family. Forget your past and get on with your future." Shuichi replied, smiling brighter at the look of surprise on the faces of everyone in the room.

"But Mr. Shindou, are you sure that is a wise decision? I could have him deported to another country," Tohma suggested in his business tone while walking over to them, Fujisaki trailing behind him.

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Seguchi. I'm not going to go to such drastic measures just because of this. I can tell how sorry he is. Plus, he just found his parents. I'm not going to take him away from them just when he found his family again. Anyway, some of it is my fault too. I should have asked why he seemed so angry with me after the competition. Maybe then this whole misunderstanding would never have happened. But, there is one more thing I want you to do," he said, looking at a slightly fearful Takusei. Shuichi put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it in a light, reassuring way. "How about we become friends? You could even play as the opening band for our next concert. That's sure to get you on the road to stardom. Your band was exceptionally good. Truthfully, I didn't think we would win the competition a couple years ago." Takusei nodded and smiled gratefully.

"Okay. I couldn't ask for a better person as a friend," he replied, putting his hand on Shuichi's uninjured shoulder. "Thanks a lot for understanding."

"No problem. Anything for a friend," Shuichi said, watching Takusei turn around to hug his parents with Nasaro and Ressai joining him. Turning to his right, Shuichi saw Yuki looking at him worriedly with Hiro right next to him. Actually, everybody was around him now, asking questions too fast for him to comprehend. "Um, you guys..." When no response came he got a little irked. "I can't answer 50 questions at once!" he yelled over the buzz from everyone in the room. Everyone looked at him sheepishly and stepped back a little, save for Yuki. Yuki stood behind Shuichi and started leading him to the door. "Yuki… Where are we going?"

"We're going to go home, you damn brat. Do you know how long I spent searching for your damn ass?" Yuki asked, his voice sounding annoyed. Shuichi looked crestfallen, but before he could say any kind of apology in return, Yuki continued to speak, his voice softer this time. "Do you know how worried I was about you?" After that, it seemed like the floodgates had opened. Shuichi turned around and flung his arms around Yuki, crying softly into his shirt. Yuki gently ran his hand up and down Shuichi's back in comfort. "Come on. Let's go home." Shuichi gently nodded against Yuki's chest and turned away slightly to wipe the rest of his tears on his dirty shirt sleeve. Together, they made their way to the car and went home.

Shuichi opened the door of the steamy bathroom and walked out wearing a pair of dark blue, fleece pajama pants and a white shirt on. His right sleeve was pulled up so as not to get the slowly dripping blood on it and he was holding a wet cloth in his hands. Walking into Yuki's study, he noticed that Yuki was typing at his computer, a first aid kit beside him.

"Y-Yuki?" He asked hesitantly. "Could you… put the bandage on my shoulder for me?" Yuki looked up from his typing and nodded, putting his hand on the chair next to him. Shuichi, guessing that Yuki wanted him to sit there, made his way to the chair and sat down. Yuki gently grabbed his right shoulder and grabbed the wet cloth Shuichi was holding in his hands. Gently, he wiped at the blood continuing to seep from the gash.

"I'm not sure if this needs stitches or not. You probably should have gone to the hospital, or at least have had K bandage it." Yuki took the cap off of a tube of antibacterial ointment and gently applied a healthy amount to the gash on Shuichi's arm.

"K said that it didn't need to have stitches and he said that I shouldn't go to the hospital because it would be too suspicious. People would be asking how this happened to me. Also, I would never trust K willingly with this kind of job," Shuichi replied. Yuki nodded his head in understanding and put a piece of gauze on the cut before wrapping it up in white bandages.

"What did K say about what to do with the scratches on your face?"

"He said that we should just put some of the ointment on them. They should heal without creating scars. They weren't that deep."

"Okay." Yuki gently applied a little bit of the ointment to Shuichi's face but stopped when Shuichi flinched a little. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, they just sting a little. Reminds me of when I was little. I was always getting hurt. My mom use to sit me on the counter and do the exact same thing you are doing now, except she sometimes yelled at me. It wasn't a mean yell, just a disapproving yell. More like she was really worried and used anger to control it," Shuichi said, smiling slightly at the memory while Yuki continued to apply the ointment to the cuts.

"There. I'm done. Is there anything else I don't know about?" Yuki asked once he was done.

"No, not that I know of."

"There was blood on the wall NG near your backpack… Was that your blood?" Shuichi thought about it really hard and was about the shake his head no when he realized something.

"Actually, that reminds me. They pushed me against the wall and I hit my head, but it stopped bleeding a long time ago and it doesn't really bother me."

"Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Yeah. Like I said, it wasn't that bad. So, what are you working on?"

"Nothing important. It's just some writing I do here and there."

"Oh, okay…" Shuichi didn't really know how to break the awkward silence, so he decided to just go with what he was feeling at the moment. "Yuki, I just wanted to thank you… For rescuing me," Shuichi looked timidly at Yuki, tears once again coming to his eyes.

"What did you think I'd do, you damn brat? Leave you there?" Yuki asked, his voice soft. Once again, he found himself hugging Shuichi while tears soaked his shirt. Slowly he lifted up Shuichi's face with both of his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "I wasn't just going to leave you. What I am trying to say is that… I l-love you, Shuichi," stammered Yuki. It sounded weird to him and Shuichi knew it.

"I love you too, Yuki," Shuichi reciprocated, leaning closer to Yuki. It was then, that they shared their first kiss since the rescue; the first kiss they shared after their confessions of love. That night, they went to bed, holding each other tightly, dried up tear trails glistening in the moonlight.

Well, there it is! The last chapter to my first story. I would like to apologize again for my absence and would like to thank everybody that stayed with me during the writing of this story. Even though the story is over, please review this chapter. Was my writing better? Did you guys like the twist at the end? I really want to know! Thanks a lot for sticking with me. I love you guys!

Amethyst Shadow