Hey! My name is Amethyst Shadow and this is my first posted fan-fiction. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation

Shuichi walked down the street, thinking about his current dilemma. When he stopped, he noticed he was standing where he first met Yuki. Smiling slightly, he continued thinking. He couldn't tell anyone about his problem yet, he knew that much. So far, it was only minor, so if it got worse he would take action.

' I am doing the right thing by keeping it to myself for now, aren't I?' Shuichi asked himself. He wasn't quite sure anymore. ' Everyone will most likely be angry with me, but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it yet, and I don't want anybody I know getting hurt. When the time comes, I'll tell them.' Shuichi then walked back to his and Yuki's apartment.

While Shuichi went on his walk, Yuki sat at his laptop. 'Why is Shuichi acting weird? I haven't done anything that would hurt him lately, have I? Thinking about that damn brat is giving me a headache.' Getting up from his chair, he walked to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he grabbed a beer, popped it open, and drank. Yuki strolled into the living room and sat on the couch, continuing his thoughts. ' What is making him so quiet and dreary? It's like he's worried.' The unlocking of the door cut his thoughts off. He looked up to see Shuichi closing the door behind him.

" Hey Yuki!" Shuichi said, putting on a fake smile and jumping on the couch. Yuki then realized Shuichi came in wearing a short-sleeved shirt and pants, but no coat. It had to be at least 50-60 degrees outside. Turning to Shuichi, he saw slight shivers running through him. When Shuichi coughed, Yuki could tell something was troubling Shuichi, enough to make him forget about his health. 'Shuichi hates the cold and always wears a coat or long sleeved shirt of some kind, even in the summer. He constantly tries to avoid getting sick. Something is definitely not right with him.'

" Why didn't you wear a coat when you left." Yuki asked, the ever-present glare on his face.

" Well, I guess I had too many things on my mind, so I forgot." Shuichi told him, scratching the back of his head, fake smile still pasted on. There was silence for a while, except for the occasional cough or sneeze from Shuichi. The coughs were getting worse, so Yuki decided to do something. Getting up he pulled Shuichi with him.

" Go take a warm bath, you damn brat. Your damn coughing and sneezing is getting on my nerves." He pulled Shuichi to the bathroom and filled up the bathtub. Then, went into their room, found Shuichi a pair of clothes, and put them in the bathroom.

" Thanks, Yuki," Shuichi said with a small smile, this time a real one. Yuki smiled a little in return, closed the door, and went back to his study.

Shuichi took off his clothes and got into the bathtub. He really didn't feel well. He knew he was getting a cold and that he should've brought a coat. The warm water helped a lot, but also Yuki caring so much helped as well. ' Now I feel really bad about keeping this secret from Yuki.' Shuichi sighed. He drained the water and turned on the shower. After washing his hair and body, he got out, dried off, dressed, and combed his still damp hair. Silently, he opened the door and walked out. Picking up his belongings, he put them in his and Yuki's room. Now he needed to find Yuki. In Yuki's study could be heard the consistent tapping of computer keys. Walking into the room, he saw Yuki at his desk, typing. Yuki looked up when he heard the door close.

"Hey, Are you feeling better?" Yuki asked after closing the laptop.

" Yeah! I'm feeling just fine!"

"Are you telling me the truth?" Yuki questioned, looking doubtful. Shuichi had the habit of lying, so as not to be a burden. " You seem flushed." Walking up to Shuichi, he put the back of his hand on Shuichi's forehead. He brought it back, looking sternly at Shuichi. " You're not okay. You have a fever. Go back to bed, and I'll get us something to eat." Not wanting to make Yuki angry, he slowly shuffled into the dark bedroom, the fever making him lightheaded. Hesitantly, he turned his head to the top of the dresser. When Yuki came back in, you could still see Shuichi standing and staring at the dresser. Closer inspection showed Shuichi was extremely pale and looked about to faint. After putting down the tray of soup and crackers, Yuki rushed over to Shuichi, catching him before he fell onto the carpet. Setting Shuichi on the bed, he checked his temperature. To his relief, it was only 101degrees.

Meanwhile, someone else sat at a computer screen, typing. Sitting back he chuckled, " Soon, I will have my revenge.

So, did you hate it? Did you like it? Should I continue it? Please review! I could really use some suggestions.