Kai typed on the computer while Ray watched. "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! I'm so Bored!" Ray sang while he was getting boreder by the second. This oveiously got on Kai's nerves so he shot an angered look at Ray. "Shut Up will you! I know your bored but I have to concentrate!" he snapped.

Ray ran his fingers through his now shoulder length hair and nodded. "Why do you go by Tonya on this Advice column thing?" Ray asked. Kai finished to want he was doing to the last advice that was sent of the day.

"Because...have you noticed there is not one name on this advice page? There all girls and you know I like doing this stuff and it would look silly if a by's name was on here and if the girls knew that Tonya's Advice Column was actually ran by a boy!" Kai exclaimed. Ray nodded. "This is boring!"

Kai slammed his head on the desk and groaned. "Then why are you here if your could just go home and go to bed like all the other's!" Ray rolled his eyes. He was the only one who knew that Kai was pretending to be Tonya! Max, Tyson, and the other's didn't even know about it!


"Well what?" Ray asked. Kai lifted his head off the table. "You know you can leave, don't you?" Ray took a deep breath. "Yes." "Then wy don't you leave?" Ray crossed his arms and looked at the slate heaired boy. "Cause...I...don't want to!" he yawned while talking.

Kai turned around and face Ray. "Look! Your all ready tired...go home and come back tomorrow!" Kai snapped. Ray nodded as he got up and left the room. Kai stopped typing and listened until the door slammed shut. A minuet later the door did shut and he went back to work.


I have some problems with this one ex at school...see I just broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and I still like him. Well this is different. Have you ever felt like when you break up with someone you seem to like them more after words, well that's what happened to me! Please oh please reply!


Kai looked at the note for a while and thought. 'What should I write to Brezze...What should I write?' he thought. Then he started to write.

You should talk to him! Talk to him and ask him how he feels about you but in a way that doesn't make him uncomfortable. If he does like you, take the step up and ask him out. If things are meant to be it'll go fine... if not, it'll be o.k. and after a while you'll get over him and find better guys that are for you! You'll be o.k. And relax and be yourself. But it's good to experience things! and also, If I were you, I'd take things slow! good luck!


Kai then turned the computer off and got ready for bed.As he head to bed he heard the door bell. "Oh! Great! Who could that be!" he snapped getting to his feet. He opened the door and noticed no one was there. "Who's there!" he asked a little mad. Then he noticed an envolope on the 'welcome' mat perfectly put.

He then opened it and read it.

Miss. Tonya,

You have been invited to a ball for a thank you for giving the best advice on the advice pages! Lot's of other women your age will be there and would be glad to meet you in person. There will be a nice gourmet meal made by Chef Arnaud, nice musiac supplied to Ms. Ani Jalena, and there will be an award awarded to one of the ladies that'll come, and another award is half a million dollars. We would hope if you will come, we have heard you are pretty darn famous and people would just love to see you in person. Hope you come.

Anevay Palace

Kai slowly shut the door and bit his lip. "Oh crap!" he gasped.

The next day Ray came over agian with a smile on his face. "Hi Kai whatcha doi-" Kai pushed Ray against the wall. "Ray will you do a favor please!" he begged. Ray blinked and nodded. "What is it Kai? What do I have to do?" Ray asked confused.

Kai gulped as cleered his throught. "I need you to go to a ball for me, but the catch have to dress like a girl!"

Ray's eyes widened. "What!" he snapped. "Why me?"

"Cause your the only one that knows about the Tonya thing! And your hair is like a girl! I have the money to make you look like a girl! Please Ray! Please! Just be Tonya for a day and then you can go back to regular Ray we all know! Please Ray! I really need you to do it!" Kai begged as he fell to his feet and almost sounded like he was about to cry.

"Wait! the ball is for that thing isn't it?" Ray asked. Kai nodded. Ray stepped away from the wall and looked at Kai. "Please Ray!" Kai begged again. Ray shook his head. "I'm sorry Kai...I am not being a crossdresser!" Ray snapped. Kai slapped himself hard in the face which made Ray gave a sad look.

"Ray! I'm begging!"

"Get someone else to do it Kai! Maybe Mariah or Hilary!" Ray snapped. Kai quixkly got to his feet and shook his head. "No! No! No! There some of the girls that ask for advice from me! And your the only on that knows about my advice column, please again?" Kai begged. Ray nodded. "Fine but this is the only time okay!" he snapped. Kai nodded fast as he hugged Ray. "Kai! Kai! Stop!" he gasped backing away. "I'm sorry Ray!" Kai appoligized.
Ray just rolled his eyes and turned to the room.

"So when is this ball and were is it?" Ray asked sitting down. Kai took out the invite and scanned it. "It's on June, 18 at the Anevay Palace," Kai announced.

"Well we better go get the things ready for you!" Kai said. Ray stood up and stopped Kai. "Why should I go...why do we have to go anyway?" he asked. Kai handed the invite to Ray and pointed to the winning prize. "Half a million dollars is awarded to the winner!" Ray gasped. "Yes and if you go in dressed like Tonya I'll give you half of that!" Kai said. Ray nodded.

They soon got down town and to a very fancy store for women. The women looked at the two men that came into the store filled with dresses. "Okay...what should we get?" Ray whispered to him. Kai then spotted a lovely black dress with crimson laces. "It doesn't look gothic does it?" Ray asked. "No, why?" Kai asked. "Nevermind."

Kai looked at the price and it said, $1000! "WHAT!" Ray gasped. Kai slapped him across the face. "Shut up Ray! God! Right now your worse than Tyson and Max!" he snapped. Ray rubbed his cheek and groaned. "Come on let's get it and leave...I don't like the way these ladies are looking at me, cause I already have a girlfriend," Kai whispered, Ray nodded.

After buying the dress they went home and Ray tryed it on.

"Come on've been in there for about 30 minuets!" Kai moaned. "No! This is soooo wrong Kai, I change my mind I'm not going!" Ray whined.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Ray! remember the grand prize!"

"Yeah! But I don't care aabout it!"

Ray do I have to come in there?" Kai hissed.

"Fine!" Ray moaned from behind the door. Kai watched as the doorknob turned and the door opened. Ray stepped out wearing the red and black dress. "Kai! I hate this it's so wrong and you know it!" Ray whined. Kai just smiled. "Well, it'll look better when wee give you the girly figure," he said. Ray nodded as he slammed the door quickly got out of the dress and put on his baggy jeans and red t-shirt.

He then came out. "God! That was embarising!" he cryed. Kai just got up and hung the dress in the closet.

"Well, I'm hungry...wanna get something to eat?" he asked. Ray nodded as they walked outside into the grass.

Author: Sorry it's not yaoi for all theose yaoi lovers out there. But it is still a good story, don't you think? I like it