
Yea, I'm writing this 'cause I have a sunburn at the moment. So, right. That, and I just read one of my fav stories, so I wanted to write one of my own Spryman fics. So, flames are tolerated. (But, praise is nice too!)


Hecter was burnt. No, burning. Jeese, you'd think that once you got burned a little, you'd get out of the sun or put on some more sunscreen. But, Hecter wasn't paying attention to "minor details", like his skin. He was too absorbed in his basketball game. He was only down by two points, and he was so not going to let these punks win. His sweat ran down his burnt cheeks. He roughly brushed it aside. He stole the ball and made the shot. Swish. The ball fell neatly through the net. And just in time. Hecter whooped as the little cooking timer went off. He scored the winning three-pointer! His mother walked out in time to see, and she was happy to see that her son had won. But, she gasped when she saw his boiled lobster red skin (lobsters are either blue or green before they're cooked, so to me this made more sense. Just a little fun fact for you.). "Hecter!" she screamed. "Come inside right now!"


Mayor Spryman lay his head on his desk and moaned. 'Why did he have to stay out so looong!' He pored some aloe vere onto the back of his neck and rubbed it in. "Ow," he moaned.

"Hecter's first burn." Spryman looked up wearily to see his police chief walk in with two deputies and a fugitive behind him. The chief's face was red as well. "You'll just have to fight through it little man." Spryman glared at him.

"Do you want snot duty," he hissed. The chief put his hands up in a halfhearted defense.

"Cool it! We caught one of the burners." He pointed to the female fugitive behind him.

"My name is Burn!" Her skin was red, and her long red hair was pulled into a frail ponytail. She was wearing a tight t-shirt and baggy black pants. She was also barefoot, and had burning blue eyes that seemed to hold Spryman in place as she continued to glare at him.

'She's... cute." He thought.

"Besides, you only caught me 'cause of dumb luck," she spat, waking up Spryman. The chief looked back and glared at her.

"If it was 'dumb luck', then how did we catch you?" She twitched at the remark. Instead of replying, she easily shook off her holders and lunged at the chief. She landed neatly on top of him, and proceeded to bite him on the shoulder. The chief yelled in agony and ripped her off of him. He flung her towards Spryman ("By accident," he later stated), who jumped under his desk to avoid her. The chief looked at his shoulder to see two very large third degree burns there. Spryman looked over his burnt shoulder to see Burn laying limp in his chair.

'Evil and cute. Perfect combination,' he thought sarcastically. She raised her head and locked her gaze into his. He watched as she melted the hand cuffs on her wrists. Spryman could barely even breath, let alone move. Burn slipped down out of the chair and started towards him. 'Move, you idiot, move!' His brain screamed at him, but his body wouldn't, couldn't, respond. His breathing came in ragged gasps, as though he had run a long distance in a short amount of time. She crawled over him until their faces weren't an inch apart, and her hands were on either side of him. She held his gaze for what seemed to be hours, until she moved to the left of him and whispered in his ear,

"Where's the chief now?" Now that her hypnotic eyes had left his, Spryman was able to control his body once more. He tried to move under her, but she firmly planted her claws into his torso. It felt as though she had just set him on fire. But, he didn't give her the satisfactory of seeing the pain on his face. He tried to even out his breathing so the pain spreading through his body like wildfire would be less intense. Burn had other plans. Grabbing both of his hands in a matter of agonizing seconds, she held his arms under him and began to drag her other hand slowly up to his neck. She smiled evilly, showing four large fangs, and bent over to whisper to him once again. "Enjoy the pain, I'll be back!" She jerked her hand out of his chest and let his arms go. Before he could react in any way, she slugged him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and ultimately knocking him out. Out of pure spite, she bent over and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a burn mark. She crawled out from under the desk and stood up. The chief, who had taken a very long time to recover, lunged at her. She cackled and jumped out the window before he could reach her. She landed gracefully onto the pavement and began to run as fast as she could. Which was still pretty fast. The chief sighed and looked back at his deputies, who, trying to catch Burn when she had struggled free, had bashed their heads together and had knocked each other out.

"I always thought they were a bunch of hard heads," he said out loud. It was then that he noticed the mayor underneath his desk, lieing in a pool of blood gushing from the five gashes leading from his waist to his neck. "Dear sweet mother of Hecter!"


That's it for right now. Sorry it was so gruesome, I had to get it out of my head! I don't know the chief's name, so if someone would be so kind as to tell me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for reading!