Chapter One: The Rebel Army

I woke up, but my eyes were still closed. I felt so sore.

Was all that a dream? But…the soreness feels too real…those weapons looked too real…Where am I?

Suddenly I felt a stinging feeling on my arm, "OUCH!" I shouted. I opened my eyes and turned my head to my left. Someone had tightened a bandage on my arm. It wasn't a dream.

"Stop thrashing around or I'll never be able to change your bandages!" someone said impatiently. I blinked. A blonde boy who looked a few years older than me had jut tightened a bandage on my arm. Already there were blood stains.

"What happened..?" I said, "Last thing I remember was being hit by something…Uh…who are you anyway?"

"I'm Link," Link said, "You were very lucky that you weren't killed by that club. I thought all your ribs were broken-luckily only two were."

"That explains why I'm so sore…" I moaned. Not to mention I could hardly move, "Where am I anyway?"

"This is Hyrule." Link said, "I found you near Kokori Forest and brought you here."

"Where's 'here'?" I asked.

"'Here' is Rebel Base." Link said, "We're using an abandoned manor."

"You're against this Ganondorf guy?" I asked.

"Yeah…somehow he got really powerful by only using the Triforce of Power."

"The Triforce of Power?" I asked trying my hardest not to sound like I was having a heart attack. I knew that Ganondorf had the Triforce of Power and he was corrupted by it-thus he turned into the Demon Ganon.

"It's a third of the Triforce-the Golden Power of the Gods." Link said, "The other two fragments are: Wisdom and Courage."

I also knew that Link had the Triforce of Courage on his left hand-assuming he had it now.

"I guess it's safe to assume that Ganondorf is power crazy." I said.

"Yep," Link said sighing heavily, "Several years ago Ganondorf and his army of Demons overthrew the King."

"You mean…he killed the King?" I asked hoarsely.

Link nodded, "After that, he declared himself Emperor of Darkness…and ruler of the world."

Why else would Ganondorf make himself Emperor? Then I began thinking…what if Ganondorf found out about Earth?

"You should get some sleep Tori." Link said, "Those were some serious wounds you had."

He was right. That Moblin must have hit me with a club as big as I was. Also it was real late. Not to mention I was starting to nod off.

"Yeah…you're right." I grunted sleepily. Link left the room dimming the lantern near the doorway. I pulled the blankets up to my nose and drifted off into uneasy sleep. Like I said earlier, I had the same dream again.

(A/N: Is it just me or is Tori beginning to sound like Link?)

Link shut the door behind him. Tori was lucky that he had found him when he did, if he hadn't Tori probably would've bleed to death.

"I'm glad…he's alright…" Link mumbled, "But while he was unconscious…it was like he was suffering from a nightmare…"

"Link…" Zelda said walking up to him, "You should get some rest. It's way past midnight. You can't tend to his wounds all night."

"Zelda…he was very close to dying…for a moment…I thought he had." Link said heavily.

"Link…I know how you feel…" Zelda said softly, "You lost your family to the empire along with most of your friends. I understand that you just can't bear to see another-stranger or friend-die at Ganondorf's hands…"

Link entered his room, shut the door behind him, cast off his cloak, and collapsed on the bed. Staring out the window, he began to think.

Mother…Father…everyone…one day I will avenge your deaths…

Link stared at the snow falling heavily through the window.

I just don't want to see anyone else die at Ganondorf's hands…

A tear slid down Link's cheek. He still remembered how his parents died…to protect him. But…why did Ganondorf want to kill him in the first place? He still remembered how his father died.Although he has been unconscious when it happened. Seven years ago it had happened at Hyrule Castle. He had woken up back here at home…and Princess Zelda had told him.

Tori…even though I barley know you…I won't let Ganondorf kill you…

Tori wasn't the only one who drifted off to uneasy sleep.


(enter "Ganondorf" theme here)

"You found a Human to bring to me as a hostage but you lost him to a Rebel?"

"Many apologies milord." A Moblin said gulped shakily, "I-it was Link he slew the leader…B-but we won't fail you again Emperor Ganondorf."

"You broke him didn't you?" Ganondorf asked suspiciously, "Then thought of devouring him."

"How d-did you know?"

"I have my ways."

Ganondorf shifted on his throne impatiently. He only had one fragment of the Triforce but he had wanted the whole Triforce. Ganondorf only became powerful enough to rule the world by stealing a TriHeart Shard.

"Bring that child to me," Ganondorf said bluntly, "It will lure Link out for certain. Remember, he will not allow anyone to be slain by my hands."

(A/N: Oooooh man Ganondorf you ARE EVIL!)

"Y-yes milord." A second Moblin stammered.

"We will not fail you."

The odds on that must be against them…Ganondorf thought, "Very well. Go."

Sunlight peeked through the window and the bed hangings. For the first time I noticed I was in a four poster bed-I always wanted to sleep in one of those! I pulled the blankets over my head and curled into a ball, trying to get more sleep.

But I still have a lot of questions…I thought, Maybe when Link or another Rebel comes I'll ask.

The door creaked open. I expected Link to come in, but instead a girl around his age came in. She looked like she could be his twin sister though…

"Morning…" I said.

"Good Morning." She said, "You must be Tori."

"Um…yeah…I am…" I said. Link probably told her.

"I am Princess Zelda." She said, "Hyrule's rightful heir."

(Enter "Zelda's Lullaby" here)

"Where's Link?" I asked before realizing I should have also said 'Princess', but she didn't seem to mind.

"Still asleep." She said, "He was up so late last night after he found you. I just hope he doesn't get sick…"

"Um…Princess.." She glared at me with a look that clearly said: "Don't call me that."

I tried to find words again, "So ah…could you tell me more about what's going on please Zelda?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes," Zelda said, "Before the Empire Hyrule used be very beautiful. Tall mountains and green forests surrounded this kingdom. And Hyrule was very peaceful. About seven years ago Ganondorf somehow broke the seal the gods cast on him and killed my father and made himself ruler of the world."

"So…what was this manor before it became Rebel base?" I asked.

"This used to Link's home until Ganondorf killed his parents and most of his closest friends. After that, Link couldn't bear to see anyone die at the Emperor's hands."

"You mean…Link was from a noble family?" I asked. Something was nagging me in the back of the head; it felt like I had heard Zelda's voice before…but where? Was she the girl who talked to me in my dreams?

Poor guy…Ganondorf killed his mom, dad, and a lot of his friends…that would leave anyone mentally scarred.

"Well…"I said starting to get out of bed, "I'd better get dresses and have break-hey!"

Zelda had held me back on the bed-gently because of my broken ribs.

"You can't be moving around like that yet. Your wounds haven't healed."

"But I can't be lying around in bed all day!" I retorted-I still can't belive I was talking back like that to a Princess… "I mean…I might have to help the Rebels. Who knows-it could be my only way home."

"Well, you'll have to until you're fully healed." Zelda said sharply.

I shrank back into the pillow, something told me not to get her mad, "Er…ok…" I choked.

"I'll have someone bring breakfast up to your room."

I nodded looking at my knees glumly. Talk about bad luck…first I crash into a brick wall, get chased by Moblins, get knocked out with a huge club, and now I'm bed ridden!

Zelda left Tori's room and shut the door.

Ganondorf must be looking for the Humans' world Earth…but why?

Link came out of his room tying his long hair into a loose ponytail.

"Morning," He said stiffly.

"Bad sleep?" Zelda asked.

"Uh-huh, it was that old nightmare again. It's starting to become a bit of a pain…I'm going to see if Tori's ok."

"Link, he's fine." Zelda said.

"Tori lost a lot of blood. He's not ok, at least…not right now."

"Link…" Zelda said, "He really wants to help us. When he's healed he'll have to find a way back to his own world."

"It'll be too dangerous for him. Tori's a Human. He'll be extremely vulnerable to the miasma." Link said seriously.

""Boooorinnnggg…" I moaned. I was confined to strict bed rest. Were those injuries really that bad? I must have lost a lot of blood…I was still a little dizzy. Too bad I lost my backpack when I crashed…all the manga I had bought in Japan-Town was in there…But then again…It HAD been Zeruda no Densetu and it would have taken A LOT of explaining had Link or Zelda had seen me reading Toki no Okarina.

I wonder what's going on back home…How much time has gone by? And what are the guys doing? Probably looking for me.


SANGOCHAN: YEAH! We got Chapter one done!

Lloyd: Keep on the lookout for Chapter two: Darkness.

Both: We hoped you enjoyed the fic!