Sharpay couldn't sleep, she had been sleeping much to much lately and it was finally getting to her. She had dozed during the night, of course but now it was around dawn and she couldn't get back to sleep.

Sighing, she flopped onto her back and started thinking. She thought about Ryan, Troy, these last few days, school, musicals, her parents and her life in general.

Sharpay realized that for the first time in a long time she was truly content with who she was and what she was doing. She didn't know if i was because of Troy or because her illness had enlightened her but she knew for certain that she finally felt like the knot that had seemed to be permanently inside her had finally loosened itself.

Still finding herself sleepless in Albuquerque, Sharpay rolled out of bed and tiptoed down the hall to the bathroom. After brushing her hair and teeth, she sat on the toilet looking out the window, watching the day rise before her.


Troy couldn't sleep, he'd had too much on his mind lately and it was finally getting to him by rendering him sleepless. He had dozed off and on during the night but now it was around dawn and he couldn't force himself back to sleep.

Troy sighed and rolled onto his back, thinking about how much his life had changed lately. He realized that he finally didn't feel like a Nomad, wandering from place to place.

He felt at home with his life for once and it felt awesome. He didn't know if it was because of Sharpay or Gabriella but he knew for certain that he felt like the knot that had been inside him forever had finally loosened.

Although he felt better about himself, he still found himself lacking sleep so he slid off the couch and sashayed in a manly manner to the window, and out onto the balcony, so he could watch the world wake up around him.


Sharpay padded down the hall to the doorway of the den, then hesitated before slipping inside. She smiled slightly at the sight of Troy leaning against the railing of the balcony, enjoying watching his hair rustle slightly in the wind. Sharpay quietly moved through the room and out into the morning, which still smelled of rain.

"Hey." She whispered quietly, so as not to startle him.

Troy still jumped but when he turned to her he was grinning. "Morning." He whispered huskily back.

"Sleep well?" She inquired as she sidled up next to him, looking out into the colors of the fading night.

"Not really, you?" She shook her head then rested it down lightly on his broad shoulder.

"Don't you love sunrise?" She asked suddenly.

"I love watching the stars fall from the sky, especially when I'm here, with you."

She felt tears pricking behind her eyes and she looked down at her chipped nail polish, and for once, didn't care that it was chipped.

"Well, I love you, especially when you're here at sunrise." She stated quietly, so that only he could hear. He looked down at her and she looked up at him and slowly, their lips crashed together.

Time seemed to stop as their lips danced to a rhythm of their own. After what seemed like decades, although it wasn't more than 30 seconds or so, they broke apart.

Troy smile softly down at her and she opened her eyes back up to him. He leaned down and kissed her again, cradling her head.

This time, she felt part of him travel through their open hearts and into her soul. "Perfect." She murmured against his lips, and finally the sun exploded into the sky, leaving behind to new lovers in an old world...

Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above

Well, that's all for this story. The song is High by James Blunt. Thank you all so much for reading this! I know the ending is really cheesy but it was the best I could think of, well for this story anyway. Please let me know what you think! I'll write a new story soon! Bye!