Sharpay rolled over and slammed her hand down on her shrill alarm clock. She went to stand up but felt a wave of dizziness overcome her and fell back onto the bed. Shaking her head, Sharpay stood up a little bit more slowly this time, and made her way into the bathroom to grab a quick shower before school. She hadn't been feeling well lately, but of course, could not say anything about it to anyone because that would show weakness, and she hates weakness.

After her shower, and a quick fix up of makeup and hair, she rushed downstairs and grabbed her purse. "Ryan! Come on! We're going to be late!" She barked out as Ryan was sitting at the table eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Cruch. He rolled his eyes slightly, then put his bowl in the sink and followed her out the door. As Sharpay was trying to open her car door, a sneeze attack overcame her and she had to step back from the car until it had subsided. "Sharpay, do you want me to drive?" Ryan asked with slight concern. "Of course not!" She snapped back, feeling slightly bad about being mean to Ryan, but also feeling better becayse it reliefed her stress.

They got to school just moments before the bell, and ran into their homeroom just in time. During Ms. Darbus' announcements, Sharpay couldn't help but zone out. She was just so tired! The stupid flu had been going around, and it was now on a rampage inside her body.

Troy turned around to talk to Chad and noticed that Sharpay was half-asleep on her desk. He looked at her for a few minutes, thinking that she didn't look so annoyed when she was asleep, until Chad threw a pen at his head and he had to duck.

Unfortunately, the pen hit Ms. Darbus in the face, therefore causing the class to laugh and also to cower when Ms. Darbus started ranting about the "throwing of objects in the theatre." Troy and Chad were given detention after school, much to their dismay, and then the bell rang.

During the day, Sharpay was slowly slipping into comatose. She had literally fallen asleep during her last three classes of the day, and to her horror she fell asleep on Troy's shoulder during last period! As soon as she woke up and realized this, she shot up and threw a glare at Troy for good measure, although just the thought of being mean to Troy made her feel like dying.

Troy glanced over at her feeling quite confused. Why was she so cold there, I did give her my shoulder after all. She doesn't look so hot, I wonder what's up... The final bell of the day rang, and Troy jumped up happy to be free, but Sharpay remained sitting with her head in her hands, half asleep again. He reached over and tapped her lightly on the shoulder, but she didn't respond. Try leaned down and quietly tried to wake her.

Sharpay jumped about a foot in the air and threw her hand over her mouth in surprise. "What the hell are you doing!" She demanded. Troy jumped back and grabbed his bag. "Sorry, I was just trying to help, next time I'll just leave you alone and then you'll be the one in Ms. Darbus' warpath, for being late to theatre!" He replied and then walked out of the room. Sharpay felt tears well up in her eyes. Why did I do that? He was only trying to be polite! Oh I am such an idiot! She thought, then got her things and followed after him, towards the auditorium.

Troy made his way towards the auditorium, feeling guilty about snapping at Sharpay. For some reason he didn't want to be mean to her, because he had a feeling that she really wasn't that mean. But, then again, she had tried to ruin his and Gabriella's chances at the play. Troy didn't let that bother him anymore though, because he knew that theatre was her one claim to fame, and that she only was doing what she thought was right, even if it wasn't. Gabriella still hadn't forgiven them, and that bothered Troy for some reason. She said that the twins seemed a little too stuck up for her taste, but Troy thought that it was the theatre rubbing off on them. And, Troy and Gabriella hadn't really been getting along lately, because Gabriella was always doing homework and things for the scholastic decathalon team, while Troy was always practicing basketball. He didn't know what to think about her anymore, but all he did know was that he wasn't sure if he felt the same way about her anymore...