A/N: Hi there everyone! I'm mi and this is my first fanfic ever! Yay! (dances)

(receives weird looks from everyone) Ouch, tough crowd… /

Well I've only seen up to the end of Axess (dubbed version too : P) and read the first volume of the manga. I have read some info on the later three series but I'm not gonna pretend I know anything of worth (hehe) I have heard a bit about Netto and Saito being twins and their link so that'll make an appearance in later chapters. Actually this chapter is a little short for my liking, the reason why is pretty obvious if you read it (giggles nervously).

Please take the time to read and review, and no flames, because I'm heat sensitive! TT

Summary: When Dr Hikari recovers his father's lost research, everyone is overjoyed. That is until it's stolen. It's now up to Netto and Rockman to recover it before the stealer unleashes it on the world. Plz R&R (1st fic).

Disclaimer: I don't own Rockman or Megaman, Capcom does! So keep the scary peoples in suits away from me! trembles

Dangerous Deceptions!

Chapter 1

Hikari Netto decided to take a detour on his way home from a hard day at school. Coming to the park, he sat down on the swing and stared morosely at his feet, swinging a leg, kicking up dust with his shoes.

"Netto-kun, what's wrong?" Rockman asked worriedly.

Netto remained silent.


"It's nothing… I dunno, I feel as if I've missed something important…" Rockman looked up into his Net OP's face and then, he knew.

"There's nothing you could have done, Netto-kun."


"No, Netto, you know I'm right. No matter how much you want it, you can't undo what's already been done. You can only look forward and hope for the best."

Netto sighed dejectedly and got to his feet. "I guess so… It's just, I tried and I-"

"Papa decided all on his own to go, and I'm sure he'll be back before long," Rockman said brightly.

Netto nodded silently.

"Come on, cheer up Netto-kun." He paused and looked at the downcast form of his best friend. "Hey, I know!" he said excitedly. "We can stop at the arcade before we go home and have a few Netbattles! What do you say, Netto-kun?" Netto's face lit up at that.

"Sure, why not. Great idea Rock!" Clasping his rollerblades on, he tore off up the road.

Meanwhile, Hikari-hakase had traveled to Amerope in the hopes of recovering a highly prized piece of data on the nature of the net and it's capacities from when his father, Hikari Tadashi helped develop the first semblance of the Cybernetwork over 50 years ago. And now after a lot of laborious hours of negotiations, he finally had the information that had been missing since the completion of his father's first project. To say that this was exciting would be an understatement; this could be the biggest rediscovery of the century!

Or the biggest disaster…


Netto had really set the pace that afternoon in the arcade. He accepted every challenge thrown at him and defeated everyone with ease. Rockman had worried that Netto's missing of Papa would overwhelm him. It had been the longest time that their father had been out of touch.

I suppose the artifact that he's retrieving must be extremely valuable! Rockman mused as he dodged the NetNavi's sword and charged his Rockbuster. But before he could fire, the Navi was impaled from behind. The opposing Net OP Plugged Out his Navi before any further damage could be done and stormed out of the arcade, muttering about 'dirty play'.

"Who are you!" demanded Netto.

"Me? I'm surprised that you've not heard of me," the Navi replied callously. "Call me-"


End Notes: So what do you think? Have I perked your interests? If you want me to continue, please review! No Flames please. I may not be able to post the next chapter right away, seeing as Uni starts up again next week. I will try my best to get it done though!

Also if anyone has a good name for an evil navi, please suggest one. Part of the reason this chapter is so short is that I couldn't think of a name… (blushes furiously)