Thank-you to everyone who reviewed! I love reviews, so keep them up!

-Note: You might want to check out the last little bit of the previous chapter, because I added a couple lines. Juts thought I'd let you know -

Chapter 6: Morning!

The following morning, the older Kagome came outside to wake the young couple, who had fallen asleep on the couch outside.

"Hey," she said, shaking the young Kagome lightly on the shoulder.

"Mm.." she mumbled, "Five more minutes, Mom."

The older Kagome laughed slightly and then replied, "I'm not your mother, Kagome."

The younger Kagome slowly opened her eyes, "What?" she asked, and gazed up at the speaker.

"Morning!" exclaimed the older Inuyasha, from behind his wife.

The young Inuyasha's ears twitched and he pulled Kagome closer, as he moaned something inaudible.

Both Kagome laughed, and the younger Kagome inquired, "How did he get to be such a morning person?"

The older Inuyasha replied, "When you find someone as beautiful, kind, thoughtful, loyal, and just..well..perfect, you find you are always happy!" and with that he put his arms around his wife and kissed her.

At that moment Inuyasha decided to wake up, "God! Get a room! That's not the first thing I need to see in the morning!" he grumbled.

"Mm.." said the older Kagome, a little taken by the gesture, "I wonder though, what did you do?"


"Yeah right, I know that look!"

"What look?"

"That one! You're lying to me! Just like you always have!"

"I'm not! I haven't always lied to you! I love you.."

"Oh, don't give me that! You only chose me, because you precious Kikyo died!"

"Kagome! You know that's not true!"

"Oh, really? Well then tell me what you would have done, if she had of lived?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"It's not like that! I just..I made her a promise.."

" go to hell with her, I know!"

"Well then why can't you understand?!"

"Because you don't tell me anyting!"

"I do.."

"No! Over five hundred years of marriage and you still keep secrets from me!"

"Okay, fine! Kouga and I had a fight in the living room.."

"..Is everyone okay?"

"Ah..Kouga threw his back out."

"What about the living room?"

" isn't there's more like a crater now.."

"See.." she said turning to the younger Kagome, "That is now you get Inuyasha to tell you anything" She looked back at her husband, "Now as for you, I would advise getting as far away from here as possible!"

"Right, bye!" and in two seconds he was gone.

The older Kagome sighed and then said, "Well let's go have some breakfast."

Inuyasha and Kagome followed the older Kagome into the house.

"Feel free to eat whatever you like." The older Kagome offered, "I'm sorry I can't make you something, but I have to check on Kouga."

The younger Kagome smiled and replied, "Oh no, it's fine. We'll find something."

"Ramen's in the top cabinet." She said with a smiled and then left the room.

Inuyasha remarked happily, "Yes, Ramen!"

Kagome giggled, and went to started boiling some water. As she did that she frowned slightly, Inuyasha, I wonder if he realized that Kikyo's going to die. She thought to herself, is that really why he chose to go with me? Because Kikyo was gone..

Oo..what's going to happen next? Dum, dum, dum! Lol, sorry I just couldn't resist anthor cliff hanger smiles

Anyways, next update will be in a week, hopefully. The more reviews I get though, the faster I update!

Until next time,

amanda hopeless romantic