Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Gargoyles characters portrayed in this story, except for Adam Maza, Tachia and Eosine. All others are owned by those geniuses over at Disney. As always, please don't sue me. Pretty Please? All comments are most definitely appreciated!

I apologise to those of you that were worried that I had stopped writing Fanfiction. I have just been soooooo uninspired lately.. And, yes, this honeymoon has been done, re-done, and done over about a zillion times as well. That's why I'm going to concentrate mainly on the clan as they are two members short for a week.)

January 1, 1998

"The last time we were on a plane was to see that lawyer about Adam's inheritance," Elisa commented as she buckled herself securely into her seat beside her new husband/mate, Goliath. He nodded. "Yes, I remember it well. You were so anxious then. But things seem to have worked out for the best," He added, reaching for his wife's hand. He looked to the side out of the window, seeing a light dusting of New Year's Day snow beginning to cover the ground.
"Where are we going? And why were you so insistent to keep it secret?"
A sly smile crept onto Elisa's face. "That's for me to know and you to find out…but not until after you wake up," She patted his hand. "For now, you'll have to trust me."
"I do, my love, with all of my being," He said grandly in an attempt to make Elisa guilty and trick her into telling him where they were going. Patience was not one of Goliath's fortes. She shook her head; she knew his tricks. "It's not going to work, babe. You'll just have to wait," She flashed him a smile and kissed his hand in hers. "So, for now, sit back and enjoy the ride."
Goliath looked out the window to his side again and watched as the horizon bore the distinct imprint of the sun preparing to rise. He smiled at Elisa, and said, "That is easy for you to say, Elisa. You aren't going to turn to stone while in a plane above the earth in thirty minutes."
He really would just have to trust her.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of the Eyrie…

Eosine stood amongst the rest of the clan holding Adam in her arms as they watched David's private jet soaring through the sky, carrying their clan leader and his mate to their honeymoon.

"May God be with them as they journey," The pink hued gargoyle prayed quietly looking up to the sky after the jet.
"Sister, not to worry. They will be fine," Tachia assured confidently.
"I know, Tachia, but those I still do not trust those mechanical flying contraptions. I know you have all been on one, but still…"
Lexington placed a reassuring hand upon Eosine's shoulder. "They'll be fine," Just then, Adam began crying uncontrollably. Lexington laughed uncomfortably. "I'm not sure how fine we'll be, though. I for one haven't even learned how to change his diaper yet,"

"But you and Alex have spent so much time together. You mean you never changed his diaper before?" Broadway asked his rookery brother, smiling. Lexington shook his head. "Owen always took him away when it was time for that. Besides, we were in the past for 6 years, so it's like I have to remember how to care for a kid again…It's my night tomorrow to watch him while you go on patrol, and I'm a bit nervous,"

"Adam will be well taken care of, I assure you," a familiar monotone voice piped up behind the clan. "And it is time for him to go to bed I see. The nanny is waiting, and the sun is just about to rise," Owen nodded towards the horizon.

"That it is, lads and lasses," Hudson concurred, looking up to the heavens. "Better be off to our posts, everyone. Good night, little lad." He said to Adam, who was still in Eosine's arms. Adam smiled at Hudson but then continued his crying. Owen took Adam gently out of Eosine's arms and waited for the clan to say their goodnights before taking Adam to the nanny for the day.

On the parapets, Angela took her place beside Broadway and peered over at him reflectively.
"It will be so wonderful to have our own hatchling someday, won't it, Broadway?" He looked shocked at the suggestion momentarily before replying.
"Sure! But do you think we're ready to take that step?" Angela nodded.
"We love each other, and the clan hasn't had a rookery since…well, since I was hatched on Avalon. Perhaps it's time." Broadway thought about that for a moment before making a noise of curiosity. Maybe it is time…



That morning, Fox Xanatos awoke with a grin planted upon her face. She was elated about her pregnancy, and was even happier that David shared in her happiness. Everything was as it should be in her life and that of her family. She rose from the bed and was about to make a routine morning trip to the washroom when she was greeted by her smiling husband, David.
"Morning, my dear," He said brightly.
"Good morning, David. How long have you been up?" Fox asked, leaning in and kissing his cheek moments after asking. David took her hands in his and replied,
"About an hour. I was preparing for your impending trip,"
Fox gasped. "David, it's New Year's Day. That could have waited for another day," she commented, though she had had the feeling he would have set things up as soon as physically possible. He was, after all, David Xanatos, one of the richest men in the world. Rich men didn't procrastinate.

"I know, but the sooner I had the preparations done, the sooner I could spend the entire day with you and Alex," He released her hands and wrapped his arms around Fox' waist and smiled. "Besides, Xanatos Enterprises is closed for the day so that was the only matter I needed to deal with," David finished, embracing his wife lovingly. Fox accepted that answer and allowed herself to be taken back to bed by her husband. Before she became entranced by David's kissing of her neck, she cleared her throat and asked, "So everything is set up, isn't it?" David didn't even lift his head from her neck and replied, "yes, you will leave first thing tomorrow morning with Alexander. I will join you upstate once Goliath and Elisa return with the jet," David rose slightly to meet Fox's gaze. "Is that alright, Fox?"

She smiled. "Of course it is." She kissed his lips sweetly.
"My dear, can I ask why you want to keep this pregnancy a secret?" David asked, a perplexed look surfacing upon his face.
Fox shook her head. "I just have a bad feeling that telling people about this pregnancy now will put the baby at serious risk," David sat up when he heard her last comment. "My dear, it seemed pretty clear that we have nothing to fear from Oberon and Titania—"
Fox raised a hand to silence his thought. "This has nothing to do with Mother—or Titania, or whatever the hell she wants to be called nowadays. It's not that at all. I just have a bad feeling. That's all." She let go of David and held onto herself, as if she had just received a cold shiver at the mention of something or someone endangering her unborn child. David recognised this and put an arm around her in comfort.
"You know I would never allow anything to happen to you or our children. I swear it, Fox. I would use all the resources I have at my disposal and—" He said with resolve. Fox smiled and returned his embrace.
"Thanks, David," She suddenly smiled devilishly. "I love it when you throw your clout around…" She murmured seductively.
David nodded. "I know," He sighed dramatically," You're attracted to power. What can I say?" He laughed and resumed kissing Fox's neck, and all previous discussion about danger was forgotten.

Elisa yawned one last time as the pilot navigated the plane safely down to the ground. The lowering sensation caused as the plane descended to the ground made Elisa feel nauseous, but passed instantly once the plane touched the ground for good. She looked over at her stone statue of a husband and smiled at the look that was frozen with the rest of him as the sun rose that morning. The look was a cross between contentment and trust. It was the sort of look Elisa was becoming greatly accustomed to seeing upon Goliath's noble visage. Elisa couldn't help but be excited about her surprise to her mate. She peered over his form to the window beside him and saw that the sun was hiding behind thick layers of clouds. She had brought her husband to the country of his birth—Scotland.


That evening, when the clan awoke from their stone sleep, they were greeted by the ever stoic-looking Owen, holding Adam in his arms, with 2 year old Alexander close behind him, trying to get a closer look at Adam. As the clan waved their hellos and goodbyes to each other, Lexington walked over to Adam and took him from Owen.

"If you need any help, I will be in my office doing work for Mr. Xanatos, and the nanny will be preparing Master Alexander for his trip upstate with Mrs. Xanatos."
"Oh? They're going on a trip?" Lexington asked curiously.
Owen nodded. "Yes, but it appears that Mr. Xanatos will not be accompanying them just yet. Only young Alexander and Fox are going for the time being. Mr. Xanatos plans to join them once Goliath and the detective return from their honeymoon with his private jet," Lexington nodded his thanks to Owen and watched him and Alexander walking back into the castle. He then returned his gaze to Adam, who was inspecting Lexington's olive-coloured complexion using his hands. Lexington laughed and batted Adam's tiny hands away from his face playfully.
"Stop that, Adam!" He said, causing the child to giggle as he tried to touch his face again, only to be swatted away gently. Beside Lexington, his mate Eosine appeared, smiling at this sight.
"And you were worried about tonight," She mused. "You will be fine, Lex." She laughed and patted Adam on the head. She kissed Lexington's cheek and spread her fine wings to go on patrol with the rest of the clan. Lexington smiled at Eosine and watched her disappear into the night.
"Thanks, Eo. I hope so!"


Goliath awoke that evening with a booming roar as he burst forth from his stone encasing. He looked around him and saw that he was still in the jet, but he was alone. He stepped towards the back of the jet.
"Elisa?" He called out quietly.
"Out here, Big Guy," She answered from just outside the plane. He opened the door to the jet gently and stepped outside to a moist and rocky terrain. The jet had landed on a cliff overseeing the Atlantic Ocean. Once outside of the jet, Goliath gasped as he recognised the way the air smelled.

"Scotland!" He cried. Elisa turned and beamed at him. He walked behind Elisa and wrapped his arms around her in gratitude.

"This is incredible! I am really in the land of my birth," He glanced down at the woman in his arms. "My love, this was a wonderful surprise!" He exclaimed.

Elisa shook her head happily. "This is only part of the surprise, Big Guy. The other part lies over there," Elisa pointed to a cliff in the distance. Goliath was puzzled, but nodded.
"Very well, let us go there," He said, sweeping Elisa in his arms and opening his wings to allow the wind to carry them there. As the wind carried them to the far off cavern in the distance, Elisa smiled delightedly as she realised her surprise was actually going to work. She could tell Goliath had no idea about the second part of the surprise, let alone the first.
"There, Big Guy," Elisa pointed down to a spot a few yards away while in Goliath's arms. He nodded and took them there. As they landed, Elisa grabbed Goliath's massive hand in hers and almost pulled him towards a cave.
"Where are we going?" He asked, with a slight smile upon his majestic face.
"Shhh!" Elisa insisted playfully. "Don't ask, just do. Keep coming…" She pulled him along towards a cave. Inside, Goliath could see the flickering light of a candle (or five) bouncing off the walls of the cave. Elisa suddenly stopped pulling and jumped up to cover Goliath's eyes with her small hands. Goliath laughed but did as he was told. They walked a few more feet when Elisa stopped walking altogether and let go of his hands and let him open his eyes. Before him was a table, similar to the one that he had set up atop Castle Wyvern when he originally planned on proposing to Elisa. There were two plates covered in tin foil, and a bottle of champagne. Deeper within the cave, there was an eight by eight foot area covered in blankets and pillows. Goliath looked at Elisa questioningly.

Her gaze met his and she smiled. "Dinner and dessert," She mused. Goliath caught on quickly. "I am hungry for both, Elisa," He reached down and scooped her up into his arms. "But I think dessert would be best served right now," He kissed his wife in his arms passionately, causing Elisa to moan with desire. "But Goliath, the food will get cold," she giggled as he planted small kisses on her neck.

"I would rather make sure that you are not cold, my love," Goliath smiled briefly before walking towards the blanketed area and setting down his wife gently on the blankets. Before Goliath could kiss Elisa again, she spoke.

"So, did you like my surprise?" Goliath nodded and brought his face within inches of hers. Just before beginning the passion again, he replied, "It was a wonderful surprise, and it still is…"

Goliath swooped down and embraced his wife, picking her up and walking her over to the blanketed area specifically created for the purpose of consummating the marriage. Elisa no longer felt hungry for food as Goliath's passion built for her. As he kissed her, her nether regions were set aflame with need for him. Goliath's mouth covered that of Elisa passionately as he gently eased her down to the makeshift bed—the thick covering of blankets and pillows that lay beneath them.

"My love," Goliath breathed lightly, sweeping loose hairs from Elisa's face, "You have made me happy beyond all measure. I wish to return the sentiment," With that, Goliath lowered his head to Elisa's delicate neck and began planting kiss after kiss upon it, soliciting sweet harmonious moans to spring from her. These only made Goliath kiss her faster, and work his way down towards her supple breasts, still burdened by her blouse. Still in his right mind, he slowly removed the blouse, a button at a time, and tossed it aside, and then undid her black laced bra.

Once the bra was removed, releasing her perfect coffee-coloured breasts and her instantly hardened nipples, Goliath's look was one of a starving man about to have the meal of his life. He caressed one breast while feasting upon the other with his tongue, causing Elisa to moan and arch her back ever so slightly with desire. Goliath's exploration of her breasts continued for what seemed like hours to Elisa. With each passing second, her need to have him inside of her increased and her juices prepared her for what would be a long lovemaking session. Elisa pulled Goliath's torso towards her, feeling for his buckle to remove his cumbersome loincloth and release what she most needed. The buckle was undone quickly, and the loincloth dropped. Elisa flung it over to join her blouse. Goliath smiled lustfully and helped her remove her jeans and black laced panties. Once the superfluous articles of clothing were no longer on them, Elisa and Goliath were free to surrender to their lust for each other. Goliath and Elisa locked their gaze for a moment before his eyes blazed white with desire.

He grabbed Elisa by the waist and flipped her over so that she was now on her hands and knees. He allowed his wings to flair for a second before draping them over his shoulders. He then got onto his knees and began kissing the small of her back, and then each side of her buttocks, and then reached to her passion. He licked his lips with anticipation before spreading her open and slowly placing one talon inside of her. Elisa sighed, and relaxed a bit more to allow his talon to press inside of her more deeply. He sensed this relaxation and pushed his talon in further, and then removed it, and put it back inside. Every thrust of his finger made Elisa want his manhood all the more. She even began to buck slightly to simulate the action of lovemaking. When Goliath noticed this, he decided to tease her just a bit more. He removed his talon from her opening, and instead, used his tongue upon the very same place, causing a louder moan to escape from Elisa's lips. Goliath's long tongue encircled her clitoris, and drove deeply inside of her. Though his tongue inside of her was absolutely incredible, it could not rival the sensation she knew was that of his hard shaft inside of her.

As Goliath traced the outer walls of her sex and then let his tongue slip inside of her again, Elisa cried out, "Please stop teasing me…I need you inside of me…" in such a pained tone that Goliath did as he was told almost immediately. Elisa felt his tongue leaving her opening, but within seconds, she felt his hard, erect shaft thrusting inside of her from behind. He began pounding inside of her faster and faster, his breathing becoming rougher and faster as well. Elisa found it hard to stay on her hands and knees, because each thrust from Goliath came so powerfully and so filled with lust. At length, Goliath pulled his manhood out and grabbed his wife again in his arms. He flipped her around to have her face him.

As their eyes met again, they exchanged a lust-filled look and devilish smiles. He then gently returned her to the blankets upon her back and mounted her again. This time, however, he took her ankles and rested them upon his shoulders so that his access to her sex was unrestrained. Also, this position allowed him to enter into her as deeply as possible without causing her pain. Goliath positioned himself and began thrusting his shaft deeply into her, watching her face for any hint that she was in pain. None came, however. The only looks upon her beautiful face were those of desire and insurmountable pleasure being attained. Her moans became louder and louder as he became closer to climaxing while within her. Elisa grabbed the pillows around her and dug her nails into them. She suddenly realised that she was extremely close to her own climax.

"Goliath, don't stop. I'm so close…"

Goliath didn't say a word. Instead, he replied by thrusting harder and faster. As Elisa began to scream out, signalling her orgasm, Goliath felt the rippling joy of his own and allowed his seed to burst out while still buried inside of his wife. Spent for the time being, but not allowing his shaft to escape the warmth of her opening, Goliath shifted his weight to his arms, and lowered himself to kiss Elisa, who was obviously exhausted by their first lovemaking session as husband and wife. She was, in fact, still panting to catch her breath.

"Elisa, I love you. That was…"

"Amazing. Ya, I know, Big Guy. You were awesome," Elisa replied. "Now, how do we top that?" She asked. Goliath kissed her sweetly upon her forehead.

"I can think of a few ways, but we'll wait a few minutes before I show them to you…"

After the newlyweds shared in wedded bliss together for the first time since being married, they felt hungry, so they dressed and enjoyed the cold chicken and potatoes that Elisa had brought for their meal. After the meal, they brought a few of the blankets they had lay upon in the cave out towards the edge of the cliff to watch the night sky transform into the early morning sky. Elisa was somewhat quiet, and Goliath took notice instantly.

"Elisa, what are you thinking of?"
"I need to ask you your opinion on something…"
"Anything, my love. You need only ask,"
"I was thinking of returning to work earlier than scheduled. I miss being a cop."
"I know that your profession is a part of yourself that you love. How early would you be returning?"
"In a month or so. At least, that's what I'm thinking of doing…if it's feasible…"
"I think we can work something out, my love. If you feel strongly about returning to work, the clan will support your decision however we can."
"Well, for one thing, I would have to work dayshift. That way, I can spend my nights with you and Adam. I would hate to return home to find you in stone sleep." Goliath smiled. "Yes, that would be torture for me, too."
"But another problem remains—well, not so much a problem, more like an issue. What about Adam? I mean, during the day? I don't know if I would be comfortable handing him off to just anyone…"
Goliath nodded in understanding. "I agree. I do not know how well you know the Xanatos' nanny, but perhaps you might consider allowing Adam to stay with her. Xanatos has actually introduced me to her. She has been sworn to secrecy, but seems genuine and honest."
Elisa tilted her head. "Well, babe, I trust your judgement. So, if you think she's trustworthy, and capable of leaving our son with her, when we get back, I'll talk to her." Elisa reached for Goliath and wrapped her arms around his thick waist. Goliath chuckled, causing Elisa's gaze to meet his.
"What?" She asked coyly.

"My love, you referred to Adam as our son,"
"Well, you are the only father he's known, and I'd like to think that he is ours. Besides, I know it's impossible to have our own children so this way, it makes me feel like it isn't all that impossible," Elisa replied almost sadly at the accepted knowledge that she would never bear Goliath's children. She thought she had come to grips with that fact, but every time she mentioned it, she couldn't help but be saddened by it. Goliath instantly recognised this look from Elisa and stroked her soft cheek.
"My love, I am sorry that we cannot have our own hatchlings—or children. I wish that we could, but I am just thankful that Adam came along, for he is a wondrous blessing upon our lives and the clans' as well," Elisa nodded, snapping out of her temporary depression.
"I know. I thank God every day that I decided to continue the pregnancy, regardless of the way he was conceived. He has brought so much joy to our lives. I just wish that I could bring that kind of joy into your life as Adam has brought into mine," Elisa sighed.
"You already do, my love," Goliath replied sweetly, overseeing the Scottish evening sky in awe, and embracing his wife a little tighter. "You already do."

As the clan awoke to another winter night, they were greeted by Owen holding a smiling Adam. Brooklyn and Lexington were the first to greet the duo. "Hey there little buddy!" Lexington said, motioning to Adam to come to him. When Adam saw Lexington, his eyes lit up and he opened and closed his hands widely in excitement. Over the last week, the two became fast friends. Lexington had learned how to change a diaper and feed a baby all over again, and Adam learned to enjoy being carried by Lexington and playing peek a boo with him. As Lexington held onto the child, Brooklyn and Tachia appeared from their parapet of the castle.
"Hey Adam, you excited your mom's coming home tonight? I know we are," He added. Tachia smiled at her mate.

"Yes, we are. Darling, you are a fantastic second in command, but I'm glad you aren't the clan's leader," She laughed. Brooklyn looked up and frowned mockingly. "Hey, I resent that! It's lucky I happen to adore you, Tac," He teased.

Eosine, Angela and Broadway came right afterwards towards them.

"So when are they getting back?" Broadway asked. "The pilot advised me that the flight is on time and they should be arriving momentarily." Owen said stoically. No sooner had he said this than a small jet appeared in the sky above the castle. It began descending and landed on a strip of land a few floors below them on another level of the Eyrie Building. Owen made sure that the pilot had gotten off the plane and walked inside the castle before allowing the clan to greet their friends near the plane. As soon as he nodded his approval, the whole clan rushed down to see Goliath and Elisa. Brooklyn even took hold of his godson from Lexington who, because of this odd wingspan, had no free hands when he glided.

Elisa and Goliath were stepping off the plane with one small bag each when they were bombarded by the clan and what seemed like a hundred happy faces. Elisa immediately made a bee-line towards her baby boy. Adam smiled adorably when he saw his mother.

"My baby! Mommy missed you so much, Adam!" She said between kisses upon his soft cheek. As Elisa hugged her son, Goliath greeted his clan in the usual fashion, but was asked too many questions to answer all at the same time.

"Where did Elisa take you?"
"Was the weather nice?"
"How was flying in that contraption really?"
"How does it feel to finally be mated?"

Goliath raised a hand and smiled to his clan.

"Friends, we will answer all of your questions in due time. First, however, I believe Elisa and I need our rest after flying this evening. I now know what the term 'jet lagged' means!"

The clan laughed, and allowed Elisa and Goliath to get the much needed rest they deserved. They knew that all their questions would indeed be answered, but that could wait for tomorrow. They had their clan leader and their good friend back with them, and that was all they were concerned about.
