Authors Note: Okay, so here it is! Chapter 13! Sorry it's kinda short, but I couldn't think of what to write! Anyway, this chapter just kind of introduces Gaara into the story, and shows a bit of his personality, and how everyone will ajust to him. WAIT! What am I telling you for! Just read and find out!


p.s. Thanx, Hermitcrabbb, for modivating me to update!


Chapter 13: Gaara, Gaara, of the Sand...

"...Gaara?" Neji finished, eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"Dude! How'd you get here? That doesn't matter! This is so awsome! Gaara's here! Believe it!" Naruto shouted pumping his fist up in the air, a fox like grin on his face.

"Oh, Shut up, Naruto!" Sakura said, before hitting Naruto on the head (quite hard, may I add!).

"What was that for?" Naruto shouted to Sakura.

"Hn, I don't blame her..." Sasuke said, smirking.

"What did you say, Teme?" Naruto said defenseively, rubbing his head where Sakura had hit him.

Sasuke just smirked. Naruto growled, and Sakura sweatdropped, along with everyone else except Gaara, who could care less.

"Okay, before you two kill each other, I think a few of us have some explaining to do..." Neji said, looking from Tenten, to Ino, to Sakura, to Hinata.

"Oh, right!" Ino said brightly.

Sakura, Tenten, and Ino began explaining everything, Hinata putting in a few words here and there...

"Yeah, and Tenten FREAKED when she saw Starbucks, and grabbed the wheel, jerking it so we pulled into Starbucks before we even knew what happened!" Ino exclaimed.

"Stop exaggerating, Ino!" Tenten said, blushing slightly, while the guys sat patiently listening to the story (well, Naruto was tied down with his mouth taped shut, but still...).

"Tenten, you nearly killed us!" Sakura exclaimed, Hinata nodding in agreement. "All over a cup of coffee!".

"It was a Frappichino, thank you!" Tenten said, crossing her arms across her chest, pouting. Everyone laughed, except Naruto who was too busy struggling to get free from the ropes that held him to the chair, and the tape that was suffocaiting him (a/n: I don't know where the tape and rope came from... but they got it, okay?)

Hinata walked over to Naruto to help him, while the Sakura, Tenten, and Ino finished the story.


(Sakura and Sasuke's room, 7:03am)

"Okay Sasuke, Gaara has to stay with is til Friday, which is only 2 days..." Sakura informed her pouting boyfriend.

"Yeah, but why does he have to stay in our room?" Sasuke asked, laying on the bed, pouting.

"Because your grilfriend sucks at Rock, Paper, Scissors..." Gaara said, walking in the room. Sakura blushed. "So, where do I put my stuff?".

"Oh, umm... you can use on of the empty drawers" Sakura said, pointing to the chest/dresser that her and Sasuke shared.

"Right" Gaara said, not bothering to make eye contact with Sasuke.

"Just don't touch her stuff, she'll most likely kill you right then and there..." Sasuke said, pointing to Sakura, who was giving him death glares.

Gaara smirked. "As if she could...".


(Ino and Shikamaru's room, 7:16am)

"Ino, please! He's already driving me crazy!" Sakura said, pulling her hair to exaggerate her theroy.

"Sakura, calm down! It's just 2 days! I mean, really how bad can he be?" Ino said, shrugging.

Sakura huffed, grabbing Ino's wrist and dragging her out of the room. You just wait and see...


(Sasuke and Sakura's room, 7:17am)

Sakura opened the door, and her mouth dropped. Ino, behind her, giggled.

"Oh My God! Gaara, is that EYELINER?" Sakura said, starring at Gaara.

Gaara looked up from the mirror. "Why, yes it is" Gaara said calmly, continuing to apply the eyeliner around the edges of his eyes.

"ARGHHHH!" Sakura screamed in frusteration. Ino took a step back from her raging friend. "He's a complete FREAK!".

Sakura glared at Sasuke, who was laying on the bed, watching Gaara in amusement. "GET. HIM. OUT!" Sakura shouted to Sasuke, through gritted teeth, pointing to the door.

Sasuke smirked. "You know, you kind of cute when your mad...".

Chakra started to form in Sakura's fists. Her fists were glowing blue. FYI: Don't mess with Sakura when she's already mad... She's likely to kill...

Sasuke's eyes widened, as Sakura spat "GET. HIM. OUT. NOW!".

Sasuke sighed. Shikamaru's right... Girls are troublesome... "Gaara, come on. Be reasonable. EYELINER? Do you know what that says about the rest of us guys?".

Gaara set the eyeliner down, as he was done with it... for now. He looked at Sasuke, smirking. "I don't really care. You should know that by now...".

Sasuke and Ino sweatdropped, while Sakura's fists were glowing brighter and brighter by the minute... "Sasuke" she hissed, "GET. HIM. OUT. OR I WILL." Sakura said, her fists brightening.

"Sakura, calm down, I'll get him" Ino said, walking up to Gaara. "Gaara, come on. Shikamaru said something about going to the beach!".

Gaara raised an eyebrow. "In the dead of winter?".

"Umm... yeah! It builds character, ya know!" Ino said brightly, faking a smile.

Gaara nodded and walked toward the door. What could he say, He can't resist the thought of Sand...

Ino smiled and lead him out, not knowing what to say to Shikamaru, or how Gaara would react when he found out there wasn't a beach for another 300 miles...


(Naruto and Hinata's room, 7:18am)

"So, Hinata? Why'd you guys decide to invite Gaara?" Naruto asked, looking at Hinata.

Hinata turned a deep red. "Umm, well... It's just...".

"Aww, come on Hinata-chan! You can tell me!" Naruto said, a fox like grin on his face.

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you yet..." Hinata explained, still a deep red.

"Oh, that's okay Hinata-chan!" Naruto said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. And with that, Hinata fainted...



Authors Note: Okay, Okay, I know. Gaara is a bit OOC, because he's a bit cocky. But that's how I wanted it, so that's how I wrote it! Tell me what you think! Review!
