Tsundae: Good work Kakashi, I knew I could count on you to get reviews for the story, but still...I think the readers want more.

Kakashi: (raises an eye brow) More?

Tsundae: They need some action to go along with the comedy and hentai.

Kakashi: Action...(he rubs his chin) I think I can do that.

(The office door busts open)

Sasuke: (closes the door quickly and puts his back to it, breathing heavily)

Tsundae: Sasuke! What is the meaning of this?

(Girls screaming from the other side of the door can be heard)

Voices: 'Marry me Sasuke-kun!' 'Sasuke-kun! I want your child!' 'Sasuke-kun! You're so hot!'

Kakashi: (looks to Sasuke) Looks like someone is popular.

Sasuke: (sweat is dipping from his face) Ahh...Fear...the...Fangirls...

Tasundae: Wow...

Sasuke: (runs to the window and looks down) My god...

(Hundreds of fangirls are outside of the building)

Kakashi: You're a ninja Sasuke...one of your main skills should be to evade your enemy. (Chuckles some) Which in this case is the fangirls.

Sasuke: (looks at him) I'll take to the roof tops! (looks at the nearest building) I can make the jump from here no problem and they won't be able to follow me from there! (he steps onto the window seal) Here I go! (He jumps out of the window and into the air toward the nearest building across from the Hokage Building.)

Fangirl: (points upward) LOOK! SASUKE-KUN! AHHHHHH!

Sasuke: (looks down in mid-flight) Oh shit...

(Fangirls jump up high into the air and try to grab him)

Sasuke: (dodging them barely) HOW! (He's tackled from the back just before he can make the landing and is brought to the ground) AHHHH!

(Tsundae and Kakashi look out the window and to the street where Fangirls ravage on Sasuke.)


Kakashi: I guess he didn't know that most of his fangirls were ninja's themselves...

Tsundae: Ouch...

Sasuke: (gets pulled around) AHHHH! (his screams fade off as he is engulfed in fangirls)

Kakashi: Oh well...(looks up) And now back to Days In The Hidden Leaf Village!


In the underground forest, Shikamaru, Neji and Tenten face off against Shikakami. The wind blows past them as they face off.

"HA!" Shikakami yells as he bolts toward them.

Shikamaru forms his Kagemane no Jutsu seal and connects his shadow with Shikakami's, stopping Shikakami in his tracks. "Shadow Immitation Technique complete..." He stated with a sly grin on his face.

"Well done Shikamaru...you are just like your father, but still this technique isn't good enough!'' He breaks the Jutsu easily.

Shikamaru stumbles back some, suprised and confused. "H-how!"

"Anyone who knows that technique well enough can overpower it easily when on their guard.'' Shikakami replied. "You're going to have to do better!" He rushes at them with his antlers aimed at them.

Tenten pulls out six shurikens, 3 in each hand, and launches them at Shikakami. "Ha!"

Shikakami knocks them away with his anters and continues to charge.

"Shit!" She backs up some, but Neji steps in front of her. "Neji!"

Neji focuses on Shikakami and exhales his breath slowly. "Haaaa..." His body starts to spin as his chakra spins outward as well.

Shikakami sees this. "The Hakkesho Kaiten." He thought to himself. "Must be part of the Hyuga family."

Neji's Divine Whirl connects with Shikakami's attack and stops it, then sends Shikakami flying with the same force that he attacked with.

Shikakami hits the ground with a thud as Neji stops his rotation to see.


Shikakami's body disappears.

Neji's eyes grow wide. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" He tries to look where Shikakami was coming from, but is nailed backwards 10 feet from the impact of Shikakami's antlers. "AHH!"

"Neji!" Shikamaru yelled as he watched his comrade hit the ground. His attention turned back to Shikakami went he saw Tenten try to attack Shikakami with a kunai.

Shikakami shifted his weight to his front hooves and thrusted his back hooves at Tenten. "Ha!"

Tenten suprised at the attack, she covers up at the last moment and blocks the hoove aimed at her face with her kunai, but the force of the attack sends her backwards into the air. "AHHH!" She flips and lands on her feet. "Damnit...he's faster than I thought." She thought to herself.

Neji sat up, his body is fine from the attack. "I'm amazed that I'm still alive from that attack...'' He thought as he looked at Shikakami. "But then again, this is a test...he's not trying to kill us.''

Shikakami turns to Shikamaru and thrusts his Antlers low at him.

Shikamaru acted quickly by grabbing the antlers and pulling his legs back to dodge the attack.

Shikakami whips his head back, jerking Shikamaru upward.

Shikamaru hangs onto the antlers. "Ahh..." He turns and lands on Shikakami's back in a strattling posistion. He grips the antlers tightly.

"Expected from the Nara family. You've raised your son well Shikaku.'' He thought as he yanked his head around trying to throw Shikamaru off.

Shikamaru hangs on valently. "There's nothing you can do now, Shikakami." He said with confedence. "Give up and give us the sake."

"Nicely done Shikamaru, but you'll have to do more than that!'' He shifts his weight back and pulls his front hooves into the air and stands on his back ones.

"Whoa!" Shikamaru yells as he dangles from the antlers.

"He shoots!" Shikakami yells as he falls forward and bucks his lower body forward, shifting the weight on his front hooves, flinging Shikamaru off of him at an Neji.

"WHAAA!" Shikamaru screams as he is thrown from the buck.

Neji looks up and sees Shikamaru. "Oh..."

"SHIIIIITTTTT!" Shikamaru yells as he crashes into Neji.

Shikakami smiles. "He scores! And the crowd goes wild!" He glances behind him and sees Tenten coming at him with a kick. He turns and thrusts his antlers upward at her.

"AHH!" Tenten screams as she wails her legs around trying to stop herself. The antlers miss and she lands on Shikakami's head in a strattle posistion. Her crotch is covering his eyes.

Shikakami jaw drops and has a nose bleed. "Oh...my..." He is dazed.

Shikamaru recovers from landing on Neji and stands. He sees that Shikakami is open. He remembers what Shikakami said...'Anyone who knows that technique well enough can overpower it easily when on their guard.' He recalled in his head. "His guard is down! That's it!" He formed his Kagemane no Jutsu seal again and his shadow reaches out and connects with Shikakami's.

Shikakami is caught off gaurd. "Wha? NO!"

"Huh?" Tenten looks down at Shikakami's shadow and follows it back to Shikamaru. "Shikamaru!" She yelled in joy.

Neji stands up next to Shikamaru.

"Neji...You since you can't use the Byakugan...you can still attack with your Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms right?'' Shikamaru asked him as he kept his sight locked on Shikakami.

Neji looks at him with a smirk. "I'm already on it..." He gets in his stance and molds his chakra. "Hakke Hyaku Nijuhachi Sho!" He rushes at Shikakami.

"NOOO!" Shikakami yells at he sees Neji rush at him from the corner of his eye.

Neji sends two stinging strikes to Shikakami's body. "Two strikes!"


Neji spins and lands four more on the body. "Four Strikes!" He nails eight to the body. "Eight Strikes!" His arms move at an incredible speed. "Sixteen Strikes!" His arms become blurs of color. "Thirty-Two Strikes!" He keeps nailing Shikakami with perfect accuracy. "Sixty-Four Strikes!" He builds up for the final wave of strikes and unleashes them on Shikakami. "One Hundred Twenty-Eight Strikes!" All the strikes land and sends Shikakami flying back as Tenten jumps off of him.

"AHHHH!" Shikakami flies back into a tree and falls to the ground.

Tenten lands on her feet next to Neji. Shikamaru disables his Jutsu and walks up next to Neji.

"Nice one Neji." Shikamaru said as he patted Neji's shoulder.

"Couldn't have done it without you." Neji replied.

"Couldn't have done it without the distraction from Tenten." Shikamaru stated as he looked to the blushing Tenten.

"Which was a most embarassing moment!" She added as she fixed her skirt. "Thankfully I wore this thing..."

Shikakami slowly stood up. "I must say you got lucky..." He looked at the group. "But still, seeing the opportunity to strike was skillful enough for you to pass.''

"Heh." Shikamaru looked at Shikakami. "May we get the sake?"

"Yes, and please have a fun time." He disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Neji looked at Shikamaru with a smile. "Let's party!"

Shikamaru looked back with a concerned look on his face. "I would love too...but how do we find our way back?"

"Damn..." Neji looked around. "How do we?"

"I've got that covered!" Tenten said as she picked up her chakra string. "I tied my chakra string to the entrance before we left.''

"Good thinking Tenten" Shikamaru commented. "Let's get to the party!"

"Yeah!" Neji yelled happily.

They grab the creates and follow Tenten back to the entrance of the forest. They stop at the ladder.

Tenten looks at Shikamaru and Neji. "You two head up. I'll tie the creates up."

They nod and climb back up to the top.

Shikamaru climbs out after Neji and sees that more guests have arrived and Choji has the music going on.

Choji walks up to him eating some BBQ. "You made it back!"

Shikamaru stands and brushes himself off, then looks at Choji. "Yeah. Good job at gettin the party started Choji."

"No problem Shikamaru!" He replied happily.

Tenten finally climbs out and stands. "Give me a hand here guys." She readies herself to pull up the creates with her string.

Choji, Neji and Shikamaru grab on.

"One...two...three!" She yells as everyone pulls the creates upward. After pulling for 15 seconds the creates make it to the top.

"Whew..." Shikamaru says as he wipes the sweat off his head. "Let's crack this open." He pulls out his kunai and cracks the creates open to revel tons on Sake.

Everyone's eyes grow wide.

"Holy shit..." Shikamaru said in amazement. "Pops wasn't joking about a stash..."

Neji grabs two bottles for himself. "YEAH!" He runs off and everyone sees him and they head into the kitchen to get their own.

Shikamaru grabs a bottle and opens it. He chugs down 4 big gulps and wipes his mouth. "Ahhh..." He looks at everyone having a good time. "This is going to be an interesting night." He takes another gulp of his sake and heads to the living room.


Sasuke: Ahhhh! (running down the street he passes by Ichiracku's Ramen shop)

(The fangirls stampeed past the shop. Inside Naruto eats his ramen.)

Naruto: (scarfs down some noodles and stops. He looks over to his right) Hiding Sasuke? (He says with his mouth full)

(The real Sasuke plastered up against the wall breathing hard)

Sasuke: Yeah...and you're sitting here as usual being the lazy ninja you are.

Naruto: (slurps up his noodles and looks at him) I'm taking sometime off from training. You're not training either.

Sasuke: Yes I am!

Naruto: Oh...(grabs another bowl of Ramen) I didn't know that running from fangirls was training...

Sasuke: I'm not running!

Naruto: (beings to kill the bowl of Ramen and stops) Oh...I'm sorry...you're evading them. (He finishes the bowl in record time.) Ahhh...

Sasuke: Naruto...don't make me hurt you.

Naruto: Don't call attention to yourself Sasuke. You don't want fangirls rushing at you again do you?

Sasuke: (Gulps)...

Naruto: (leaves the money on the table) Thanks old man! (He turns and walks out with a smile.)

Sasuke: I'd beat you any day of the week Naruto...


(The fangirls hear this and turn toward the shop)

Sasuke: (sticks his head out of the shop) NARUTO YOU BASTARD!

Fangirl: (points) THERE HE IS! SASUKE-KUN!

(The fangirls scream and rush at him)

Sasuke: (looks) O.O() WHAAAAAA! (runs out of the shop and down the street)

(The fangirls chase after him)

Naruto: Hehehehe! Run Sasuke! Run! Haha!

Sasuke: (still bookin) WHYYYYY!