My newest story! I hope you like it!

Rated Teen- For language. Yup... that about sums it up... for now.

Disclaimer- I don't own Honey Nut Cheerios, Canal Street, As the World Turns, the subway, Wall Street Journal, Stephen Scwartz, Wicked, New York... and I know I'm missing something... oh, yeah! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!

Summary: Living in the bustling NewYork city trying to make it is everything but easy. Especially with your twin brother and Troy Bolton as roommates and a returning Gabriella.

White chocolate mocha dripped from my chin and on the ends of my hair onto my ginger sweater. I stood in shock, the freezing cold wrapping around me. "Oh, mygosh." I gasped out as the wool of my sweater clung to my stoamch. I dropped the venti-cup from my hands.

"I am soooo sorry." the employee grabbed a handful of napkins and began dabbing at my chest. "Oh, God, I'm probably going to lose my job." she shook her head and continued to mop up the spilled coffe.

I batted her hand away. "No, no, it's fine." I shook my head, "I'll just have to go home and change. I'll just have to walk the sixteen blocks back to Canal Street. No. Big. Deal." I smiled through gritted teeth and stalked away from the outdoor cafe.

"I'm really sorry!" the employee called after me, brushing her tired black hair away from her face and cleaning up the mess of coffee on the sidewalk.

"What are you still doing here?" I giggled. Troy had fallen asleep in a full bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, the only food he and Ryan will allow past their lips. Text books, notebooks, and broken pens cluttered the table.

He lifted his head from the bowl, milk dripping from his nose and Cheerios falling onto the marble of the table. "Huh?" he asked, his eyes still closed. He sat back in his chair, casually looking to the watch on his arm. "What time is it?"

"You have to ask?" I rolled my eyes, peeling off my gray coat and dropping it onto the chair across from Troy.

He looked to the face of his watch with panicked eyes. "Oh, shit." he breathed. He jumped from the table, gathering his book and dumping them into the messenger bag at his feet. "I'm going to be late." he fished his car keys out of his pocket.

"I would take the subway, if I were you." I smiled, clearing his bowl from the table. "Much, much faster. Considering your situation." I grinned.

"Very funny." he sighed, wiping cereal off of his face with the back of my hand. "Nice sweater." he teased. I looked down at the wet stain and frowned. "I've got to get out of here." Troy threw his keys over his shoulder and I caught them. He darted for the door. "Subway it is!" he called before slamming the door shut.

"I missed the job interview, Ryan." I sulked, turning off As the World Turns. "How unlucky is that?"

"Is that why you're home?" he weakly laughed, throwing himself onto the plush carpet of the living room in defeat. "It thought you were scared."

"Scared of what, Ryan?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't you get it? I need a job! It's like I'm freeloading off of you and Troy." Even though it was my idea to move into the huge city of New York in the first place, in search of a new life.

"Well... I think I can pull a few strings..." Ryan sat up.

"Me? Be a journalist? For Wall Street Journal? Ha, that's pretty funny." I smiled, drawing my knees into my chest on the sunken leather couch. "There's no way I have the energy to do something like that."

"No, not journalism..." Ryan tapped his chin. "The girl in the cubicle next to mine is one lucky bitch. She's interviewing Stephen Schwartz." he vigorously nodded his head. "Stephen Schwartz as in... Wicked Stephen Schwartz." he smiled excitedly.

"The composer?" I perked up. "She is a lucky bitch. But what does that have to do with me?"

"Audition." a grin spread across Ryan's lips. "For a part, I mean." and before I could add my input, ryan continued with, "This'll be perfect! All we have to do is ask Mr. Schwartz for a audition, and there's no way he could say no..."

"Ryan..." I nervously laughed and shook my head.

"And then you blow him away with your singing voice..." he continued conferencing with himself.

"Ryan, I can't..."

"Then... bam! You're the next Galinda! How awesome would that be?" he shook his head in disbelief.

"What if I don't want to?" I challenged. "What if I just want a normal job like a normal New Yorker?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah right." Ryan rolled his eyes and laughed openly. "You know you want to. And as we get closer and closer to the holidays, the more money you'll need to buy presents to impress a certain blue-eyed brunnette that lives in the roomacross the upstairs hallfrom yours." he grinned.

"Shut up." I snapped. "I swear your brain is still stuck in High School Mode."

"Whatever you say Ice Queen... I mean... Galinda!"

I know it just seems like a bunch of individual events, but I'll tie it together, I swear! Please Read and Review! Tell me what you think!