~ I'd like to take you as I find you
Imagine our clothes are on the floor
Feel my caress, so soft and gentle
So delicate you cry for more......... ~

Trowa sauntered down the corridor silently, feeling along the walls in the
darkness. This was the fifth night he'd done this, but it helped him deal with his
worsening insomnia. Every time he closed his eyes to sleep, all he could think
about was him.


It drove Trowa crazy just to imagine his soft blonde hair and his sparkling sea
blue eyes, not to mention his outgoing, yet sensitive and kind personality that
gave him an overall sense of friendliness. But he didn't really love him, did he?

~ But you know baby
You know baby does it right
And you know baby does it right..... ~

'Who am I kidding?' Trowa thought to himself. 'Of course I love him! I cant
imagine anyone wouldn't!'

He was interrupted from his thoughts when he realised he was standing right
next to Quatre's bedroom. The door wasn't fully closed, leaving a gap that was
just too tempting for Trowa to ignore. As quietly as possible, he crept to the door
frame and peered into the room. And what he saw made his heart jump.

~ Universe inside of your heart
You gotta let me know
so you can be free baby
You wanted it so much and now that it's over
You don't know what you want...... ~

It was just Quatre sleeping. But to Trowa, he looked like a resting angel. The
light beside his bed had been left on, allowing Trowa to gaze at his love for as
long as he liked. Before he realised what he was doing, he'd entered the room
and had silently closed the door behind him.

~ Put time in a capsule
Two minds consensual
Entwined to perfection
If we could........... ~

Trowa's mind was screaming at him to stop before he go himself into trouble as
he approached Quatre's bed, but his body, and his surging hormones, refused to
listen. Thankfully, the thick carpet made his footsteps un-audible as he padded
across the room.

He reached the bed, and making sure that Quatre definitely was asleep, sat
beside him. Quatre looked so perfectly adorable in his sleeping state, his golden
bangs falling over his eyes and fair skin, breathing so softly it could barely be
heard, a book still resting on his chest as he'd fallen asleep reading it.

~ Cuddle up close , lay on my chest now
listen my heartbeat's coming down
if you get tired , you close your eyes now
when you wake up I wont be found...... ~

Trowa carefully removed the book and placed it on the table beside the bed, then
snuggled in against Quatre's back, sliding a hand around his waist and breathing
in his delicious scent.

He knew it was wrong. If Quatre were to wake up, he didn't know how he'd
explain himself. He couldn't admit his feelings to him, he just couldn't. But he
was unable to stop himself from what he was doing.

~ Cause I know baby
I know you're the nervous kind
with so much going on in your mind...... ~

It was killing him to resist going any further with his actions. He wanted Quatre
so badly it hurt. He wanted to feel his skin against his own, to drive him wild with
pleasure to the brink of insanity. But more than all that, he just wanted to tell
him that he loved him.

But he couldn't bring himself to say those words, so he had to be content with
just lying there next to the being that haunted his days and nights.

~ Universe inside of your heart
you gotta let me know
so you can be free baby
you wanted it so much, and now that it's over
you don't know what you want...... ~

Trowa traced the line across Quatre's arms, over his shoulders and up his neck
until he was stroking his hair with his gentle fingers. It sent tingles all over his
body, just the slight contact between him and the angelic body.
His breath was quickening. He had to calm himself down or who knew what he'd
do to poor Quatre, still blissfully unaware of what was going on. He was sliding
his hand over Quatre's chest, and further downward still......... Suddenly, he
snapped his hand back. What was he doing ?! Keeping control of himself with
Quatre around was harder than it seemed.

~ But let me tell you that this time
I'm gonna make you mine
I wont let you go
Cause I know, this time
I'm gonna make sure I look out for me......... ~

Enough was enough. He was going to have to tell him now. He couldn't keep it a
secret anymore. It wouldn't be that hard, he thought, I'll just tell him how I feel.
He'd understand surely.

~ Cause you know baby
well you know baby does it right
and you know baby does it right...... ~

But could he handle the rejection if it happened? No way. Trowa sighed, reaching
the conclusion to his dilemma. Quatre would never want him, he deserved much
better than the anti-sociable, silent, inward personality Trowa possessed. He
wanted to tell him how much he cared, but would never be able to take it if
Quatre turned him down.

~ You will only end up lost in loneliness
And wake up with the words already on your lips
So I'll let you go baby
So I'll let you go......... ~

Smiling sadly, Trowa brushed a few strands of hair away from the Arabian boy's
face, then stood up from the bed and just gazed at him for a few seconds. For
now anyway, Quatre would just have to be that hopeful ray of sunshine in
Trowa's life, and he would never realise how much the Latin boy cared for him.
He sighed as he leaned over and kissed Quatre softly on his lips.

"I love you Quatre Raberba Winner."

~ Universe inside of your heart
you gotta let me know
so you can be free baby
you wanted it so much and now that it's over
You don't know what you want...... ~

He stared at the beautiful face one last time before heading towards the door,
not even looking back as he exited the room and stepped back into the cold dark

He even missed the small smile creep across Quatre's lips and the door closed.

"I love you too, Trowa Barton."