Stolen Prince
(Disclaimer- I do not own the Yu-Gi-Oh characters or any of that Duel Monster stuff. I would also like to say that I own this story BUT I got the plot idea from a yaoi manga called Treasure; I'm not copying the story but I'm partly using the idea and you'll see how when I begin the story. (You can buy Treasure on Amazon by the way)
Caution this is a YAOI story, boy + boy love. If you are/get offended by such relationships I advise that you do not read this.
Stolen Prince Part I:
The Prince and his Lover-
The village market bustled, women and children decorated while farmers set up their stands. A sun sitting in the sky even seemed upbeat as it hung partly hidden behind wisps of white clouds, leaving the land at an almost perfect temperature. Up hill, just beside the market, and wide village, sat the large castle domain.
Tall stone walls encircled the royal territory, and colorful gardens. Within the vast garden, behind the gray scaled castle, strolled two young figures.
One boy had slightly long blonde hair, which fell in drying spikes; the other boy had longer, silver, hair. His pale skin looked somewhat tan against the shining strands, while the blonde teen beside him had naturally golden tanned skin.
"Thank you for retrieving my necklace from the pond, Malik." The silver haired boy smiled gratefully at the other.
"It was no trouble at all, but next time, my Prince, please be careful not to bend so far out over the water." Malik smiled, his eyes watching for a reaction. A few seconds later his awaited reaction appeared on the silver-haired boys' face.
"You know I hate when you call me Prince…" the young boy scrunched his nose at the title.
"I apologize, Ryou" Malik grinned; the two came to a stop and Ryou kneeled down to gaze closely at the bright roses before him.
"Everyone is so worked up about today…"
"Why shouldn't they be? It is your 15th birthday, the day when you are finally old enough to marry." Malik looked at the sighing prince as he stood
"I should be excited too, shouldn't I?" Ryou looked to the ground gloomily, his gaze rising back up when a tanned hand took his.
"I can understand why you might feel unhappy about this day, my love, but there's an easy solution."
Ryou looked at his companion curiously, waiting for him to go on.
"We will wed, and my sister can have your child. Isis said she'd be honored to have the soon-to-be King's child, and not have to marry a man. I think even your father, the King, wouldn't mind this." Malik concluded with a smug smile on his face.
"Do you really think he'd agree to something like that?" Ryou gave a hopeful look to his partner who nodded a yes.
Ryou smiled, all gloom disappearing, his chocolate eyes brightening; Malik pulled the young Prince closer, his arms wrapped around Ryou's waist.
"I love you, Ryou" with those words Malik leaned forward and kissed the melting boy in his arms. Ryou immediately parted his lips for Malik and the two began exploring the others mouth, a soft moan climbing up Ryou's throat.
Malik pulled away for a moment, a smirk crossing his face,
"And when we finally wed," Malik leaned in and nipped Ryou's ear, "we will finally be able to share chambers"
Ryou blushed at the not-so-hidden remark, but before he was able to say anything, the two were interrupted by the sound of a door closing. They quickly pulled away from one another, tensing but then relaxing when a dark haired woman stopped in front of them.
"You two really should be more careful where you do such things, what if the King had come out instead of me?" Isis looked almost nothing like her brother Malik, except for their shared skin tone. The older woman stood, her arms crossed and a small smile curving her lips.
"Prince Ryou," Isis bowed then looked to her brother, "Malik you were supposed to escort the Prince to his room to prepare."
"I'm sorry Isis, I wanted to come out to the gardens" Ryou smile apologetically
Isis let out a small laughing breath as she looked at the two, she shook her head and walked back to the large wooden door she had exited from,
"You two never cease to amaze me." she disappeared inside the tall castle. The two boys were confused for a moment until Ryou noticed Malik's hand wrapped protectively around his waist.
The young Prince blushed and stroked Malik's arm. Malik hadn't realized he was holding onto Ryou until he stroked his arm; Malik only tightened his grip and pulled Ryou closer.
"I'll never let go of you my love, I'll never leave your side. This I promise" Malik sealed his promise with a loving kiss.
Ryou tried to say something, only to have his words cut off before they even began. After the promising kiss, Malik led Ryou back into the castle. They traveled up two flights of stairs and down a long, blue carpeted, hall before stopping in front of a large wooden door.
Malik opened the door, and moved so that Ryou could enter first, once the door was closed Malik stood against it, watching Ryou.
"Malik?" Ryou looked into the blondes amethyst eyes, "I never want to be without you, I love you"
Malik smiled then looked passed Ryou, to the window behind him. Fear hit both of them as screams began to echo throughout the castle. Orange light beamed into Ryou's bedroom as the sun was setting, then, for Ryou, everything went blank.
Ryou's eyes shot open, he sat up and examined his surroundings, 'The servant chambers?'
His memory quickly came back…
After hearing screams, Malik told Ryou to stay in his room, and then Malik ran out with a sword in hand. Ryou had run after Malik, when he turned down one of the corridors he tripped over a bloody helmet, its body slumped against the wall. Ryou had fainted, but not before hearing a familiar voice.
'Isis must have brought me here… I have to find Malik!' Ryou thought to himself then stopped as loud footsteps walked down the stairs not too far from where Ryou was now sitting. He quickly hid behind a group of barrels, not wanting to chance the unwanted guests to spot him.
His heart pounded as the footsteps halted, silence. Ryou held in his breath, trying to breathe quietly threw his nose; he flinched as the sound of a blade being drawn bounced off the walls.
"My, my, trying to hide now are we? Don't be foolish child, I could smell you from the halls." A dark voice spoke.
Ryou realized that he had no chance of escape, he wasn't the fastest runner, and besides the stairs his only exit was a locked door which led to the cell chambers. Ryou removed his necklace, hiding it between the barrels. If his identity was known to this intruder he would probably be killed, but if he was thought to be only a servant maybe this man would leave him be, it was all he had at the moment.
"I'm growing impatient boy, come out or I'll kill you this instant." The man growled, his sword tapping the ground.
Ryou gulped and crawled out from behind the barrels, slowly getting to his feet. The intruder was tall, much taller than Ryou. He wore a tattered black robe over dull armor; and wildly spiked blonde hair. If not for the dark and cruel eyes, this man could nearly match Malik.
"Come closer" the man tipped his sword at Ryou, showing him exactly where to stand, but Ryou couldn't move. He was frozen to the spot once his eyes caught sight of the mans' four sharp fangs.
Just as the intruder was about to move, footsteps quickly closed in on them. An equally tall man entered the room, this one wore a burgundy robe; he wore his long black hair up in a high ponytail, and more unlike the other, he had a less frightful stare. Though Ryou still didn't feel at ease under the emerald gaze, his thoughts raced around the known fact that these intruders were less than human.
"General," the ebony robed creature bowed
"The guards have searched every room and no one has found any trapped kindred." The dark haired General looked at the other skeptically
"Oh? I was so sure one of our kind was being held prisoner here; I apologize for the false assumption" he bowed again.
The dark haired man's eyebrow twitched as the other spoke, his arms crossed.
"Assumption? You led us here…" he trailed off, looking back over at Ryou who was standing wide-eyed.
"Captain Marik I advise you to lead the guards back to the Lieutenant at home. There is no need to let anyone know of this mistake. If any of the guards speak a word, kill them."
"Yes General Otogi" the burgundy robed vampire didn't notice as the other smirked before leaving, but Ryou had.
'He brought them here to slaughter us! Those monsters… Malik, what if he's dead!?' Ryou's heart dropped at the thought.
"As for you, little human, might become a nuisance if you start telling people of our unneeded raid. I can't have problems like that stirring up now can I?" the creature raised his sword and stalked towards Ryou with three quick strides.
Ryou's body finally broke free of its solid form as the robed creature came towards him; Ryou took his chances and ran, he ducked under the General and darted back upstairs through another servant hallway. He dare not look back, in fear, but forced himself to run even faster.
Finally spotting one of the many root corridors, Ryou headed towards a door he hoped to bring him outside. No doubt there would be someone out in the open who could save him from certain death, in truth Ryou only hoped he'd find Malik. He bumped into the door, unable to stop soon enough; quickly Ryou opened it and tripped out into the garden.
The moon was only a sliver in the dark sky; clouds hid most of the stars, leaving the castle gardens dim in light.
Ryou squinted, 'Why had it seemed so bright inside the castle? Not many torches were even lit…' the young prince didn't have much time to think, as the annoyed growl of his following intruder neared. Ryou began running again, he knew the garden better than anyone else, and knew the stone maze was close. He had hopes in losing the predator within the maze and then going to find help. That wasn't at all as easy as it sounded in Ryou's head, the Vampire General was quickly catching up, luckily the mazes' opening was just in front of Ryou now.
Turning various corners and only getting trapped at a dead end once, Ryou was making progress in his small plan. Finally coming out of the exit, with the vampire far behind him in the maze, Ryou ran towards the front of the castle garden. He thought he was going to make it, until a large shadow passed over him. Ryou's heart fell and he nearly choked, clawed hands grabbed hold of him. Soon after, Ryou's legs were dangling in the air,
"You put up quite a chase for a human," Ryou froze at the vampire's voice
The silver haired boy squirmed but to no avail, so he did the next best thing, scream for help. Ryou looked to the ground below them, but everyone in sight was dead.
"It's no use. Your people have fled, leaving your kingdom vulnerable."
'Malik would never leave! But where is he?' Ryou kept searching the land, until his eyes sped over blonde hair,
"Malik!" Ryou struggled to turn around; the vampires grip only tightened and jerked him straight. Ryou fought to hold back his tears, 'Malik's not dead… he can't be…!'
"You're one feisty human, kid. Maybe there is some use for you. The Lord is beginning to run short on blood supply." The dark haired vampire smirked.
Ryou paled (as if he's not pale enough) at the idea, he balled his fists,
"I'd rather fall to my death, than be food for you monsters!" he turned his head and bit onto the vampires hands; sharpened nails grew from the creatures fingertips and stabbed into Ryou's shoulders, but this didn't throw him off. Ryou bit down harder on the vampire Generals hands, drawing blood.
The vampire growled and shook Ryou violently…
"Fine then, if you wanna die so badly,"
Ryou yelped as he began to fall, just before he was going to slam into the earth, the vampire grabbed hold of him once more; he laughed as Ryou clung onto him,
"Guess you're not ready for the end."
Ryou ignored the haughty vampire, he held on tightly to its burgundy robe fighting hot tears.
At the Castle Lands
Malik turned on his back, let out a long sigh. Bloody corpses sat around him, not all were human. Malik had been smothered under an overweight body. Just as he was crawling out from under it, he heard his name being called, but from where?
"Ryou…!" Malik pulled himself up and ran as fast as his body would allow, back towards the castle.
Ryou wasn't in his room; Malik found what was left of the survived guards and servants, they searched every room within the castle. Ryou was nowhere to be found.
Malik informed the King who immediately sent guards to search the village and market; Isis, Malik's older sister, caught ear of the search and quickly went to find Malik.
"Malik!" Isis caught up to her brother, who was still rummaging around the castle in hopes of finding Ryou hiding somewhere.
"Malik, I have to tell you something," Isis caught her breath, "during the attack, I found Ryou unconscious. I hid him in the servant chambers. He's not where I put him, but maybe is hiding somewhere around the cellar?"
"It wouldn't hurt to look"
Malik hadn't slept in days, he had been relentlessly looking through the village, the gardens, and the garden maze, anywhere he thought Ryou would hide.
The two made their way down into the servant chambers, guards had already searched each room before, but Malik and Isis double checked in case something had been missed. When they got down to where Isis had hid Ryou, there was still nothing.
"Where is he!?" the distressed boy kicked over a small line of barrels, letting out pent up rage.
"I'm sorry Malik," Isis held onto her brother. She was partly shocked as he began to cry, unable to hold back any longer.
There was a moment of silence.
Malik pulled away, his face blank of any emotion. He turned, about to leave, until something caught his eye.
"Ryou's pendant!" Malik shouted jumping towards the golden jewelry.
Ok I must now put out credits to my overly kind and kick-ass friend, Jasmyn, who helped me out with the title and names; Also to my wonderful friend Caitlyn a.k.a Slave of Darkness, which is the hateful bitch who brought me into the anime world and writing on fanfiction and fictionpress, I love you Kit-Kat. One last, no, two last credits go to Ali who actually didn't inspire this at all but is just a cool friend of about 3-4 yrs and Corey who, if I had the chance, I would kill with my bare hands (he inspires any torture that will come up in this story ) Wow this is taking long, if you're still reading this all congrats. Ok I'm done. Thanks for reading my story and credits, bye, bye.