When I Stop Hating You

When I Stop Hating You

Disclaimer: if you don't recognize it, its probably mine, if you do, it belongs to the Queen: JKR

A/N: This is my second ever fanfic, and the first one I've posted here. There is a little intro at the beginning of this chapter, and another at the next, but I swear that's all there is and they are necessary! Update: I've recently rewritten this chapter, just to make a few tiny changes. Nothing to major. However, former readers pay attention to the updated second chapter when I get to it; it contains an important change involving Alana's sister.

Chapter 1: A Rocky Start

Alana Boleyn and Sirius Black were born into the two most prominent pure blood wizarding families in all of England. Alana's mother was Annabella Malfoy, and her father was Sebastian Boleyn. Her father's family dated all the way back to the sixteenth century, to Geroge Boleyn, brother of Queen Anne Boleyn. But they never spoke of Anne. She may have been Queen of England for three years, but she had been a squib, so they did their best to forget her. Sirius was a Black on his father's side, and a Nigellus on his mother's side. His great-great-grandfather had been headmaster of Hogwarts, and his mother's cousin, Araminta Nigellus-Meliflua had tried to make muggle hunting legal.

Mrs. Boleyn and Mrs. Black had been friends since school. So naturally, when they grew up and had a son and daughter the same age, they knew their children would be married. It was, of course, an arranged marriage. Many pure blood marriages happened that way. Sirius and Alana spent eleven years being told they would be married one day once they had finished school. They were told they would surely be placed in Slytherin, they would be the Slytherin prefects, possibly head boy and girl, they would be married, and they would have lots of pure blood children that would later become Slytherins. To Mrs. Boleyn and Mrs. Black it was the perfect plan. Their grandchildren would be Malfoy, Black, Boleyn, and Nigellus! To them nothing could go wrong.

However there was a flaw in this perfect plan of theirs. Sirius and Alana hated their families. They hated all pure bloods and even being pure blood, but they dealt with it. For eleven years they pretended to be happy, pretended to hate muggles and muggle borns. They acted like they were superior. What else could they do? A pure blood child can't exactly tell their mother they would rather be muggle born then related to her. Sirius and Alana each thought the other was exactly like all of the other pure bloods, and therefore they hated each other as well.

"By mum, I'll see you at Christmas!" Alana said, hugging her mother good-bye. With any luck she'd find a reason to stay at school for Christmas, and hopefully Easter as well. She boarded the train, excited that she was finally going to be going to Hogwarts. With the prospect of being away from her parents for months at a time how could she not be?

Alana saw Sirius sitting alone in a compartment, and hurried past. She was going to avoid him as much as possible. When she passed the compartment Cissa and Bella Black were sitting in, she thought to go in. They were the closest things she had to friends, but they were pure blood. Bella was already a Slytherin, and Cissa was sure to be one as well. She was not going to be like them. Finally Alana spotted two girls her age sitting together in a compartment. One of them had long red hair and green eyes, and the other had short brown hair and sapphire blue eyes.

"Mind if I sit here?" Alana asked, poking her head inside.

"No, not at all!" The red head said smiling. "I'm Lily Evans…did you always know you were a witch too? Saphirra said she's known since she was little, but I only just found out a month ago"

"I'm Alana…Are you really a muggle born?" She asked. Lily nodded and Alana couldn't help but smile. She had never met a muggle born before. What would her dear mother think if she saw who Alana was sitting with? "And are you a pure blood, Saphirra?" She asked.

"No way," she said, making a nasty face as if Alana had insulted her by asking. "My parents were both muggle borns like Lily. I'm half, what about you?"

"Err…I'm the same," Alana lied. She could tell Saphirra was one of those people who didn't like pure bloods, but who could blame her? Alana didn't like them either.

"So what house do you think you'll be in?" Saphirra asked

"House?" Lily said, looking extremely confused. Saphirra and Alana laughed at this.

"Hogwarts has four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." Alana explained.

"Yea," Saph added. "Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart, Hufflepufs are supposed to be loyal or some rot like that, and Slytherins are a bunch of nasty pure bloods you would do best to stay away from." She said smiling.

Alana blushed slightly. Everyone she knew was sure to be in Slytherin. Her cousin Lucius, Sirius, and his cousin Cissa. "I want to be in Gryffindor," she said, more to herself then the other girls. Saph however, didn't notice.

"Me too! My parents were both Gryffindors and I'm sure I'll die if I'm not!" She said, pretending to faint. Alana and Lily both laughed.

"Well, with my luck I'm going to be in Ravenclaw, but I want to be in whatever house you guys are in, seeing as I don't know anybody else," Lily said smiling.

The rest of the train ride was rather enjoyable. Alana never knew muggle borns could be so much fun. Lily didn't know a sinlge thing about magic; she didn't even know about their sweets, like Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans! By the time they stopped in Hogsmeade station it had already gotten dark, and the girls were hungry despite the sweets they'd eaten. On her way off the train she saw Sirius again, but now he was with three other boys their age she had never seen before. Alana was slightly confused at first. She'd thought he would be with Lucius.

"Firs' years! Firs' years this way!" came the booming voice of a man that looked big enough to be a giant. Alana, Lily, and Saphirra climbed into on of the boats, and went back to talking excitedly about houses as they sailed across the lake toward the beautiful castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A stern looking witch met them in the entrance hall and told them to follow her. They filed into the Great Hall, and watched as she set down a stool she was carrying and placed on old hat on top of it. All of a sudden, the hat started singing. Alana didn't pay much attention, all it did was describe the four houseses, and their founders. She noticed the amazed look on Lily's face, and couldn't help but smile. When hat stopped singing, the professor that had met them in the Entrance Hall stepped forward and began to call out the names of the students standing in line. Alana's smile faded and her stomach filled with butterflies. What if she was placed in Slytherin after all? What would people say if she was sorted into Gryffindor like she hoped? Her train of thought was interrupted when a name was called that she recognized.

"Black, Narcissa!"

Alana watched Cissa walk forward and sit on the stool, a knowing smile on her face. The second the Sorting Hat touched her head it shouted:


Bella grinned wickedly at her sister, cheering loudly along with the rest of the Slytherins. Alana could hear Saph telling Lily that the Blacks were the worst of all the pure bloods, and should definitely be avoided at all costs. Alana watched as Cissa hurried to sit next to her sister. Then another familiar name was called.

"Black, Sirius."

Sirius waltzed up to the stool acting like h owned the place, and Alana rolled her eyes. He was such a show-off. But she couldn't help notice the hat didn't sort him as quickly as it had Bella and Cissa. It took at least a minute to decide, before shouting:


Alana's jaw dropped. Sirius, a Gryffindor? Pure blood Gryffindors were blood traitors! That's what Alana was, not Sirius. She had known him her whole life, and never would she have guessed this. Before she could think it over, she heard her own name called.

"Boleyn, Alana."

"She winced as she saw Saph's jaw drop this time. Obviously it was a name she recognized. Alana wanted to cry as she sat down on the stool and placed the hat on her own head.

" A Boleyn, eh? Nice, pure blood. A fine Slytherin if I ever saw one." It whispered.

"No!" she thought "I'm not like them, I don't want to be a Slytherin!"

"Not a Slytherin? Are you sure? If you say so…"


Alana sighed with relief and hurried over to the Gryffindor table, ignoring the shocked looks and glares that she was receiving from Bella and Cissa. She did, however, glance at Sirius. He was gaping at her, looking a lot like she must have a few minutes ago. She just smiled and looked away, paying attention to the sorting.

"Evans, Lillian,"


Alana clapped for Lily, who came to sit next to her. The next two girls were sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Johns, Saphirra!"


Alana and Lily cheered. Saph hurried over to them and sat down on the other side of Alana.

"Why did you lie about being pure blood?" She asked, as 'Lupin, Remus" was made a Gryffindor and went to sit with Sirius.

"Because of the look on your face when I asked if you were," Alana said, smiling. "I'm not like the rest of them you know."

"Yea, I can tell. Did you see the look on those Slytherins faces when you were sorted into Gryffindor? First that Black kid, then you. They must have been shocked!"

Alana laughed nervously. Her cousin Lucius had just been sorted into Slytherin, and had shot her a very nasty look. She smiled and waved. "My cousin" She whispered to Saph and Lily, unable to keep from laughing at the disgusted look on his face.

"Potter, James."

It was another name she recognized. The Potters were also pure bloods, but were what her parents called 'blood traitors'.


No big surprise there. James hurried over and sat down next to Sirius as well, and said something that made Sirius laugh.

A plump boy called Peter was also sorted into Gryffindor and joined Sirius, James, and Remus at the other end of the table. Two more girls were sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff, then another boy into Ravenclaw. The sorting ended and the feast began, but Alana didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. She was a Gryffindor, she was sitting with two people that she was sure would eventually become her best friends, and she wouldn't have to share a dorm with Cissa and Bella. Life was good.

The next morning Sirius and Alana each received Howlers from their mothers. Lily and Peter look scared, Remus looked mortified, and Saphirra and James both looked like they weren't sure if they should laugh or be sympathetic. Alana and Sirius, however, just looked at each other and smiled.

A/N Alana's family history: Queen Anne Boleyn was NOT a witch. Her brother George wasn't a wizard either. He had a brief affair with a woman who later birthed his child. This woman was a pure blood witch, gave her son the name of Boleyn, and told him his father had been a wizard. By the time the boy was old enough to understand, both George and his sister Anne had died. Anne had been accused of being a witch, so he believed his mother's story. The whole family for generations has denied the truth because it questions the nature of their blood.