[I did not finish this chapter. Brackets indicate an unwritten section]

Seto walked the streets of Wutai, home once again from one of his many trips. It wasn't that he hated this city. On the contrary, he spent much of his time away longing for this familiar sight. Traveling abroad just happen to be his best excuse to get out of the palace he has spent most of his life hidden away within.

It also doesn't hurt that the people in other towns tend to be a little friendlier toward him.

A breeze ruffled the short red hair that covered much of his body.

He waved, and smiled, and greeted those he passed when he could. It would be impossible for him to walk through town inconspicuously after all. In response, he got some smiles and greetings in return, interspersed with those scoffing or simply trying to ignore him.

Along the way, he was met by a young couple, angry at him. [They start up an argument. They have political issues, but mostly boil down to xenophobia, and not being okay with royalty that is as alien as him, even though he is the son of the current ruler, Yuffie]

[His sister Alice shows up and interrupts.]

Alice couldn't help but notice how the husband looks at her whenever he gazes over. "huh, so that's why they're so angry." She thought. "Hypocrite"

Subtly, without breaking conversation, she slides her tail to the right and uses it to slightly open the slip of her dress. She continues deliberately swaying her tail to tease glimpses of her thighs. This doesn't go without notice. The man is clearly staring now, and not just at her thighs. His eyes are following the motion of her tail.

[she shuts down the couple's arguments by pointing out how horny the husband is for her exotic features. The wife, frustrated, decides to get her husband out of there, ends the argument, and the two of them march off.]

[We learn Alice is more politically minded but wants her carefree brother to succeed their mother because Wutai would accept him more (he looks more human, is male, and is the eldest). Everything Alice does is motivated by her desire to keep the peace and think of the people.]

"Then why not our other brother?" Seto asks.

"Yeah, I can just picture him jumping onto the throne on all fours." Replied Alice. "There's a reason mother never tried to bring our father in to rule at her side"

"Dad never wanted it. And they are both perfectly happy with their relationship that way." He said, with a brief sigh. "Happy with their own roles and responsibilities."

[Later, Alice meets a man named Han in the village who is interested in her, but she keeps her distance due to fear of becoming a bigger target for the people of Wutai.]

[At a party Han asks her to dance. He tries to convince her that the people will never learn to accept her if she hides herself away from them, and that forming a relationship might, among other things, be a good PR move.]