Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto .

Okay I don't know ware to start but I am so incredibly sorry that I have not updated in like forever but I am doing indoor track, Taekwondo, and am in like 4 clubs/organizations and with school work I don't have a lot of time to write but I have not forgotten about my story on any of my loyal readers. I am also sorry to tell you that I have lost interest in this story but like I promised I will not drop this story but this will be my last cheaper I promise that my next one will be longer than this one. Now hear is the last chapter.

As Sasuke and Sakura swiftly maneuvered there way through the dense forest trying to find shelter from the looming darkness of night. At a little after one in the morning they came upon an unfamiliar village.

"Sasuke," Sakure wondered aloud "What Village is this?"

"I don't know. I can remember anything." Sasuke responded with a smirk

"Oh… right."

Sasuke has been acting really strange lately. Ever since he got amnesia but most people do act differently after an accident like that.

"Hey, Sasuke?"

"What is it?"

You trust me… right?"

Well you have helped me this far and you never gave me a reason to not trust you. Why, do you trust me?"

"No it is not that, I trust you. To tell you the truth I trust you more now than I did before."

Sasuke smiled warmly and grabbed Sakura by the hand. This action caught her so was almost getting dragged and her face resembled that of a cherry. As they continued to walk an impending cense of doom collapsed over Sakura like an endless waterfall. As this continued Sasuke's smirk just widened.

"Lost are we?" they heard a cold voice hiss sarcastically.

Sasuke and Sakura spun around instantly only to find no one other then Orochimaru himself.

"What are you doing hear?" demanded Sakura as she gathered an even amount of chakra to every part of her body, especially to her hands and feet, ready to defend herself.

"What am I doing hear?" he repeated her mockingly " I live hear. This is my village. Now what are you doing hear?"

Before Sakura could responded she could feel her arm twisted up her back. When she looked behind her she saw Sasuke looking down on her.

"What the hell are you doing Sasuke."

"Last I checked I was a missing ninja from Konoha currently living in the sound village"

Sakura had a look of horror on her face and with what little control over her body she had she asked "When did you remember?"

Sasuke started to laugh "I never forgot. I never got amnesia. I was lying to you from the start. See, I was sent you your village to get a hostage so we could start a war with an upper hand. When I went to talk with Tsnade I told her all about my mission but I said that I was sorry and I regretted doing every thing I did to the village. I came up with the idea that she could kill me because she already knew of the plan of the war and they could say that killing me was my punishment for what I did to the village. Now, when I was about to run off getting attached to you was a mistake but a good one."

Sakura was left speechless Orochimaru paced over a long, slender, silver key. He put it into the key hole and after giving it a sharp twist the handcuffs fell limply on to the hard ground. Both shinobi had red marks around their wrists. Sakura now having her senses catch up to her began to cry. Orochimaru took hold of Sakura and dragged her to a new location that was unknown to her, but she reluctantly followed. She didn't pay much notice to her surroundings on the way there but once there she was thrown on to a cold stone ground. When Sakura had broke out of her frequent burst of tears she was able to take in her surroundings. She noticed that she was in a dungeon with very little light and she was the only one in there.

Five minuets have passed with nothing occurring. Finally no she heard the door unlock and is swung open. Sakura looked up to see Sasuke come in grab her wrist and bull her out.

"Where are we going?" Sakura demanded as she walk with him.

"You will find out soon."

"Sasuke you can still turn back. The village will except you back."

"Who said I want them to welcome me back?"

Sakura ran out in from of him and put her arm out " Sasuke will you stop being so argent."

"Shut up to dumb bitch." he pushed his face right in front of Sakura's face.

Sakura when to push Sasuke away but accidentally slipped falling bringing Sasuke fall on top of her but this time there mouths connected and there tongues fell into on one another's mouth. They stayed there for a moment bother of them enjoying it and they got pulled away with Orochimaru standing over Sakura

"You seam to be more trouble then you are worth girl." he pulled out his sword out of his mouth and held it over her ready to strike but quickly turned it around to stop Sasuke's attack "Dumb boy."

Orochimaru swung his sword down on Sasuke but Sasuke dogged it but jumping to the right and when to impale him with his own sword but Orochimaru moved out of the way with the Nan no Kaizō (Soft Physique Modification) and got to the other side of the hall way. Sasuke ran at him with his sword this time swinging sideways which Orochimaru blocked easily but just then Sasuke used the Chidori Nagashi (One Thousand Birds Current) and started to zap Orochimaru. He pulled his sword out of the way taking the direct blow but moved it to stab Sasuke right throw the hart as he got ripped in to two pieces. The last thing Sasuke saw befor dieing was Sakura.… but he didn't die.

Sasuke awoke the next morning to see Sakura's smiling face.

"Sasuke you are ok!" she exclaimed with a large smile.

Sasuke sat up "Hn"

"Sasuke you shouldn't try to move."

"Is he dead?"

"Yes he is."

"Good, now I just need to kill one more but Sakura."

"What?" she asked interested in what he was going to say.

"I am going to say hear and be the kage of this village. There are a lot of good people in hear but I wanted to know if you wanted to stay hear with me. We will of course clear our name in Naruto's village. So what do you say?"

A tear started to role down Sakura's check but it was a tear of happiness "Yes Sasuke, I will stay with you no mater what.

The End

Well that was it. I am really sorry that this is not a very long story but I am really busy and I think that I will do most of my writing over the summer but for now this is it and I can't say that I will do it monthly either but I will update when ever I get around to it. Also if any one has any questions about my story or you just want to talk you can contact me at; e-mail: AIM: nevik606 myspace: That nerd over there and is the same for myspace IM. Well think you for reading.