The Story of A Queen
Chapter 1- A Proposal
Disclaimer: I do not own Princess Diaries or the characters therein.
Mia was busy with her new responsibilities as queen, but she felt as if there was something missing. Of course, her grandmother was there to advise her, but Mia wanted something else. She had the love of her country, the love of her people, and the love of her family, but Mia wanted true love.
She wanted someone to sweep her off her feet and be her strength and help her through tough times. Seeing as how she was queen, this was not an easy task. It seemed that all men were too afraid to try to love a queen except for one man.
This man was kind, gentle, and had a wonderful sense of humor. He loved her for who she was deep down, not for the crown that she wore upon her head. To say it was love at first sight would be a bit of an understatement. Neither had began the relationship on the right foot, but somehow they found that they had feelings for one other. Mia could truthfully say that she loved him and him her. They were perfect for each other, everyone could see it. Nicholas knew that Mia was the one for him. Now, there was only one thing left to do.
The day began, like most springtime days in Genovia, with the beautiful sun shining through the glorious Genovian sky. It seemed like it was the perfect day. Nicholas knew that today was the day.
As usual, Queen Amelia, or Mia, as she preferred to be called, was sitting in the throne room, meeting with the townspeople.
"Queen Amelia," a young woman said as she bent down in honor of her queen.
"You may stand," Mia say lovingly.
"Thank you."
"What is your request?" Mia asked.
"If it pleases the queen, I would like you to accept these vegetables for your table," the young woman replied.
"Thank you for you kindness," Mia said caringly. The young woman curtsied and left the room. Mia continued meeting with townspeople for several hours and had finally spoken to the last townsmen. She was just about to leave when a guard stopped her.
"There is one more," the guard replied. She went back to her throne and sat down waiting patiently. She soon saw Nicholas walk in and had to contain herself from acting in a manner unlike the queen in her royal throneroom. Nicholas smiled at her and bowed.
"My dearest Queen Amelia," Nicholas said as he greeted the queen.
"You may stand," she said with a smile.
"Thank you, your majesty," Nicholas replied.
"And what is your request my dear man?" Queen Amelia asked playfully.
"Only that you, my queen, refrain from refusing my request, and embarrassing me in the middle of your courtroom in front of theā¦2 guards," Nicholas replied as he bowed down on one knee and pulled a black box out of his pocket. Mia covered her mouth in surprise as Nicholas did this. A tear began to fall from her cheek.
"My request, my dearest Amelia, is that you would become my wife and make me the happiest man in Genovia. But only if it pleases the queen," Nicholas said happily as he opened the box to show a gorgeous ring fit for a queen.
"Oh," Mia said astonishingly, "It definitely pleases the queen." Mia jumped off the throne and ran into Nicholas' arms and their lips met.
"So, is this a yes?" Nicholas asked.
"100 percent yes," Mia said as she placed the ring on her finger and kisses her husband-to-be.
Just then Clarisse walks in and clears her throat.
"Amelia, a throne is not a proper place for a makeout session," Clarisse said in her crisp English accent.
"I'm sorry grandma," Mia replied as she smiled widely.
"What on earth has gotten into you Mia?" her grandmother asked.
"Grandmother," Mia said as she picked up one of the baskets with her left hand so the ring was showing brightly, "would you take these to Pierre while I escort Nicholas out of the throne room?"
Her grandmother began to take the basket when she suddenly noticed the beautiful ring on her granddaughter's finger, "Oh, Mia."
Clarisse had tears in her eyes as she hugged Mia, "I knew this day would come. I am so happy for you." Nicholas was standing in the center of the courtroom.
"When did this happen?" Clarisse asked. She answered her own question when she saw Nicholas and went and hugged him. "You will make a great king Nicholas, and a wonderful husband to Mia."
"Thank you your majesty," Nicholas said as he kissed her cheek and then walked over to Mia and took her hand in his.
"Well, we must have an engagement party for you two," Clarisse said.
"Oh grandma, that won't be necess..." Mia was cut off.
"Mia do not argue with me. You may be queen but remember who your grandmother is," Clarisse replied. Mia and Nicholas laughed at this remark.
"If you must grandma," Mia replies.
Royal Engagement Ball
The castle's ballroom looked absolutely beautiful. It always was so much more inviting when there were guests within. The ball had begun and all were patiently waiting for the guests of honor. Mia and Nicholas were standing at the top of the balcony looking down on all the guests.
"I never thought that this day would come," Mia said happily.
"Neither did I," Nicholas replies.
"Just don't let me trip or anything while we are walking down the stairs. These are new shoes," Mia said.
"I never thought I would hear a queen say something like that," Nicholas said playfully.
"I'm only human," Mia said a bit defensively. Nicholas realized that he had hit a sore spot.
"I'm sorry Mia. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings," Nicholas said comfortingly.
"I know. I just don't like the fact that people act like I'm superhuman just because I am a queen. Inside I'm still the same clumsy Mia Thermopolis from San Francisco that I've always been," Mia replied.
"Not from the way I see it. I see a beautiful girl who has become a beautiful woman that loves her country and her people. A woman who wants what is best for those around her and who truly cares for others. You may not see yourself in that way, but I do," Nicholas said lovingly.
"I love you Nicholas," Mia says as she gives him a kiss.
"I love you too Mia," Nicholas replies. Before long and loud thump was heard signifying an announcement.
"Introducing, our guests of honor," one of the guards yelled out, "Queen Amelia, and Duke Nicholas." A roar of applause came from the bottom of the stairs as Mia and Nicholas made their way down. Everyone was stunned at how wonderful they looked together.