Disclaimer: -looks under bed and in closet- nope, not here, don't own Tokyo mew mew or mew mew power.

A/N: Weeeee! New story! Hehehehe, my newest creation! Sorry about the wait for the next chapter of 'the dangers of cleaning', but my brain is fresh out of ideas and this story needed to be typed up so I could think properly again. Also, my time on the computer was shortened to two hours a day, so I can't get as much dome anymore….-sob-

"Kish, why is your dirty socks on my plate?" Tarto held his plate under Kish's nose, on it was what appeared to be a pair of dirty socks. Kish frowned. "That's dinner." Tarto poked it and it crumbled into dust. "What was it?"

"It was soup…"



"HOW CAN YOU BURN SOUP?.!.?.! THAT IS IMPOSIBLE!" Kish crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Well obviously it is possible, as I did everything the box said!"

Pai looked up from where he had been dissecting something that might have been a vegetable of some sort, but was now burnt to a crisp and turned into ash.

"Actually Kish, it is impossible to burn soup…I think…"

"OH. MY. AKITO. Pai is unsure about something! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! The apocalypse is coming!" Tarto jumped up and started running around screaming. Kish stuck out a leg and Tarto tripped over it and fell flat on his face.

Ignoring his fellow aliens' antics Pai continued. "You can't burn soup, but you could burn whatever was in the soup if you didn't put enough water in….how much did you put in?"

"Two teaspoons, like it said." Kish said ignoring Tarto whom he was holding upside-down by the ankle. Pai cocked an eyebrow. "Can I see the box?" Shrugging, Kish tossed Pai the box, and then was promptly kicked in the face by Tarto, who promptly was dropped onto the floor. "Kish…the box says two CUPS not teaspoons!" He just shrugged. "Meh, same difference." The authoress stormed into the room and smacked Kish with the empty box. "That's an oxymoron, you baka! And speaking of morons how can you mix a cup with a teaspoon?.!.?" The authoress looked at the charred remains of the so-called 'soup'. "I feel sorry for you." The authoress handed Pai and Tarto a package of the awesome-est thing on the face of the planet, instant noodles. "In fact if feel so sorry for you I'll endanger my sanity and teach Kish how to cook." Pai and Tarto looked horror-struck.

The authoress sighed dramatically. "If I die, tell Bowleena she gets my four manga books and my 'how to draw manga' book." Suddenly Bowleena popped into the room. "Can I have them now Authoress?"

The authoress shook her head. "No, you only get them if I die… Now, to the kitchen!" Both Bowleena and the Authoress each grabbed Kish's wrists and dragged him into the kitchen.

The authoress looked at Kish. "The first thing we're going to make are cookies!" The authoress held up a neon green cookbook.

"We need to get our supplies first, so we won't cook until the next chapter!" Bowleena exclaimed. Kish glared "The why did you maniacs drag me in here?.!.?" Bowleena and the Authoress grinned and high fived.

"Authoress, what is the name of the cookies that we're going to make in the next chapter?" Bowleena asked.

"Turtle cookies."

"You mean that you expect me to kill baby turtles?.!.?"

The authoress grinned and whispered in Bowleena's ear: "There isn't really turtles in the cookies…."

Bowleena smiled. "Let's just let him think that till the next chapter…"