Vampire with Angel
with Angel's Wings
original work of Tenchi Muyo! Fanfiction by OzZMaN
die hard, and you hold them in
long after they have turned to
--Bowen, Dragonheart
So cold, so
dark was that God forsaken place. I
lay there, over the millennia, withering away, slowly decaying, my body falling
apart. But my spirit, the essence
of my being, is all that keeps me from breaking, holding me together.
But what of my body? This
decaying, mummified body that lays in wait to be released.
God have mercy on the
pitiful spirit who releases me, for he knows not the monster that I am.
I had a soul once, a
tender heart, but it was stripped away from me, before my memories could even
form, at the clutches of a madman. He
took me, away from my mother, from my home, and took everything I had. He forced me to do those awful things, killing innocents and
pillaging whole planets. I
couldn't fight it though; what could I have done?
He had total control of my body, over my mind, but not over my spirit and
my heart. My heart knew what I was
doing, and I was powerless to resist. Every
second of pain that I caused, every life I destroyed, every beg for mercy and
every plea that filled my ears left another scar on my heart.
Now everyone hates me, knowing that it was Ryoko who did those
awful things, Ryoko who killed my child, Ryoko who destroyed my
hometown. I was under his control,
what could I have done?
No, that's your
wishful thinking. You could've
fought him, but you didn't. I
think you wanted to do the things you did.
NO! I would never hurt
anyone intentionally, it isn't my fault I was born into this world as a demon,
a creation; I just wanted to be loved and cared for.
Your punishment was to
come; it was your destiny to live as a demon sleeping in a cave.
Demon or not, your reality has come to pass.
You were cursed from the start, and now look at you. Withering away in a cave, a forgotten memory in the folds of
time, a terrifying memory, one tarnished by the deeds that your name carries.
conscience began to eat away at me, as it had for so many years.
I have grown accustomed to my pain; always smiling at grief, for it has
consumed me, and taken every spark of life out of my broken body.
I try to cry, but no tears come, for my body is dehydrated and
dilapidated. I suppose my
punishment is just. Not even death
is harsh enough for a murderer like me, no, I must spend eternity sealed in a
dungeon of hell where I can always hear my own cries of despair and anguish,
where the memories of those lives I destroyed will forever burn through my
battered mind. I will never grow
older, I will never die, no matter how badly I long for it; I will simply
lie there, motionless, trapped, in a void of nothingness and sorrow.
The pain in my heart, the fire in my soul; will never bereave me, always
looming over me like an evil plague, always there to provide incessant torture,
for my spirit, for my mind….
Is a life like this
truly worse than hell?
if I were to escape my eternal prison, where would I go?
Who would I turn to? Everywhere
I would go would be met with sneers and curses. I am known throughout the universe for the things I did, and
my reputation will forever burn in the hearts of those whom I affected, with
pure hatred and detestation. I have
been here for seven hundred years already, every minute of every day reminding
me of the destruction I caused. I
remember the horrendous pain I felt throughout my entire being when Yosho
defeated me, when he impaled his sword through my neck, breaking Kagato's hold
over me, yet destroying my body at the same time.
Just as I was finally freed of his terrible grasp on my mind, my gems
were taken and my energy dispelled. I
fell; spent, completely robbed of what little spirit I had left within me.
I was locked away in this dreary place, never to see the light of day
again. But, there was a time
throughout this dreadful sentence that hope shown its rays down upon me, in the
form of a small child.
will, my love, my hope. So
innocent, so sweet, yet my dreams had only been alive for the few years he came
to me. I was there, my spirit, the
cave entrance being the threshold from which I could never escape. He would visit me, somehow sensing that I was there, despite
the fact that I couldn't be seen. I
watched him play, I watched him laugh, and I watched him cry. I was with him when his grandmother passed away, when his
mother died; I put my hand upon his head. I
tried to comfort him, but I could not hold him, nor whisper soothing words to
him. How I longed to touch him, to
feel his embrace! He was my glimmer
of hope amongst a sea of guilt and sorrow, his very presence making my spirit
awaken from centuries of torture. I
had hoped that someday, he would return to me, to talk to me outside that cave,
so I could look upon his beautiful face once more, but it was in vain.
All good things had to come to an end, and over time, he came to my cave
less and less, slowly growing away from me, and once again leaving my spirit
empty and alone.
sometimes I dream. Not the hellish
memories of a life of death and destruction, or of my crimes against existence
itself, but of starry nights and glowing moons.
I dreamt of sharing such a scene with Tenchi, just him and I, alone under
the stars. I would dream of a
faraway land where we could be together, with no one to bother us. But then I would wake up, suddenly remembering where I was
and what reality was to me for the rest of eternity, the dream having turned to
dust. But somewhere, deep down, I
kept that dream dormant within my soul……
Why must it forever be
this way? This is simply too much…
can the universe be so cruel? I was
a prisoner of Kagato, forced to do his evil deeds, with no power over myself or
my actions. I find it appalling and
heart wrenching that I must spend eternity in this pit of hell for something
that I could not fight against, a burning will that controlled my body. This is simply too cruel, too much for this withered piece of
existence to handle. I pray for
death, for every moment that my mind does not wander, I pray for an end to this
misery. All I wanted in my life was
to be set free of that madman's chokehold, and just when I thought that was
about to occur, this is the reward I got. But
maybe it is better this way. At
least Kagato won't be able to use my body to hurt others, and at least they
can live out their lives in peace, even at my expense.
I suppose it is just punishment for my faults, my weaknesses; but death,
death for me is all that can save this tortured spirit.
I have remained in this battered state for seven centuries, and I feel I
can take it no longer, but once again I am powerless, just as before.
I cannot kill myself, nor can I break free of this cold prison that
confines me.
But what lies beyond
death? Another eternity within another universe encompassed by
feelings and emotions of my past?
which would serve me justice now will forever serve me as such, even in death.
The only thing to release me of this emotional torture is the death of my
spirit, not my body. My body is
already dead, for it is my spirit alone that keeps it the way it is.
If my spirit were erased from the fabric of the universe, I would be set
free. I would cease to exist, which
is both a blessing to myself and to all those I hurt. But, for some reason, there is something I've attached
myself to that I can't seem to let go of…
is this boy that has a fast hold on my heart?
I am a demon, unable to feel emotions, a machine, a creation. Why do I feel this way?
Some part of me cries out for him, begs for him not to abandon me.
But he can't see me this way, not like this.
I am a dried up, decayed mummy, a hideous mutation of life, of which the
sight of I would never wish bestowed upon any person, especially Tenchi.
He has left my side though, grown older, and forgotten about me.
Now I am nothing but a gleam in the depths of his memory, a light once
burning that is now extinguished. The
few years of peace that I found with this boy have left my spirit just as he
left me. But then I hear a rhythmic sound, coming from the outside of
the cave, heading this direction.
footsteps, coming closer. I pray that
it isn't Tenchi, for he will run away upon seeing me, horrified at the sight
that will greet his eyes. He will
turn away from me once again, and thus will only cut another deep scar within my cold
footsteps are growing closer, become louder in my head.
I hear a yelp, then a sliding sound, then a thud. Whoever it is slid down the crystal staircase, and they must
be in my chamber now…
I divert my eyes over to
the sound, and the images they receive make my heart stop in fear and
Standing proud, fearless,
but uncertain, looking in my direction, is my lost hope.
I silently scream for him to turn and leave now, before he can see this
pathetic fossil that is me.
his eyes meet mine, and I know now he can see my twisted, rotten visage.
he doesn't run.
Why don't you turn and run from this monster, Tenchi?
He slowly makes his way
towards the pool in which I lay. His
eyes change from uncertainty to…..compassion?
No, I must be dreaming,
stop this, I know it isn't real, it's too cruel!
But then I see his hand,
reaching out, towards mine.
He......he..wants me to
take...his hand?
My mind races with
anticipation and confusion; I am baffled as to why he is being so kind to this
evil demon whom I know he's heard so much about.
all my strength, I slowly extend my bony, decayed hand towards his own.
Not until I touch my hand in his, feeling the sensation of his skin
against mine do I realize that this isn't a dream; this is reality.
I had almost forgotten what it was like to feel the touch of someone
hand is strong but gentle, and the feeling of his hand against mine overwhelms
me. I slowly raise my head out of
the water and gaze into his eyes.
tender, so delicate...
see affection, adoration, compassion; written all over his features…
can this be happening? How can he be feeling compassion for a monster like me?
The emotions are flooding
me, overtaking me, drawing me further into confusion and fear.
He slowly reaches his free
hand out towards my face, attempting to remove the mask that I wear to hide my
hideous expression.
No, I don't want you
to see me like this…
I dodge the invading hand
and lower my head in shame.
How I wish I could
speak to you now, Tenchi…
I take hold of his shirt
with my other hand, fearful he will leave me.
Please don't leave me
Tenchi, I beg of you…
I hold him fast, so he
won't run away. I simply
wouldn't be able to bear him leaving me a second time.
But, instead of resisting, he takes his other hand and helps the rest of
my mummified body out of the liquid. I
collapse in his arms, my strength gone, my feelings overtaking me. I cry dry tears, not knowing which gods to thank for this
miracle, for my happiness.
He's here for me, he
remembers…everything……he wants to stay…with me.
I hear him whispering
soothing words to me, telling me that I no longer must be trapped in this horrid
place, that if only he'd remembered sooner.
I feel him softly stroking my hair, his chin resting on top of my head. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, my happiness and joy
overwhelming me. All the years of
desolation, of self-hatred, and of despair, have culminated into the one thing
that I truly wanted…and now here he is, in my arms and myself in his.
I guess it is possible after all to change one's destiny, to rearrange
the stars of fate. I was once a
demon, a monster, a vampire if you will, that people hated, and that I myself
hated. But part of that
creature's creation was through my own emotional pain, and today I have been
reborn. I was born an oni, and thus
I will always be one in the flesh, but my spirit has finally been set free of
that awful curse. I suppose that
bleakness of sorrow and darkness has finally left my tortured spirit, and been
replaced with joy and hope, and out of the darkness the light appears, and
grows, forming a pair of angel wings. Soon
I will be regenerated, both physically and emotionally, and all it took was his loving hands to
rescue me from this cold, dark prison. But the emotional scars of the past
still run deep, and only time will slowly suture them. I have something to look forward too, instead of always
dreading every second that passed by, counting the hours until the universe came
to an end, and my spirit along with it. My
hope is renewed, my spirit is free, and I look to the day when I can walk, when
I can talk, and when I can share my dreams with Tenchi.
The one sincere dream I ever had is coming true within his arms,
blossoming into a thousand more to come as the future arrives.
I love you Tenchi……now
and forever…
My mind silently whispers
to him that which I know he cannot hear, but somehow, I believe he can feel my
thoughts and my emotions, for he holds on to me tighter, yet still being gentle
with my fragile and weak frame. I
respond by pulling him closer to me, taking in the beauty of his warmth and the
reassurance of his embrace. Dreams
come and go, and many turn to dust, but those that stay alive with hope, even in
the deepest forgotten realm of a lost soul, will come true. I beheld mine in the palm of my hand, the very moment I took
hold of his.
I close my eyes and see
the edge of forever, as the dawn of a new day and a new life arises.
Well, here's my second
Tenchi+Ryoko fic. This one actually
took quite longer to finish up on than I originally expected.
I thought it would be nice to change the first episode of the OVA to fit
Tenchi & Ryoko's relationship. Let
me know what you think. Send all
comments to [email protected].
Thanks for reading!