Disclaimer: I DO NOT own FFXII. O.o
a/n: Don't forget to check out the other stories that I have written, they're kinda gathering dust. Enjoy!
Shiloh's POV:
"Hah. This is too much fun sir! Any requests for the next act?" Kadaj said laughing.
I felt Rufus stiffen, and he began to get up out of his wheel chair. What was he thinking? Could he even stand up? I stood up too not knowing why, and when we were fully up he threw off his cloak. My eyes shot open without them meaning to and I looked right into Kadaj's aqua-green ones and I clutched to Rufus tighter.
He looked at me surprised out of his mind. Like he was just woken up to the sound of a horn right next to his ear. And I felt pain erupt all over my body once again. My Stigma was reacting to him with the same force and quantity as that man in the church had.
"Mother!" he said piercing me with his gaze.
"A good son would have known." Rufus said tightening his hold on my shoulder. We were right next to the edge of the building, dangerously close. Rufus whispered, "I'm sorry." And pushed. I fell. Plummeting to the ground.
I saw Kadaj and Rufus starring down at me. And then Kadaj's arm glowed once again, he let out a cry,and he fired a blinding white blue light at Rufus.
Cloud's POV:
I needed help to get up there with Bahmut Sin. First Barret grabbed my hand and threw me. When that didn't work Cid catapaulted me with his pole. Then Red XIII and Cait Sith grabbed me from behind and threw me. Next Yuffie, Vincent, and Tifa.
I was in the clear, and I was ready to attack. Then it blasted it's giant blue energy ball right at me. I plummeted into it and I was about ready to give up when the pressure lifted and a hand came towards me.
"Ready?" she asked, and she threw me up too. I blasted through and sank my sword into the back flesh of the monster and tore through. When I landed back on the ground next to my friends the monster had begun to melt away, and become no more. We watched it until it had completely dissapeared.
I then saw another blue light. It was Kadaj, and Rufus on top of a building with another figure falling away from them.
Shiloh's POV:
Rufus fell. Following right after me. And then Kadaj jumped. Rufus was shooting at him.
"Mother!" he yelled. He fell right past Rufus and straight for me. Then Rufus turned, and he...actually shot at me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Reno and Rude fighting Loz and Yazoo. Then there was a flash, and I saw that it was Cloud. He was on his bike riding towards us. Our eyes met for a split second. I knew it was him, I don't know how. I just knew. Maybe it was his blonde hair, or the way he was looking at me, but I knew.
More shots rang out and I felt pain explode in my chest. I looked at myself and saw that the bullet went into my ribs. Fresh blood blossomed over my already bloodstained white shirt. I choked on air when I saw it. And then I felt arms wrap around behind my shoulders and under my legs. We flipped in the air, and who ever was carrying me landed.
I looked up and saw that it was Kadaj. Not Cloud. He ran a hand over my wound and I saw some of my blood spill onto his leather outfit. He was looking like he was about to cry and he looked truly sorry for me. Another look over my shoulder showed me that Cloud was still racing head on towards us. Anger in every feature of his body.
Kadaj saw too, because he stood up and jumped onto his own bike. With his brothers following behind. The chace was on.
People flashed by, and we crashed through a warning sign onto the freeway. Some shots and crashes and I couldn't see Cloud any more. Would he be alright? I shouldn't have left the house. I shouldn't have had Rufus take off my mask.
"Don't worry Mother. You're with me now...I'll take care of you." Kadaj said, stroking the side of my face for a momment.
Two minutes later and there was a blast from behind. Then Cloud came and swung with his sword. Kadaj blocked, but we skidded off into a resevoir. Cloud got left behind and Kadaj slid into the flower patch of the church.
"Mother!" he said, but I could barely hear him. My head lolled back and I felt more of my blood ooze out. His hand ran over the hole again. He grabbed the back of my head and my eyes opened. Running his fingers through my hair, and looking into my eyes, he started to really cry. Calling out, "Mother! MOTHER!"
I almost felt sorry. He cried out once more pulling me closer and resting his head in the crook of my neck, bawling like a baby. My focus was still going in and out, and his touch against my Stigma didn't help anything.There was a roar of an engine, and he pulled away. I looked over and saw that it was Cloud. I didn't know that he had the Stigma too. It covered the upper part of his left arm.
He reved his engine signaling that he ment buisness. Kadaj held up his arm and blue energy took out one of the pillars. We rode up it and I saw Cloud go under it and come out in the flower patch. Kadaj then shot some of the blue energy at him. It struck the bike right where he had been only a momment before. But Cloud jumped off.
Kadaj laughed and when the smoke cleared I saw that Cloud was in pain. Kadaj was just about to finnish him off, but then water erupted from out of the ground. It spewed up creating a wall over Cloud. The water seemed to hurt Kadaj, and he was trying to swat it away. But, the water was splashing against my legs, and I saw that the Stigma had started to glow green wherever it was touched. Then it dissaeared and I saw my skin for the first time without the ugly disease.
Kadaj started back up the pillar again and raced away. Cloud roared after. Kadaj had stopped and taken me to the top of a pile of rubbel and had waited for him to catch up. He had slipped an arm around my waist and was only holding half of me up. I felt like I was going to tear in two, but I held on.
"Brother! I'm with her at last!" he yelled down to Cloud.
"So what's going to happen now?"
Kadaj giggled sadly pulling my face up to his and said, "Mother's going to tell me."
I starred into his cold eyes blinking back the fog that was creeping up in the corners of my eyes as he lifted my face closer and closer to his.
"I guess a remnant wouldn't really know..."
"So what if I'm a puppet." he mumbled his arm glowing again, "Once upon a time...YOU WERE TOO!"
He shot, but missed, and as Cloud bolted towards us, he pulled out his sword from nowhere. I don't know how Kadaj did it. Holding me, and fighting for his life. But he blocked the blow.
After a few seconds an airship came out of nowhere and flew down. It kicked up the wind and dust, and I could barely see anymore. I was being jerked around so much, I didn't know how I stayed awake. After a while, of what I suppose was debating on weather to join the fight or not, they flew away.
We continued exchanging blow after blow, except when Kadaj was trying to make an airial attack, Cloud struck and we went flying off the edge of the building we were on.
His sword fell. And he was holding onto my dead weight with his bad hand. Cloud came up then and stood over us. Looking at Kadaj with pure hatred. Then, Kadaj threw me. Cloud dropped his sword slightly and Kadaj struck with a kick. He went for me again.
This time was different. He held me like I was the most precious thing in the world. Maybe a little too tightly though. All I remember was feeling my Stigma flame again, and then the fog over took me.
Cloud's POV:
He pulled her into himself and I saw a blue aura wrap around them. I jumped after them. When the light lifted, she was flying away and Kadaj screamed. I grabbed ahold of Shiloh and I looked at her beautiful, bloodstained face for the first time.
Damn him. Damn Sephiroth, Kadaj, and Rufus! She was an innocent girl, and I couldn't save her. I yelled out too and swung my sword upon Kadaj. But, when I opened my eyes, it wasn't him anymore.
Sephiroth grinned up at me and said, "Good to see you...Cloud."
He struck me and Shiloh left my arms. She landed on the ground in front of his feet roughly. And he struck again, I flew up and landed on top of the building we were just a second ago.
He soon followed, "Your Geostigma's gone...that's too bad."
He held up his arm and clouds twisted and churned above our heads. It grew dark and I readied myself.
Lightning pierced the sky and we went towards each other. Our swords clashed and sparks flew. I fought back with equal force though. And when our swords came to a stop against each other he asked, "Oh!Where did you get this strength?"
I glarred and growled, "I'm not about to tell you!"
I pushed and he flew through the building and up onto the roof. I followed right behind. Pieces of the building flew at me, but I doged and he struck. More blows and I fell. He then used his power and half of the building came at me. I thought quickly and cut through. He came again and we fought harder and faster than before.
I finally got to the top and gasped for air. He came too. Except he brought her with him. He threw her aside and chuckled. He then attacked and I fell to the ground. I was about to get back up, but pain shot through my shoulder up to pulse in my head.
He had shoved his sword in my arm and was glarring at me, "Tell me what you cherrish most."
He moved his arm and her limp body floated over into his clutches. I leaned over and grabbed his sword with my unpinned hand.
"Give me the pleasure of taking it away." he growled pulling up her face and closing his eyes.
Memmories of everyone flashed through my mind and I pulled the sword out. I lashed out at him with my own. He jumped away, dropping Shiloh to the rooftop, and I said, "I pity you. You just don't get it at all!"
"There's not a thing I don't cherish!" I yelled swinging my sword over my head and pointing it at him. It broke apart, causing all of my swords to fly at him. I then used my powers and attacked with every single one of them.
"Stay where you belong...in my memmories." I said looking up at him.
"I will..." he said looking down at me. "...never be a memmory."
He transformed back into Kadaj. He landed on the ground and could barely stand. But he attacked anyways. And he fell into my arms.
"Br-oth-er!" he choked out.
Then we heard a voice say, "Kadaj?"
"Huh?" he said and a raindrop fell onto his cheek. Then rain poured down on us from a clear sky.
"You don't have to hang on any longer." the etherial voice crooned.
"M-mother!" he said reaching a hand up towards the sky, "Is that-"
"Everyone's waiting. If your ready."
A tear escaped from the corner of his eye and he looked unsure. But then he reached up his hand and then it turned green and started breaking apart. Then the rest of him dissapeared. THe last thing I saw of him was a smile creasing his lips. I stood up and watched him fly away. No more pain. No more Stigma. Just freedom. I leaned my head back and felt the rain splash onto my face.
And then a shot rang out, and pain ran up into my head once more. I fell to my knees. It was Yazoo and Loz.
"We go...together." Yazoo gasped.
"Together...we'll play." Loz mumbled.
I stood up taking my sword and staggering. I charged yelling like a madman.Their arms then glowed with the materia in them, and they aimed at me. I swung down hard, but it was too late. They had fired.
Next thing I know I feel a hand on my forehead, and see only white. I ask, "Mother?"
"Again? Why is everyone calling me their mother lately." the woman said.
Another voice (a man's) said, "I guess they must be fond of you."
"This one's a little too big to adopt."
"Tough luck friend. Sounds like...you don't have a place here."
And then I felt wet. When I opened my eyes I saw children around me in the water. Then a little girl caught my eye.
She said, "It's like she said, wait here and Cloud will come back."
"Welcome back." It was Yuffie, and the rest of the gang.
"I am back." I said. I walked over and held out my arms to Denzel, "Come on. I'm here."
He nodded and I lifted him into the water. I took some in my hands and let it splash onto his head. His stigma dissapeared. Everyone jumped in and started celebrating. But, I wasn't ready to do that yet.
"Where's Shiloh?" I asked Tifa pulling her aside.
She didn't look at me.
I asked her again, "Where is she?"
"Over there." she mumbled.
I looked and I saw that she had been propped up against a wall, and she was being looked at by a woman in a pink dress. I stopped and Tifa left to go look after Denzel. The woman stood up and walked towards the doors. She was met by...Zack. And they both smiled and waved, turning away, and walking into the light.
I heard her say, "You see...everything's...alright."
I know I'm not alone. Not anymore. Thank you...Aerith.
I got out of the water and I went to Shiloh. She had her eyes closed, and I saw that she wasn't breathing. I slipped my hand behind her waist and pulled her up so that she leaned into my chest.No...three now? No! I entwined my fingers into her long dark brown hair and gave a dry sob.
"I'm...sorry." I said a tear escaping down my cheek and onto her forehead.
Silence, just like I had expected, and then I heard her small voice say, "I never blamed you. Not once. You came for me. That's all that matters."
I moved back surprised, and saw that she had opened her gorgeous, deep, soulful eyes. She was beautiful. Her curly dark brown hair falling in just the right places. Her pale blue eyes looking at you with all the answers of the world. Her porcilin skin shimmering, willing you to touch it and run your fingers up and down it. I saw that she had been re-bandaged. She was perfect. Even if she could barely move and her clothes were bloody and torn. But her lips formed a smile that could melt any heart, and she looked up at me lovingly. I couldn't help myself. I leaned down and kissed her.
But, only for a few seconds, because I heard from behind us, "Yeah Baby! Whoo! The kiss of life!" "You go Cloud!" "Git'er partner!"
I picked her up off the ground and carried her over to our family. A family and a life that we would share together...forever.
Together. Forever.
a/n: That was ok right? And if you don't get why he only saw her eyes as beeing the light blue color and not that wierd green/blue, it's because Jenova was taken out of her right, so that went away. Review! By the way, check out my other stories, my mom said that they were good. J/k! By the way if you want there to be a different ending tell me and I'll fix it. Mabe she should have died instead? Hmmm...O.o