This is my new Naruto fanfic! I have been very bored lately so I'm creating a couple stories. I hope you enjoy this one! It's just the prologue though. Tell me how you liked it! Please Read and Review!

There are seven orphans living under one roof. They just met each other since they are all moving into the house at the same time. They will be starting school soon, but until then it is still the summer time. They fix the place up and feelings are made but there are many arguments.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the other characters, unfortunately.


Sakura was a girl age 16 with unusual pink hair and vibrant green eyes. She never showed sadness in front of anyone, she only would cry if she were certain no one was around to hear or see her. Sakura never did care for boys, though she did date a dozen times in middle school and in her freshman and sophomore year.

Now she was a junior, she was moving away that summer, saying goodbye to her friends was hard but not really since she didn't have a whole lot of friends. She was sad she was leaving but happy so that she could make a fresh start.

The lady who she had lived with was sending her away to live with teens her own age. Nobody wanted Sakura since she was to old to be adopted so she had stayed in that house for eight years of her life. The bills needed to be paid and the woman needed to find homes for the children soon or else they would be on the streets.

There was no water and electricity and the children needed new clothes. There was also the need for food in the house. The woman who had taken care of Sakura half her life needed to find Sakura a new home.

Sakura smiled when she heard the news that the woman was sending her away and told her that she was fine with it. But on the inside, Sakura was crying, she didn't want to leave, but then again she could meet new people.

So right then Sakura had all her things packed, (Which wasn't a lot) and was in the passenger seat of an old car that needed a new paint job. She was nervous, what if they didn't like her, what if they hated her? She sighed wondering who else was staying in the house.

The car jolted to a stop in front of a three story house that looked old but looked like you could still live in there. Sakura sighed and looked at the woman who had taken her in and helped her get all her necessary things for half her life.

"Gomen Sakura." Said the woman with her head down, "I'll miss you."

"No need to apologize, I would like to thank you for taking care of me for so long." Said Sakura with a fake smile planted on her face, "Please take care of the younger kids." Said Sakura. The woman nodded.

"I'll miss you too Rin." Said Sakura. The woman nodded her head, "Ja ne."

Sakura heaved her bag over her shoulder and made her way to the house. She walked through the yard and up the steps to the front porch. Taking a deep breath Sakura rang the doorbell. A dog barked inside and an, 'I'm coming!' was heard.

The door opened to reveal a boy with brown hair and a white dog with brown ears next to him.

"Hey I'm Kiba!" he said grinning, "And this is Akamaru!" Akamaru barked and wagged his tail, "He likes you." Said Kiba grinning even more. The car that dropped Sakura off drove away and Sakura sighed.

"I'm Sakura. One of the ones that's supposed to live here starting today." Said Sakura.

"Of course! Come on, some people have already arrived but we're still waiting for two more." Said Kiba, taking Sakura's hand and leading her in the house.

"Well this is where the TV and couch would go if we had any furniture." Said Kiba frowning once he closed the door. He looked at the bare space in front of him but shook his head.

"Any ways I'll show you the dining room and the kitchen." He said leading her to a hallway that lead from the first room to another. "The bathroom." He said pointing to one of the doors in the hallway, "And the closet." He said pointing to another door.

"Here is the Dining room." Said Kiba grinning. There was no table though, just a bare room, there was a big window across from where the two stood and a chandelier above them that didn't work, but other then that, there was nothing. Only two people were in there.

One had long blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail and the other had black hair. The one with black hair was leaning against the wall while the one with blonde hair sat on the floor obviously bored to death. She noticed Sakura and Kiba and smiled.

"Are you another orphan?" she asked standing up. Sakura nodded her head, "Cool! I'm Ino and that lazy-ass over there is Shikamaru." Said Ino pointing a finger at the black haired boy leaning against the wall.

"Hey." Said Shikamaru nodding his head towards Sakura.

"Um, well, I'm Sakura." Said Sakura smiling.

"Oh this is great! I thought I would be the only girl here other then Tenten." Said Ino in relief. Sakura smiled politely at Ino.

"Come on Sakura. I'll show you around more." Said Kiba grabbing Sakura's wrist.

"Over here is the kitchen." Said Kiba pulling Sakura into a room connected to the dining room. Sakura looked around and cocked her head. A microwave, fridge, and oven were already placed there but Sakura bet there was no food or water and that the oven and microwave didn't even work. Her thoughts were confirmed when she opened the fridge. Not even the light bulb in there worked.

"Uh, yeah. We don't have electricity or water yet." Said Kiba rubbing the back of his head.

"I see." Said Sakura, "Well we can get that stuff later." She said smiling. Kiba smiled back and then pointed at a door next to the fridge.

"That's the pantry." He said. Sakura shook her head, "The washer and dryer is in there too."

He led her to another room, which he said would be the living room. In there a girl with brown hair up in two tight buns was sitting on the floor looking into space. She noticed Kiba and Sakura enter the room and stood up.

"This is Tenten." Said Kiba. Tenten smiled at Sakura.

"Oh hey, uh I'm Sakura." Said Sakura smiling.

"Sakura, nice name. Fits you too with that color of hair. Is it natural?" asked Tenten cocking her head.

"Uh, yeah." Said Sakura hesitantly.

"Cool. I've never seen anyone with natural pink hair." Said Tenten grinning.

Kiba led Sakura back to the room they started which was connected to the living room. The stairs were in the first room and they led up to the second and third floor. Kiba said that there were bedrooms and bathrooms up there but nothing else.

Sakura was glad that it was only nine in the morning so that they could have the rest of the day to get the needed supplies, like food, furniture, and water and electricity. Though she didn't know how they would pay for it all.

Kiba sat down on the floor and played with his dog. Sakura cocked her head at this.

"Well what do we do know?" she asked.

"Well I am welcoming everyone who comes in.," said Kiba grinning, "Nothing else to do."

"Great, I guess I'll join you!" said Sakura sitting next to Kiba. The two started to talk about their old orphan homes and about Kiba's dog. But neither of them brought up the topic about their parents.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Kiba sprang up. "Six down, one more to come." He said before he opened the door.

"Hi! My name is Naruto!" said the blonde haired boy behind the door.

"Naruto eh? Well I'm Kiba. And the girl over there is Sakura." Said Kiba. Naruto looked at Sakura and grinned.

"Hello Sakura! What a pretty name! Is that hair natural?" asked Naruto. He sure was hyperactive.

"Uh, yeah." Said Sakura looking at Naruto.

"That's so cool! I want to have a room close to yours Sakura-Chan!" said Naruto. Oh boy, he was already using Chan.

"Uh okay," said Sakura hesitantly. Kiba noticed that Sakura was nervous and stepped in.

"Hey Naruto, I'll give you a tour and introduce you to the others that have already arrived." Said Kiba grinning. Naruto beamed.

"Great!" so Kiba and Naruto went off through the hallway the hallway. Kiba looked at Sakura and smiled.

"Answer the door if anybody comes, can you?" asked Kiba. Sakura smiled and nodded her head. The two boys left leaving Sakura there to think.

So far it looked like having roommates would be rather interesting. Ino was sort of stuck up it seemed to Sakura, but she didn't mind. Shikamaru was really lazy so there probably wouldn't be much talking with him. Tenten looked like a good person to make friends with. Naruto was really hyper and happy, even for Sakura. And Kiba, well he loved his dog but so far, he was a great friend. She wondered who the last person to come was.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Sakura looked at the door and sighed, she was about to find out who the last person was. She turned the doorknob to come face to face with the most handsome guy she had ever laid eyes on. He was gorgeous. But when she looked into his face she could tell, he wasn't a very outgoing person.

"Uh, are you here for the teenage orphan house thing?" asked Sakura trying to make conversation.

"Hn." He said. His face was completely emotionless which made it hard for Sakura to see if he said a yes or a no.

"And what is Hn supposed to mean?" asked Sakura folding her arms. The boy glared at her and stepped into the house.

"You could atleast say your name." Said Sakura starting to get angry. She closed the door and faced the man.

"Sasuke." He said, glaring at the pink haired girl, he already didn't like this place.

"What are you glaring at me for, I didn't do anything." Said Sakura looking at Sasuke.

"You are being annoying." Said Sasuke dropping his bag on the floor.

"What! How can I be annoying?" said Sakura glaring daggers at Sasuke.

"Stop asking so many questions." He said glaring back at her.

"Well here's a statement that definitely isn't a question." Said Sakura as the two glared daggers at each other, "You are such a jerk right now you jackass." She said glaring at him. Their faces were inches apart as they glared at each other.

"Well you are an annoying bitch, pinky." He said grinning.

"Ugh! Bastard!" she yelled.

Then someone coughed. The two broke eye contact to see Kiba standing there with Naruto.

"Hey! I am Naruto!" cried Naruto bounding over to Sasuke, "Who are you?"

"Sasuke." He said looking at Naruto.'

"Cool! That's Kiba!" said Naruto pointing to Kiba, "And his dog Akamaru!" Sasuke nodded his head.

"Of course you probably already know Sakura-Chan!" said Naruto happily. Sasuke looked at Sakura and grinned.

"You didn't say your name was Sakura pinky." Said Sasuke. He was teasing her now and Sakura knew it. Sakura growled dangerously before punching Sasuke across the face. "Ah! You bitch!"

Sakura was about to punch him again but Sasuke caught her wrist. Sakura took her leg and made Sasuke trip but he unfortunately he was still holding onto Sakura's wrist. He pulled her down with him so she landed on his chest.

Sakura tried to punch him but Sasuke dodged it and rolled over so that he was on top of Sakura. They could hear Naruto cheering and Kiba telling them to stop. Then more voices joining in signaling that the others had come into the room.

He grinned at Sakura when he noticed the position they were in. Then he touched his forehead against hers.

"You shouldn't have punched me pinky." He said. Their noses touched and their mouths were centimeters apart. Sakura glared into his eyes the rolled over so she was on top again. She held his arms down and straddled his legs. Sasuke could of easily broken free of her grasp but for some reason he was enjoying this.

Sakura leaned down so that their mouths brushed against each other's.

"Don't call me pinky." She said, Sasuke suddenly had an urge to kiss the woman on top of him but he restrained himself. Sakura licked her lips and grinned. Sasuke clenched his teeth trying to stop him from kissing the mouth that was barely brushing his.

"I can show you what happens when you make me mad if you want." Said Sakura in an innocent voice yet grinning mischievously. Sasuke could feel her breath on his mouth and felt her lips touch his whenever she moved her mouth. He groaned.

"I need a cold shower." He muttered in a barely audible voice. Unfortunately Sakura caught it and her grin widened.

"Sasuke, would you like me to show you what happens when you make me mad?" asked Sakura in a sweet voice. Sasuke looked into Sakura's eyes, which were laughing at him. He didn't say anything and Sakura grinned.

She lifted her leg and brought it down very hard in-between his legs. All the men in the room cringed. The definitely wouldn't mess with Sakura.

"AH! BITCH!" shouted Sasuke loud enough for the whole country to hear. Sakura winced and let him go then stood up and brushed herself off. She grinned at Sasuke who curled up. "Fuck, my penis." He said grabbing his groin and biting his lip. Sakura laughed and went over to stand next to Tenten.

"That was great Sakura!" said Tenten laughing at the teenager on the floor.

"Thanks!" said Sakura smiling.

"Sakura! I can't believe you did that! Especially to someone as hot as him!" cried Ino. Sakura just laughed with Tenten as the boys went to help Sasuke out.

And so was the beginning of their little family.


Yay! Prologue completed! I hope you liked it! Please Review my story, I would like to know what all of you think of the beginning! The next chapter will come as soon as possible. But I do haveone other story still in progress so updating might be a bit slow. I'm sorry. But please review!