Author's Notes: Please, PLEASE people, take note that this is a parody. This is in no way/shape/form supposed to represent how I really write, the characters of Pirates of the Caribbean truthfully. I came up with the idea to surprise my best friend, who loves Jack. We were complaining about the amount of self-inserts seen, and this came to my mind. It is purely intended for humor, and am not trying to portray things accurately.

Happy 18th Birthday, Nikki! Everyone wish her one!

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone from POTC

I wasn't sure how the TV managed to suck me in. One moment, I was peacefully watching my favorite pirate captain on the television, and the next, I found myself on the deck of a ship. A very familiar looking ship. Black sails at that. Oh boy.

All commotion stopped as I stood and looked around. Every pirate on the ship was staring at me as though they had never seen anything like me. I'm sure they hadn't. T-Shirts and jeans weren't exactly a part of eighteenth century dress.

"What is it this time?"

That voice. I knew that voice. My heart leapt as I stared at the one man who had caused me to go insane with glee. The man from my movie, my dreams, and my computer wallpaper - Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Oh God," Jack said, rolling his eyes and holding his head as though it hurt. "Not another one."

"Another one?"

"'Fangirl' I think you call them," Jack replied "They show up here frequently. For some reason, they're always getting sucked into our story. Bloody annoying it is. Here I am, trying to captain a ship, and these girls have nothing better to do than follow me around. And who is Johnny? I think I have it easy though. Poor William gets the sappy ones."

I turned to find Will Turner backing away slowly, a desperate look on his face toward Elizabeth. She simply grinned at him, crossing her arms. Her smug looked stopped once a young man flopped to the ground beside her, grinning as though he was dying of thirst, and she was the only water in sight.

We all jumped as loud plop came from the left, a young, wide-eyed girl stared up at James Norrington, who looked terrified.

"Mother and Child, we're being invaded. .." Gibbs muttered.

"You would not believe the amount of people we see around here." Jack continued, turning back to me. "You're no exception either. They arrive, hoping to be part of whoever the fancy." He gave a slight shudder. "We have a few who try to seduce the crew."

"Mainly Jack and Will." Gibbs added.

"No matter," Jack said, cheerfully. "We'll hide the rum. Heaven knows if I have to deal with these people, I will need a lot of bottles."