A/N: Here it is! The sequel to my story, Shattered Pieces of the Tipton! I hope you like it! This pretty much picks up where the other one left off. If you haven't read the first story I suggest you read it. Now, without further ado, Picking up the Pieces! Thoughts will be in Italics

Summary: Maddie and Cody are back at the Tipton from Rehab. They are trying to deal with people who hate them from a distance, a father who is fighting the fact that he abused his own son, and a romance between two people that could probably never work out. Sequel to 'Shattered Pieces of the Tipton'.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


Picking Up The Pieces

Chapter One

"Zack hurry! We're gonna be late!" Carey Martin shouted to her son.

"I'm coming, Mom!" He called back. This was the day he had been looking forward to for the past five months. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Hi, Mr. Moseby!" Carey greeted. Zack walked out of his bedroom and saw the hotel manager standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Carey." He replied.

"Hey, Moseby!" Zack said happily. Mr. Moseby waved at him. London soon walked in after Moseby. "London!" Zack shouted excitedly as he hugged the hotel heiress. She had become a very close friend to him in the past five months.

"Hey, Zack! You ready?"

"I've been ready for five months!" He replied. London smiled and wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"Okay, everyone to the car!" Carey ordered. The four hurried out of the hotel and clambered into the car.


"Hello, Ms. Martin." Mr. Adams said. Mr. Adams was the man who ran the rehab program and had seen Carey often when she went to visit Cody. Zack was never allowed to go along. His mom had never really explained why she wouldn't take him, she just wouldn't.

"Good to see you, Mr. Adams." Carey replied.

"Are you ready to take Maddie and Cody home?" He asked with a smile.

"Have been since we brought them here." Carey said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She quickly smiled and followed the man inside. Moseby, London and Zack followed.

The rehab center was a large building with white walls. There were a lot of kids there, Zack noticed. It seemed like a happy place but it had a morbid feeling to it.

"They are so excited." Mr. Adams said as he opened a door. Ah, Cody's room. Zack noted as he saw how tidy it was. Maddie suddenly appeared from the bathroom.

"Zack!" She squealed as she raced forward and hugged Zack. She then hugged London and Mr. Moseby. "Cody's coming." She quickly told them. Cody appeared from the bathroom. He pretty much imitated what Maddie had done and hugged them all. Zack smiled at his brother and his friend. Cody and Maddie looked much better than they had when they had left them there.

"I am so glad that you guys are back!" Zack exclaimed as they climbed in the car.

It was hard to live without seeing you guys every day!" London said as she hugged Maddie once more.

"Thanks. It means a lot to hear you say that." Maddie replied as she pulled away from London and scooted in the backseat.

"Yeah, thanks. We're happy to be back!" Cody smiled at his twin. The car ride back to the Tipton was full of excited chatter, mostly from Zack and London telling Cody and Maddie what had happened during their time away.

"Maddie, remember that you don't have to go right back to work. Take as much time off as you need." Mr. Moseby told her.

"Thanks, Moseby but I actually want to go work. I kind of missed it." She told him. He smiled at her through the rearview mirror.

"Well, don't start working again until tomorrow at least." Moseby told her. She nodded and went back to talking with Zack.


Zack helped Cody carry his bags into their room and Cody gasped. "Wow, you're side of the room is… clean!" Cody said. Zack nudged him in the side.

"Yeah, I thought it might be a nice change for you to come back to." Zack told Cody. Cody smiled and plopped down on his bed. Zack sat down next to him.

"It's great to be back!" Cody sighed.

"It's great to have you back, bro." Zack said with a smile. The two unpacked and played some video games, falling back into routine. Or so they thought.


There's chapter one! Hope you guys liked it! Be sure to review… that makes me smile! The more reviews I get the faster I'll update so keep that in mind while reading. Thanks in advance to all who reviewed! Also, thanks to everyone who read Shattered Pieces of the Tipton, it was your reviews that inspired me to write this sequel! Review time! Just click that purple button.

