Hehehehe. This is basically unabashed cuteness and fluff, with maybe a bit of cool!Gaa-chan mixed in...

This is officially the last part of Whore Street.


Whore Street Epilogue

"Christmas Eve"

Shino felt weird. Of course he'd been in a Cheap-Burger joint often; who hadn't? Everyone knew the feel of a Cheap-Burger joint – greasy tables, sinfully delicious burgers, fries and anything else that could be deep fried and stripped of all nutritious worth. Yes, he'd been in a Cheap-Burger often.

But never as a date.

Kiba sat next to him, Akamaru lay curled up beneath the table. Their plates were empty – Shino loved the burgers they made in these places, he just couldn't help himself – and they were just sitting quietly, leaned against each other.

Kiba chuckled a bit. "You know what?"


"Tomorrow's Christmas Day."


"That means that tonight is Christmas Eve."

Shino didn't really get where the dog-boy was going with this.

"God, Shino! Christmas! As in presents?"


Kiba sighed in exasperation. '"I had it so well planned out... ruin my lines why don't you."

Shino removed his goggles and stared at the other kid. "Could you get on with it, whatever it is?"

Kiba rolled his eyes and dug into his pocket, coming up with a little folded piece of paper. "Here. And don't read it in front of me. Read it tomorrow or something."

"All right."

Kiba shook his head and grinned. "God I love you, man."

Shino felt faint. "I uh – I l-love you too."


Lee groaned. "God, I felt so sorry for the girl! The way she always had to put up with those bitches! When they did the trick with the toothpaste I almost cried!"

Neji looked at him with his slow, amused smile. "You did cry."

"No I didn't."

"Oh yes you did."

Lee rolled his eyes. "Fine. So I did."

They were walking from the big City Plaza virtcinema to the bus stop. They'd just gotten out of a virtvid about a girl who got picked on by her whole class until the most popular boy fell in love with her... hah. It had been a lovely, extremely predictable low-budget production.

Neji stopped suddenly in the middle of the Plaza's concrete park. It was dark, and the next people were quite a few yards behind them. Lee looked up at the other boy curiously. "What's up?"

Neji shrugged. His milky eyes were fixed on the ground. "It's Christmas, you know."

Lee laughed. "Of course I do! That's why we went to the virtvids today. Christmas Eve is my free night. I have free on Christmas, on Easter Sunday, and on Valentine's Day --" He clamped a hold on his babbling.

"Valentine's Day?"


"Huh. That'll be a fun date, then."

Lee's eyes widened. Planning ahead! Neji was planning ahead. Like in a marriage! His heart pounded.

Neji smiled slightly. "Can I steal a Christmas kiss?"

What could he say? Neji could steal a whole lot more than that.


"Mhmm..." Naruto sighed sleepily. Gaara lay beside him on the futon, his knee between the blonde's thighs. The knife lay between them under the comforter, and Naruto could feel blood trickling from his wounds.

A hand traced the kanji on his side, soothing him to sleep. Naruto slipped into slumber, and almost missed the soft, cold, "Merry Christmas."

He moved closer to the tall, slender form next to him. "Love you too, Gaara..." he mumbled.


Shino stared at the piece of paper in his hands.

Should he, laugh, cry, or jump up and hug Kiba to death?

It was possibly the sappiest thing he'd ever read. He darted a quick look around the space under the Konoha's awning – everyone was still asleep – before rereading it.

Loving you is like finding a shiny penny on the sidewalk.

So many never noticed it before.

So many walked by it before.

Until I saw a little gleam, bent down and picked it up.

Love is priceless.

Shino rolled his eyes. But of course, behind his goggles, they were overflowing.



the poem is not mine. It's by Brownielocks, I think it's really cheesy. Two lines are missing. If you want to read the whole thing, type 'cheesy romance love poems' in on yahoo search.

Heh. This was like... so much fluff.

You guys asked for it.

I want to thank you all for being the wonderful readers you were, and ask one last thing:

I'm missing 16 reviews till 200. PLEASE.