Draco's house was enormous. I stared around the wide hallways as we were relived of our trunks by house elves that seemed to melt into the shadows before you could say thank you. Draco was looking at me in a worried way. The pale woman in my dream came gliding down the stairs and held out her hand. She was tall with her long thick black hair tied up in a knot and a sharp, pretty face. I guessed she was about fifty, her face lines and her hands rough from work.

"Welcome Mr Potter. My name is Miss Dawson. Welcome back Mr Malfoy. Mr Potter is in your wing in the Red room. I will show you to your room and then in an hour your parents will see you." Harry gaped. Draco had a wing? Draco was walking up the stairs behind Miss Dawson not looking at Harry. He was obviously embarrassed by the luxury around them. Every door he could see was closed and finally they reached, not a door but a fireplace. Miss Dawson stepped back and Draco stepped forward. He cast a spell on the fireplace, and the second the incantation had been uttered, Harry forgot it. Then he took a pinch of Floo powder from the mantelpiece and stepped in, muttering 'Draco's room.'

Dawson held out a handful of Floo powder to Harry and he followed suit. He fell out onto a soft white carpet and staring into the eyes of his lover. Draco cast something on the fireplace again and turned to Harry.

"Okay Draco, what the f…four-letter-word did you just cast on the fireplace and where are we and where's my trunk and-"

"-I just unlocked the Floo network for my room so we could get here and then locked it again so that no-one else can. We are now in my private apartments and you're trunk is over there." He was calm and controlled as he said this and Harry stared around the room.

"Jesus Christ. You…I…whoa…it's…" Draco laughed and Harry giggled too leaning forward to kiss him. "Okay-let's see it then!" The walls and ceiling were black. Draco told him that the stars showed up on them at night. The furniture was silver and green. They appeared to be in some sort of lounge with metal furniture with green silky cushions on it. Harry loved green and as they moved from room to room he appreciated Draco's taste more and more. Draco's bed was a huge affair. It had silk green soft hangings and sheets and was large enough for ten or more people to sleep in.

"This is where we sleep tonight. But first let's shower and change to see my parents. There are some clothes here for you. Draco lead Harry to the shower room which was all black tiles and had several showers and basins in it. They stripped off and washed each other, kissing each others necks and running their soap covered hands over the other's most intimate places. By the time they were changing into loose black trousers and white shirts they both had straining errections and dressed each other in a disappointed, fumbling way. Draco combed Harry's hair and his own and managed to make it lie flat for the first time. Then they left by way of the Floo network for the entrance hall.

The housekeeper showed them into a study and told then to wait. Harry gripped Draco's hand tight, suddenly nervous in the huge house. He stared around at the expensive wood panelling, at the ancient, beautiful furniture and felt distinctly out of place. He wanted to go back to Draco's rooms and wrap himself in the huge bed and hide.

The housekeeper entered, followed by first Narcissa and then Lucius. Draco hugged his mother and then shook hands with his father, each clapping the other on the back awkwardly. Harry shifted from foot to foot, staring nervously at the touching scene, wondering what his welcome would be. He kissed Narcissa Malfoy on both cheeks with a

"Hello Mrs Malfoy." She smiled and asked him to call her Narcissa. Draco immediately went and stood between then looking nervously from his father to Harry and back again.

"Hello Mr Potter. We have had our differences in the past. There is no changing that. But I am fully willing to accept you into my household. I understand Draco's need for you, and much as you may not believe it I care for my son. Which reminds me, Narcissa I need to speak to Draco alone? Perhaps this is a good time for you to explain to Mr Potter the circumstances?"

"Of course, yes, what a good idea."

"We will go to the library. We will join you back here when we have finished. Good day to you Harry." Harry watched Draco and his father leave and saw Narcissa visibly relax when they had. She collapsed in a very unladylike manner into a chair and indicated for him to do the same.

"Okay Harry, I don't know if Draco has told you…?"

"He's a veela…and I'm his…life-mate. But I don't know what that is!"

"Harry. A veela comes of age when they turn sixteen. They gain their other form and…they choose a life-mate. Choose is the wrong word I suppose. They go hunting for their life mate. They cannot choose who he or she may be but once they have found them they cannot turn their attentions to anyone else unless their life-mate actively rejects them, in which case they will, eventually die." Harry flopped back on his chair and massaged his temples.

"I think I'm too young for a life-mate," was all he said. Narcissa gazed at his sympathetically.

"I know how you feel. When Lucius told me I was shocked. But at least you and Draco have feelings for each other."

"He's a veela?" Narcissa nodded. "And you…oh god, why did you do it?" She shrugged.

"I had been engaged to him since before I was born. Pure-blood families and all that. And I didn't want to kill him." Kill him…kill Draco…how could he even think of such a thing. It was such a huge concept to grasp. His head ached. At that moment the door was flung open and Draco was thrown out, panting and sobbing. His eyes were wild and shadowed, bloodshot with fear and anger. His mother reached for him but he pushed past her and collapsed against Harry, burying his face in his shoulder and clinging to him.

"He is in no state to cast the Floo charm. Take a portkey." Narcissa cast one, and with a grateful glance over his shoulder, Harry took it.

They fell into Draco's softly carpeted floor, Draco still clinging to Harry like a lifeline, his grip becoming painful.

"Draco, Draco shhh." Said Harry pulling away from him slightly and kissing his lips, "breath, you're okay now, what happened, tell me." Draco hiccupped, staring at Harry and pulled up the sleeve of his left arm. Harry hissed. A skull with a snake for a tongue was burned onto his forearm. The Dark Mark.

Harry laid his hand on it and felt a red hot burning sensation enter his scar. Draco was staring at him with hollow, dead eyes. The pain was spreading from his scar, through his body and into the mark. Draco began screaming too. He attempted to pull away but Harry held on, gripping tightly and forcing the magic into his arm. He could feel it travelling into his body, up his hand, his wrist his arm, his shoulder, his neck. It hit his scar and Harry gave a massive blood-curdling scream and collapsed against Draco, unconscious.

He awoke. He was lying in Draco's bed and Draco was holding something cold to his scar. He was no longer burning. He drew in a long breath and gazed up into Draco's eyes. He was smiling.

"The magic has gone Harry."

"No. No it hasn't gone." Harry lifted his fringe knowing what Draco would see. Draco gasped and stared. "What is the symbol now?" asked Harry, tiredly.

"It's a snake, Harry. No skull, just a snake." Harry sat bolt upright in bed.

"Let me see. Hedwig, come here. Draco, when you get a mirror, can you grab some parchment & ink. I need to tell Dumbledore. And don't worry. This is fantastic." Draco smiled, obviously totally confused and handed Harry the mirror and laid the parchment on his lap, the quill and ink on his bedside table. Harry grabbed the quill, dipped it into the ink and began to draw the snake he saw. It was not difficult. It was similar to the tiny snake on the tap in moaning myrtles bathroom where the entrance to the chamber of secrets lay. He scribbled a hasty note to Dumbledore telling him everything that had happened and sent it off with Hedwig.

"Harry what's going on! Tell me!" Draco grabbed Harry's arm.

"Okay. Voldemort can't touch me because of the protection my mother laid on me, right? The Dark Mark is his symbol and the death eaters'. So now the death eaters can't either. Maybe. I don't know if I'm right but…"

"Harry this is great. Celebration." Draco clapped his hands and two house elves arrived at his side and he ordered some champagne and strawberries. The second the house elves reappeared, Draco asked them to leave them next to Harry, never taking his eyes from Harry's face. The elves left. Harry didn't know why but the look he was receiving made shivers run up and down his spine. He crossed his legs so that Draco would not see the stiffness in his pants. Draco never took his eyes from Harry as he walked over to Harry's side. He unbuttoned and removed his shirt, still not taking his eyes from Harry. He poured two drinks and, taking one in one hand and a strawberry in the other, he straddled Harry leaning down against his chest and feeding him the strawberry.

Harry leaned back and let out a long 'Mmm', strawberry juice trickling down his chin. Draco tipped some of the champagne against his mouth and he drank. It was ice cold and delicious. Some of the champagne dribbled down his chin and onto his chest mingling with the strawberries. Draco noticed this and, still not taking his eyes from Harry's face. He licked. Harry moaned. Harry sat up and peeled his shirt off, leaning back again and looking at Draco expectantly. Draco had finally taken his eyes off his face and they were now roaming over his chest, his eyes hungry. Draco put the champagne down, still looking at Harry and leaned onto him, slipping his arms under Harry's and onto his back. He moved his body up, rubbing their bodies together through their clothes. Harry tipped his head back in ecstasy as Draco rubbed forwards on top of him.

At last I got my hands on that little patch of skin on his back that had been teasing me all day. It felt like warm suede. As our bodies rubbed together it hit me how masculine we were, shirtless and in leather belts and jeans. It made me rise higher in my pants. He smiled and turned me over. I pushed at him but he was too strong. He leant over me, grinning, holding my hands above my head in on hand and undoing his belt with the other. He kissed me and his hand at his belt brushed against me through my jeans. I arched against him, my body imploring his attention.

He pulled his belt off and transferred it to his other hand. I was worried now. I began to struggle and buck but, because he was lying on top of me, all it did was to increase our errections. Finally, sweating and panting from keeping me down, he sat up, exactly on top of my cock, and slid his hands down my chest. I pulled at my hands. I could not move them. He had tied me to the bed. It was frightening and exiting. He was undoing my belt. He was pulling it away from my jeans. He was standing unsteadily on the bed. I attempted to fell him with my legs and to my enormous surprise he lashed at me with the belt. It cut across my skin, leaving a long, red mark. I moaned with mixed pain and satisfaction, arching my back, wanting, needing more. He lashed again and this time it cut. He leaned down and licked at the cut. It healed, instantly. I stared at him. He bit my ear very hard and I cried out, only to receive another lash of the belt. He nibbled down my neck and onto my nipple, drawing it into him, claiming it, biting it. I moaned again but this time he did not strike. Instead he moaned back at me, rubbing his warm, beautiful body against mine.

He kissed down and down my chest, pausing to lick down the happiness trail and dipping his tongue into my pants for one electrifying second. He undid the button with his teeth and took the tongue of the zip in his mouth. Staring up at me he pulled down, his eyes full of lust and longing. I was released. I was wearing no boxers. Harry hissed in approval, though I could not understand what he was saying. He clawed my clothes from me and stood above me again. I was helpless. I stopped straining and flopped back on the bed, surrendering myself to him. He grinned. He undid his own jeans and pulled those and his boxers out. He knelt at my feet and leaned forward, his mouth getting closer and closer…I closed my eyes.

Suddenly I felt his tongue dip into my navel and yelled in disappointment. He laughed and I hissed at him.

"'Ray. What do you want?" I hissed it in pastletongue. He was not able to understand me and moaned in confusion. I laughed and repeated it in English.

"Just go a little…bit…lower." I ran my tongue down the trail of hair between his body and his cock. He let out a long sigh of pleasure and exasperation. I took pity on him. I ran my tongue up his cock and took it into my mouth. He gasped and mewed with pleasure. I tried to say,

"Oh is that what you wanted? Why didn't you just ask?" But my mouth was totally taken up and I could not. I had lost my control. I broke of my licking, sucking teasing gestures just as I sensed orgasm approaching. Draco moaned in disappointment. I leaned over him and began to undo his bonds. He rubbed his body against mine as they came into contact. I collapsed onto him, my hands fumbling at the knots. He laughed. I surrendered.

Slipping his wrists out of the loosened knots he threw himself onto me. I was amazed by his strength and passion. He pressed his mouth to my hard, bruising my lips, paying me back for the pain I had put him through earlier. Our bodies rushed together and seemed to fuse as we rubbed franticly against each other.

"Oh…oh so good 'Ray. Oh yes 'Ray don't stop that. Mmm…yeah that's…oh god…" he moaned at me, the new-found nickname spilling from his mouth as I inserted one, two, three fingers into him, still bucking my cock on top of his. He arched his back and lifted his hips away from the mattress; lifting me and nearly sending him over backwards it was so intense. My weight on top of him was enough to make us both let out spills of pre-cum. I turned around so that my thighs were laying on each side of his head, my cock next to his mouth and his next to mine. I licked at him and he mewed for more.

"I could say the same for you," I teased and he immediately drew me into his mouth. My head spun and I could not see, only feel him thrusting into my mouth. I took him and together we became faster and faster, rocking against each other, sucking licking, bucking, yes, oh… he came so hard that he filled my mouth and overflowed over his hips. I licked and swallowed before screaming and he drew me long and hard into him. I came so hard that I could not think, I could not move. I could not even breathe. All I could do was lie there and drift away on what was to be our last night of happiness. Gently I turned round and he wrapped his strong warm arms around me.

"I love you 'Ray."

"I love you too. And you're so warm…" We fell asleep and woke to the peace of my house. We lay there, spellbound with happiness just loving each other. Maybe I thought he loved me. Maybe, in truth he did. Now I look at him sometimes and wonder what went on in his mind that day. Maybe it was just the shock. I know deep down he loves me.

"Harry. You won't ever leave me, will you?"

"I shouldn't think so, 'Ray, why?"

"Because. Well…I'd really like us to become bonded as part of my veela side. Bonded magically so we can never love another." I looked up at him. His expression was unreadable. But it was certainly not joy.

"Draco, I'm sorry, but I'm just not ready for this. I'm happy to be with you but this whole life-mate thing is really freaking me out. I want to have a life before I commit to one person. Can't you see this is hard for me anyway? That I'm putting my friendships and family ties on the line for you? Aren't you happy?"

No, I wasn't, was my true answer.

"Put your friendships on the line? Oh I'm so terribly sorry. If you like you can just go back to fucking Weasley and co and leave me. And what family ties? You don't have any family except your aunt and uncle, who don't give a shit about you.

The words were out before I could stop them. I wanted to stop and apologise but he was angry now, tears forming in his eyes. My big, strong boyfriend Harry was crying. I had done that. I apologised and reached for him but he jerked away, staring at me.

"I have Sirius." He said, simply.

Not for the first time I felt the blood begin to pump in my ears at that name. Oh, yes of course. Sirius.

Harry's 'godfather.'

"Fine then, why don't you just get out of my house and fuck Sirius instead as you obviously want to!"

"Fine, maybe I will." He got up and began pulling on his clothes and throwing the few possessions he had unpacked into his trunk. I deflated. I did not want him to leave. He slammed his trunk shut and continued to dress. He took hold of his trunk and started towards the portkey.

"Thank you for having me." He said sarcastically and disappeared.

I collapsed back onto my bed and sobbed.

To be continued in forbidden love when Harry is back at Hogwarts and Ron and Hermione have gotten together. (Little secret to Harry/Draco people out there, he comes back as Harry's lover at the end! But he is very attached to Sirius! So looking forward to writing that!)