It's at night,
When I try to go to sleep,
When I wonder if it's right.
To keep
The secret safe.
Yet I can't shake away
The facts.
People would think I'm crazy;
They'd never understand.
That's why Jessica told me not to.
And I know she's right.

How can I let Mom
And Dad
Think this all the time?
Mom thinks its all her fault.
She worked so hard for us,
But she never had time.
Dad has always been sad,
Ever since we moved here,
But now it's worse.
How can I keep the secret?
How can I do that to them?
Because Jessica told me not to.
And I know she's right.

This will go on for days,
But no one will ever know.
Of those five who were there,
Only Rex and Dess are left.
And I can't talk to them.
They know. I know. Cassie knows too.
But we're the only ones.
I'm so alone.
So why shouldn't I tell more people?
Why keep the secret?
Because Jessica told me not to.
And I know she's right.

Jessica left us, but she saved the world.
I guess I should be grateful,
But I don't know really how to.
She only appears to some now.
Not ever again to me.
Just Jonathan,
But never me.
Never me.
Why do I keep this secret?
Because Jessica told me not to.
Jessica is right.

Who would believe she is trapped
In a non-existent time?
Who would believe
What went on in my mind?
That last time I saw her.
And I promised
To never tell.
I'll keep this secret.
Because Jessica is right.