Summary: One day, while Adriane is surfing the world wide web, Lightning has a few things to say.

ha ha i got this from Avenue Q! I might even do "If you were gay!"
Adriane sat down in front of his faithful tangerine iMac with a mug of cocoa. She logged on to her setting and sighed happily.

"The internet is really, really great!" She said to herself

Lightning ran in. "For porn" he cried out. Adriane ignored him.

"I've got a fast connection so I don't have to wait!" She sang

"For porn!" Lightning screamed

"Huh? There's always some new site!" She sang louder.

"For porn!"

"I browse all day and night!"

"For porn!"

"It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light...!"


"LIGHTNING!" Adriane screamed, standing up out of her chair.

"The internet is for porn." Lightning grabbed a top hat and cane and started dancing


"The internet is for porn!" He did a ballet move and grabbed Adriane as a forced dancing partner, a rose in his mouth.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Adriane shrieked, as Lightning did that weird tango move with her.

"Why you think the net was born? PORN! PORN! PORN!" Lightning did a spilt

"LIIIGHT--NIING!" Adriane cried out, pushing him away.

"Oh, hi Adriane! What's going on!"

"You are ruining my song." Adriane huffed

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Well if you wouldn't mind please being quiet for a minute so I can finish?" She got back in her chair

"Me no talkie"

"Good" Adriane sighed with relief. "I'm glad we have this new technology"

Lightning tried not to say anything, but he ended up squeaking "For porn."

"Which gives us untold opportunity…"

"For por—oops, sorry!" Lightning shut up as Adriane gave him a death glare."

Right from you own desktop…"

"For ---!"

"You can research browse and shop…. Until you've had enough and your ready to stop!'

"FOR PORN!" Lightning burst out.


"The internet is for porn!" He grabbed his top hat and cane once a again.

"Noooo!" Adriane threw herself to the ground and pounded her fists and kicked the ground.

"The internet if for porn!" Lightning did a few ballet steps.


"I'm up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!"

"That's gross you're a pervert." Adriane said like a snob

"Ah, sticks and stones, Adriane."

"NO really, you're a pervert" She defended her opinion.

"Normal people DON'T sit at home and look at porn on the internet!"

"Ohhhh?" Lightning smirked and gave her bedroom eyes.

"What!" Adriane furrowed her eye brows

"You have no idea." Lightning smiled "Ready normal people?"

"READY!" Lukane, Hot Spot and Thunder slid in the room, all wearing top hats and holding canes.

"Let me hear it!" Lightning rang out "OHHHH….!"


"Sorry, Adriane." Thunder muttered


"I masturbate!" Lukane shouted.

"All these guys unzip their flies! For porn, porn, porn!" And disco ball lit up the room.


"PORN, PORN, P---!"

"HOLD ON A SECOND!" Adriane shrieked. They all stopped "Now, I know for a fact that you, Lukane, check your portfolio and friends on MySpace™."

"…That's correct."

"And Hot Spot, you buy things on Sandilo, you keep selling your possesions on Ebay"

"Yes I do!"

"And Thunder, you sent me that sweet online birthday card…."


"Oh, but Kate…" Lightning smirked. "What you think he do . . .after? Hmm?"

"…EEEWWWWW!" Adriane shrieked, disgusted.

"The internet is for porn!" They all rang out, beginning to dance again.

"Gross!" Adriane screamed

"The internet is for porn!" They swung their canes.

"I HATE porn!" Adriane declared

"Grab your dick and double click….!"


"For porn, porn, porn!" Lightning sang, a spotlight shining on him

The boys began to harmonize. "Porn, porn, porn, porn…!"

"I'm leaving!" Adriane screamed stomping out.

"Porn, porn, porn, pornporn, porn, porn, porn!"

"I HATE THE INTERNET!" Adriane screamed from her room.

"Porn, porn, porn, porn!'

"The internet is for….Lightning sang, playing a gutair.

"The internet is for…" They harmonized like the Beach Boys.

"The internet is for PORN!" They cried out.

"YEAH!" Lightning slammed down the gutair like one of the KISS guys and the audience roared.

All of the cools kids review.