Hey all!

After years and years and years (ok maybe months) I'm finally back with a new update.

I'm really busy with school and all, and I'm afraid that I'm slowly turning into a nerd…

Well at least I'll be a hot, funny nerd…. :P

Anyways here's a short chapter, a bit of stupid scenes thrown together. Most of them are about sausage anyways.

Why you ask? Well I like sausage :D

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Chapter 20

Well hello there mister!

But all Daphne could think of was Fleur 'figures it had to be some kind of girly bimbo name like fleur' she thought angrily doing her best not to let it show. Growing even more angry at the mere thought of her Hermione with anyone else she heatedly said: "That is really non of your business Ashley" Without second thought she got up and made her way out of the room and up the stairs thinking it would be a good idea to find her room.

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"Ooo…-kay" Ashley said to the empty room in which Hermione just left her. Really: what was up with that girl? First running out on Fleur this morning and now being an über bitch to her!

Could it be that 'Mione was still a bit freaked out about the Fleur slash feelings thing? Or was it something else?

Shrugging a bit she decided she would inquire her best friend about it some time later today, now she had more important things to do. Getting up she started digging through the kitchen-cabinets, man she was hungry!

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Fleur found Ashley a few minutes later in the kitchen sitting at the table with half a dozen plates surrounding her. The raven-haired girl however hadn't heard of seen the other woman come in and so kept on doing whatever she had been doing.

Which just happened to be talking to her sausage.

"Well hello there mister sausage!" she said in a cheery over-the-top voice. "I don't think I've me you before! Would you like to meet mister stomach!?"

And without waiting for an answer (which she probably wouldn't have gotten anyway) she stuffed it inside her mouth, happily chewing on it.

"Andf miff ketffup!" she exclaimed a few seconds later, with the sausage still half in her mouth while Fleur was desperately trying to dodge the little pieces of flying said sausage as they spurted out of Ashley's mouth.

"What about zhe mayonnaise?" Fleur asked in a amused manner after the other girl had apparently satisfied her ketchup needs.

"Yes! Mayon- Hey!" Ashley exclaimed her eyes going wide at the realisation that she had been caught red handed (or red mouthed from ketchup).

Now the veela really couldn't control herself anymore and she burst out laughing. "You… you… talked to…" she managed to wheeze out between her laughs all the while clutching her side "to the sausage… and then!"

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up!" Ashley interrupted not really angry but more embarrassed. "I was bored ok!? So I talked to the sausage, that's not so weird! It was a cow once you know! People talk to animals all the time!"

This of course didn't really help the situation at all since now Fleur was practically grabbing the chair to keep from falling, she was laughing that hard.

However after a few more minutes she managed to calm down a bit, now only letting out a little snort from time to time.

"You done now?" Ashley asked impatiently, tapping her foot while the blonde whipped away the tears that had formed in her eyes. "The rest of the sausage is not going to it itself yunno!"

And at that Fleur was off again…

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"I'm certain that all of them are now sitting at the kitchen table trying to find me." Hermione said more to calm herself than anything else.

"They must have noticed, that I'm not me, or she's not me, or that I'm her or whatever. Right mister spider?"

But mister spider wasn't really responding all that much, he hadn't even been listening probably. Well that or he was dead, the brunette really wasn't sure.

She sighed, slumping down on the chair. Yeah, she had finally dared to sit on it, she really had no choice it was either this or the floor. Cause even though Hermione was sure she'd at least get an STD from this chair she was even more certain the floor was filled with all kinds of weird brain eating bacteria's.

It had been a few hours (or so she had guessed) since Daphne had left her alone in the basement again. She had tried to think of things that her ex could be doing with her right now. Her mind had wandered the most extreme thinking-paths the last couple of minutes. For all she know Daphne could be halfway across the globe right now, drinking mojito's at some exotic beach somewhere. Or she could be at the Weasley's, standing there on top of their butchered bodies with a smile, a bloodied knife in her hand…

The brunette (now blonde) shuddered, she really had to stop thinking those thoughts. There really was no use getting all depressed down here, she needed a clean and sharp mind if she ever wanted to get out of here.

But so far she had had no luck. Every plan that she had formed had either been impossible to do or just plain stupid. "I could always just pretend that I'm dead," she said dryly to herself hopping to bring at least some humour in this whole situation. But it was useless, she know that there was no way she was getting out of here on her own without magic or super-strength. "where's Buffy when you need her?" she muttered, remembering how Ashley always used to make her watch her favourite TV-show.

Although Ashley had been more of a Faith girl instead of a Buffy girl…

Shaking her head slightly Hermione mentally classicised herself for thinking such stupid thoughts in a situation like this. Maybe she had hit her head harder than she had initially thought…?

Ok: she just needed a plan, A big kick ass plan.

That wouldn't be to hard would it?

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"Hey" Daphne said while entering the Weasley's house and finding a few redheads (she wasn't sure which one was which) sitting on the couch.

"Hiya!" One of twins said cheerily, man did he have an annoying voice!

Instead of voicing her distain however Daphne managed to keep herself in check and smiled sweetly at him. "I'm gonna head up stairs. Later!"

She had remembered the way to the bedroom when she ran out this morning and she was really hoping to find either Fleur or Ashley there. She really needed to get some updates on Hermione's life, or else she would probably make some stupid mistakes.

Nearing the bedroom she could hear laughing coming from inside. Raising her brow slightly she creaked the door open and peaked inside. She could see Fleur and Ashley sitting on the make shift beds playing some sort of card game which was obviously amusing since both of them had smiles on their faces. Looking a bit harder Daphne could clearly see that these girls were close… The way the smiled, The way they talked to each other 'about sausages?' Daphne really wasn't sure if she heard right…

Raising her eyebrows further she couldn't help but smile a bit thinking this would probably come in handy some way or anther.

"Hey!" she said for the second time this past five minutes while pushing the door open to reveal herself. Both girls looked up at her smiling only slightly and not fully. 'Guess they are still pissed about my weirdness this morning' she thought. Luckily she was resolved to set her mistakes straight so she stalked forward, gave Fleur a peck on the check and plopped down next to her on the bed.

This seemed to satisfy the blonde as she was now staring at her with a love-sick smile on her face. 'Ugh I have to barf!'

"Do you want to join zhe game?" she asked already offering her some cards. "Zhe game we are playing is called snaps… I zhink."

At her unsure look Ashley nodded and started to explain the rules, seemingly also forgotten about this morning.

"So coffee quitting ehy? Such a bitch." Daphne said, trying to open up some sort of conversation that would lead to more knowledge about the past few years of her true love's life.

"Yeah and you were doing so good!" her best friend said, obviously a bit disappointed. "I get it though, must be really hard. Thank god I'm not really addicted to anything!"

"What about zhe sausages?" Fleur asked giggling a bit behind her hand.

'Really what's with the sausages?' Daphne wondered, not really knowing whether Hermione was supposed to know about this or not.

Luckily Ashley just rolled her eyes and focussed back on the game at hand saving Daphne from making another mistake if she indeed lacked in sausage-knowledge.

"'Ermione?" Fleur asked after some time breaking the silence.

Looking through the hair that had fallen over her face Daphne looked at Fleur. It was the first time she had really looked at the other woman and she was actually kind of glad she had now. It was so obvious that Hermione had fallen for this bimbo cause she resembled Daphne herself! They both had blonde hair, blue eyes, where witches…

"Yes?" she inquired feeling slightly more able to control herself around the women that had stolen her lover away. It was indeed a pity that eventually she would have to get rid of this French woman, but until then… until then she would keep her as a reminder of how much Hermione wanted her back, whether consciously aware of it or not.

"Do you per' aps want to go on a walk with me? Ashley told me zhe forest out back is trés belle."

Thinking this would probably be a good opportunity to get to know a little more about everyone here and plan her next move Daphne nodded happily. She was actually feeling quite good about herself, not only had she found out that Hermione wanted her but now she had found a way to sneak into their lives!

They good feeling didn't last long however. Cause when she heard Ashley make a comment about how Fleur 'only wanted to go to the forest cause she told her there were great make out spots there' all she could think was:

Oh God no!

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Hope you guys liked it!

Don't forget to review, you'll get a sausage ;)