Disclamer: unfortunelly I don't own any of the HP-characters, they are all JK Rowling's brilliant creations.

Genre: Romance, cause I can be a total mush-ball :P

Rating: I actually don't know, I'll see where I'm going with this story...

Pairing: Fleur/Hermione, duh, they rock!

Summary: After two years of not seeing her Fleur's secret crush returns, if you wanna know what happens next, just read the story...

Oh and please review, this is my first fanfic ever, so I wanna know what ya all think of it.


Chapter 1

"Guys!" Ginny came running into the room screaming excitingly. The kitchen of the Burrow was packed, 8 people where squeezed into the small room, Fred and George where whispering about something that miss Weasley apparently wasn't supposed to hear while she was busy making more breakfast, Mr Weasley was getting ready to go to work and Ron and Harry sat on the other end of the table discussing some new quidditch-theories.

The eighth person on the table was Fleur Delacour, she moved in with the Weasley's about a year ago since she got a job at Hogwarts. She was busy staring at her cereal not really paying attention to Ginny's happy squealing.

"Everyone!" the redheaded girl shouted again, "guess what?" she screamed waving a piece of parchment in the air.

"You finally learned to read?" Ron asked his sister while he rolled his eyes. Ginny just looked as if she was about to attack him, "What's the matter?" Harry asked quickly not wanting his girlfriends' happy mood to disappear.

"I just got a letter from Hermione!" the girl exclaimed. Fleur snapped her head up, ''Ermione?' she thought, 'zat girl' she had met her when she was at Hogwarts for the triwizard tournament two years ago and had immediately fallen for her even though she had gotten the feeling Hermione hated her guts.

"Uhm, Gin I don't know if you noticed, but you get a letter from Mione every week." Fred told her.

The girl sighted "yeah I know but in this one says that she's coming over here!" At this Fleur choked in her food and started coughing loudly.

"I'm fine, I juzt ... I'm good" she said quickly as all eyes turned to her. ''Ermione coming 'ere? O mon dieu! What am I gonna do?'

The rest of the group just sat there staring dumbstruck at the red-haired girl. It had been almost two years since they had last seen their friend.

Finally the silence was broken by mr. Weasley "That's great, but I really have to go too work, tell me the rest when I get home." he quickly gave his wife a peck on the cheek and then disappeared through the backdoor.

"Oh mom," Ginny continued "Hermione asked me if it was ok if she stayed here and if her friend could stay here to?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly "off course, she is always welcome here and her friend too."

The rest of breakfast was spent by everybody talking about the arrival of the girl. Fleur however didn't pay much attention to the conversation, she was rather busy thinking about things such as: 'What will I zay to 'er?' and 'What if zhe ztill 'ates me?' She sighted, got up to clean up her part of the breakfast table and going upstairs, still thinking about the upcoming trouble, "I'll juzt zee what 'appens" she mumbled to herself.


"Mione, hurry, we're so gonna be late!" Ashley yelled to her best friend who was still busy dragging her suitcase downstairs.

Finally the brunette made her way into their living room, "I still don't understand why we're doing this," she said while looking irritated at the other girl.

"Because" she sighted, "you really need a vacation, you've been working your cute ass off and we deserve to have some fun."

Hermione had to admit that she had gotten a little caught up in work lately and that a vacation would do her good, but there was a different problem, "I meant, why don't we stay in a hotel instead of my friend's house?"

"Why are you making such a problem outta this? They ARE your friends."

"I know but..." she tried to explain what she was feeling, "it's just that...well, Ginny is the only one I've kept contact with...and it's like...what am I gonna say to the rest of them?" she nervously ran her hand through her hair.

"Aww..." Ashley enveloped her in a warm hug, "don't worry, I'm going to be here for you and besides they would be crazy not to like you anymore. But now we really have to hurry or else we're going to miss or flight.

Quickly the grabbed their stuff, went outside, locked the door and got in the cab that was already waiting for them. After putting her bags in the trunk Hermione sat on the backseat of the car, It would have been so much easier to just apparate to the Burrow, but Ashley had insisted on making this a magic-free trip and who could deny her anything once the girl put on her pouty-face. Hermione had to admit her friend was quit attractive with her long shining black hair and her tainted skin, she had even dated the girl, but after a few weeks they had found out they where better off being just friends...

She was broken out of her musings when she heard her friend say: "I know I'm cute, but can you please stop staring."

She looked at the smug smirk the girl was wearing and rolled her eyes, "oh please, everybody knows I'm way cuter than you."

They both giggled, "Okay maybe your right, you look hot, especially now your hair doesn't looks like a bird's nest anymore."

"Hey!it wasn't that bad!" Hermione tried to look offended but a grin made its way on her lips, "oh and thanks for thinking I'm hot." The rest of the ride to the airport was driven in silence. It was true, Hermione had gotten much prettier than she was two years ago when they first met, her hair was not the mess it had been and was now a silk waterfall of hazel that danced around her face, she had become taller too, growing curves in all the right places and not to forget her attitude had changed to from the bookwormish, semi anti-social girl she had transformed into a happy, playful and strong-minded young woman, sure she still loved to read but she certainly didn't say no to a party...

When they finally arrived at the airport they had to run in order to get on the plain in time.

"Damn, that was close" Ashley breathed as she plopped down on her seat she looked up to see a nervous looking Hermione, "sit down. I know you're scared of flying but you have no choice."

"I just don't understand why we couldn't apparate." she sighted as she took place next to Ashley.

"Because we are going to have a magic-free vacation, you promised me."

"Fine," the brunette gave in, "I don't know why I'm always putting up with you." she muttered under her breath but still hard enough for the other girl to hear.

"That's because you love me so much" Ashley said receiving an eye-roll, "now go and sleep, by the time you wake up we'll be there." Hermione obeyed and rested her head on her friends shoulder to get some sleep trying not to think about her bad memory's about planes.


"What time is it?" Ron whined, the whole family was at the airport waiting for Hermione and her friend to arrive. He, Harry and Ginny where sitting on a bench near the gate where Hermione would be coming from, while Mrs. Weasley chased the twins as they where busy scaring some muggels and Mr. Weasley was examining some of the metal-detectors asking Fleur question about them.

"A minute later than last time you asked" his sister replied while jumping up and down excitingly.

Ron leaned over to Harry so he could whisper something in his ear, "I wonder if she still has a crush on me, I mean I always though it was...well...kinda sad"

Just then they heard a squeal coming from Ginny as she started running towards the gate. The rest of the Weasley family now watched as the red-headed girl threw herself at a brown-haired beauty hugging her tightly.

"Is... is that who I think it is?" Ron said with his mouth hanging open, he almost didn't recognise Hermione.

Harry too was dumbstruck while he watched as the two girls their happy chattering and hugging, he then looked at his best friend, "Ron, you're drooling"

"Uhm," he responded as Hermione made her way over to them.

"Hermione dear!" Mrs. Weasley boomed, "Look at you, all grown up" she grabbed Hermione and embraced her tightly.

"Mom, you know she still has to breathe." the twin said to their mother as they noticed the look of uncomfortable-ness on Hermione's face.

"Oh well," she said as she let go of her and took a step back to take a good look at the girl, "can't I be glad for having her here."

"Yeah, but if you would have hold her like that a second longer she wouldn't have been here anymore" came the reply.

"Hermione" Harry said taking a step towards the girl.

She smiled at him, "hi Harry, it's good to see you," after their hug she turned to her red-haired friend who was still staring at her, mouth open wide. Rolling her eyes she waved her hands in front of him, "Hello? Earth to Ron!"

He seemed to snap out of his daze, "huh, what?" he said looking sheepish.

Hermione said nothing just yanked him towards her and hugged him to.

"A little help here!" they heard from behind them, Ashley was dragging two large suitcases with her almost collapsing because off the weight.

"whoops" Hermione broke away from Ron to go help her friend, "Everybody," she said while taking some luggage, "this is Ashley, Ashley these are my friends: Harry, Ron, you already know Ginny, Mrs. Weasley and her husband and..." she trailed off seeing the half-veela "Fleur" She didn't know why the blonde was here, but it didn't matter for now, she just smiled gently at her letting the other girl know she didn't mind.

Fleur's mind was working in overdrive, 'Wow, zhe lookz really...yummy' immediately hundreds of inappropriate thoughts invaded her mind, 'control yourself Delacour' she ordered herself, 'look she is smiling at you, Oh no she is smiling at you! say something...'unable to really speak she just stupidly grinned at her, 'great move, grinning like an idiot.'

After some more hugging the group finally began making their way to the car. Ron, wanting to be a gentleman, had offered to carry Hermione's stuff, but after he had almost broke his back trying to lift a suitcase Hermione had decided maybe it would be saver if she did it herself.


The car ride was rather uncomfortable, even though the Weasley's car was spelled to make it somewhat bigger, they still where squeezed together.

"There's not enough room, someone has to sit on someone's lap," Mrs. Weasley said while she looked back from the passengers' seat.

Without asking, Ashley planted herself on Hermione's lap, "this is much comfortable anyways" she smirked.

"And who said you could sit on my lap?" the brunette said with her eyebrow raised in question.

Ashley's smirk grew even wider, "as if you don't enjoy having me sitting on you."

"No I don't enjoy having my legs crushed, no matter how hot your ass is" she replied as they both started giggling.

The rest off the group just looked amused at this scene, Hermione certainly had changed, in a good way, they where all happy for her that she that she and Ashley obviously where very good friends.

The only one in the car that wasn't as happy as the rest was Fleur, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the sight of the girl sitting on her secret crush's lap. 'Well at leazt I got to zit next to 'er' she tried to comfort herself. She snapped out of her thoughts just in time to hear Ginny talk about the sleeping arrangements.

"Yeah, all the girls have to sleep in one room so we can put all the mattresses on the floor and put them together so that we haveone really big bed for the four of us."Hermione and Ashley nodded, happy with the plan, "is that ok with you Fleur?" the redhead asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, no problem" 'Merde! big problem, four of us in one bed, az in like me in one bed with 'Ermione?' she swallowed hardly 'this is gonna be a lot more difficult than I thought.'


Ok, that was the first chapter... Reviews are very welcome but be gentle, I'm just a beginner...Oh and don't look at all the mistakes I made 'cause English is not the languageI usually use since I'm from another country...

Thanks for reading anways and if anyone has an idea for a title, please let me know