Sailor Witch: Usagi and Will join forces.


Hi, it's me again, SuperVegeta aka zigmas.

This is my eighth fanfic.

Series involved:

Sailor Moon


CHAPTER 1 "A new portal opens."

It has been quite a while after Phobos was defeated.

He was trapped in a magical cage and soon almost forgotten.

His sister, princess Elion, began ruling Meridian happily.

The Guardians resumed their life as normal teenager girls – school, home, normal life.

Of course, they often visited their royal friend and also Caleb with Blanc.

Those two still stuck together for some unknown reason – maybe they got too used to each other.

But the happy times were soon to be over...

The girls went to Meridian for another visit.

But this time Elion was troubled.

She told her friends about a strange portal that kept opening and closing here and there.

The strange thing was – it wasn't a portal to Earth!

It looked very differently and usually closed sooner than anybody would pass through it.

Therefore it was another time for the Guardians to appear.

Will never parted with the Heart of Candracar so the girls were ready to take off as soon as

the portal opens.

Caleb decided to join them and even Blanc wanted to go too.

They just had to wait until a new portal opens nearby.

But there was one more secret that wasn't revealed until they went through the portal.

A secret escape...

...Alternative Earth, recently:

Usagi just recently found out that she was not only Sailor Moon but also Princess Serenity.

Well, she was basically the reincarnation of both but that didn't change anything.

Her group now consisted of five Sailor Senshi, since they found Sailor Venus too.

The Sailors Senshi's enemies were active and a new monster appeared almost every day.

All five Sailors fought hard and Sailor Moon's Moon Sceptre has saved many people.

But the enemies were still strong.

Sailor Senshi's ally, Tuxedo Mask, was actually Mamoru.

He appeared to be a reincarnation of Prince Endymion, Serenity's beloved.

Tuxedo Mask appeared every time when Usagi was in big danger and saved her.

That was the situation in the place where a new portal has suddenly opened...

...Present day:

"Where are we?"

"Well, that's definitely not Meridian. Maybe it's just the same old Earth?"

"The houses look like Earth's but still..."

"Let's walk a bit and find out."

"Wait... Look, it's in Japanese!"

"Hay Lin, but you're from China."

"OK. I GUESS it's Japanese. Satisfied?"

"Girls, stop arguing. Let's ask someone."

"Yeah. Blanc, hide in that box and wait for us."

They were about to ask somebody when a girl ran just into them!

"Hey! Watch out where you're running!"

"Huh? Sorry! I have to run..! Wait... You're not local, am I right?"

"Well, where are we?"

"Heeheehee! That's funny! You must be some tourists from America. Tokyo IS a nice city."

"Tokyo? JAPAN? Wow, that's far."

"At least it's Earth."

"Girls, what are you talking about?"

"Never mind."

"OK. Bye!"

The girl ran away.

"Japan... That's weird."

"How did we get here? And how are we going to RETURN?"

"We'll find out... I hope."

"Ehm... Cornelia, what is Japan?"

"Caleb..! Oh, I forgot you're not from Earth. Japan is a country far away from America."

"Oh, thanks."


"Girls, we're in trouble. I tried calling home but... there is no such number!"

"What? Did you try again?"

"Four times. And each time the same answer – no such number."


...Yet later:

Will and her friends went to a nearby park to think about the situation.

They decided to go back to Meridian and from there home.

But... Will couldn't open a portal.

The Heart of Candracar wasn't able to create a portal from there.

Only the question was – from WHERE?

If it was Earth, then why couldn't they call home?

Unless... it wasn't Earth.

Or at least not THEIR Earth.

These thoughts made all of them troubled even more.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream.

A woman nearby was crying for help – a huge monster attacked her!

The Guardians have never seen anything like that...

Still, they decided to interfere.


They didn't have to.

All of a sudden five funny dressed girls appeared like from the thin air!

"I am Sailor Mercury!"

"I am Sailor Mars!"

"I am Sailor Jupiter!"

"I am Sailor Venus!"

"And I am Sailor Moon! We'll punish you in the name of the Moon!"

The girls seemed to be ready for fight!

"What are we going to do? Will we help them?"

"No, Taranee. Let's see what will happen next. We're strangers here."


Meanwhile the Sailors attacked the monster.

"Bubble Mist, spread!"

"Fireball, fly!"

"Lightning, strike!"

"Half-Moon Beam, attack!"

The monster was confused by these attacks.

"Your turn, Sailor Moon!"

"Right. Moon Power, turn him back!"

A strange light struck the monster and it... changed into a man!

The man moaned and dropped onto the ground motionless.

"Yes! We won!"

The Sailors went away.

Well, they tried to...

"Hey! Wait!"

Will was running afterwards.

"Yes? What can we help you?"

"Say... Who are you?"

"We're the Sailor Senshi – the Sailor Fighters. We fight for love and justice."

"And what was that being? Why did he turn into a man?"

"You see, the monsters are the minions of the Dark Kingdom. But in normal life they are just

humans. Sometimes they tend to turn evil... And then we come and turn them back to normal."

"Really strange. Say, Sailor Moon, didn't we meet recently?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, I think you were the girl that ran into us. I remembered your face."

"Heehee. She does usually run without looking forward."

"Hey! Look, what do you want from us?"

"No, nothing. It's just that the situation tends to be familiar..."

"Familiar? Explain, please."

"Ah, never mind. Bye, girls."

And Will went back to her friends.

To be continued...