Sorry I've been gone for so long. Maybe this will make up for it? (hides from people throwing things at me)

Disclaimer: I dont own the Teen Titans

"Bo-Bo-Body H-Heat m-my a-a-a-ass." Raven said stubbornly. "I re-re-refuse!"

"She is going to kill me. She's going to kill me…" was all Robin thought as he eyed the single sleeping bag that had conveniently appeared. Trying not to think about what happened to Dr. Light when Raven attacked him the lunged at the unsuspecting Raven who was easily caught off guard and thrown over Robin's shoulder. "I'm sorry Rae, I really am, but I won't have you dying on me." Robin muttered as he stuffed her into the sleeping bag.

Raven instantly felt warm as Robin stuffed her into the sleeping bag. The bag seemed to be lined with something soft to the touch that conducted heat extremely well. Only then did Raven realize that her teammate was not in the small space with her. She stuck her head out of the bag she saw boy wonder huddling next to the bag immobile. Dont be dead! her mind screamed. "Robin! Get in here!" she cried. She didn't wait for his response She grabbed him by the arm and with a little extra help from her powers pulled him into the space. He was FREEZING. Raven cautiously lay her head down on his icy chest and hugged him, trying to get him warm. What had he been thinking. Idiot. She could barely heart a slow heart beat. Bump. Bump. Bump. It would all be okay so long as that heart beat remained. All would be okay so long as her best friend and closest teammate survived this…. And with that Raven fell into a shallow slumber.

She woke up huddled next to a solid form. It was warm she was happy. She was about to drift back off into sleep when she heard a content sigh. Then Raven came back into reality and remembered everything.

Robin was curled up next to possibly the best cuddle buddy ever. All he wanted was to stay like this for quite some time. Groggy from the body heat and just waking up he sighed. No sooner had the sign left his lips than black magic tore apart the sleeping bag and sent him flying into the opposite wall. Ouch. Now he remembered who he had slept with and the events of the day before. Shit. He had never seen a prettier sight. Raven had the best faux-sex hair ever, coupled with her pissed off look and rapid breathing she looked fantastic. But as quickly as the thought had formed he squashed it. What Raven and he had was more than sexual attraction and lust. "Raven-I-I," he began.

"Enough. I invited you in. I'm sorry." She said coldly. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," Robin muttered.

"I wonder where the others are…" Raven said.

Just as she mentioned that the screen popped up. A blurry image of Cyborg appeared.

"Robi-. –en. Hacked…..System…..Can't help…trapped….end game….BB and Star….okay…….through….luck." And then the picture disappeared.

"So what now?" Raven asked. "Are we really supposed just keep going with this?"

"I really don't know anymore." Robin muttered.

"Let us OUT!" Screamed a frustrated Raven. Her screams were met with silence.

"Raven…." Robin said softly as he took her still gloved hand. Bad idea. Sometime in the night the glove had ripped and the hand to hand contact sent him reeling back into the mysterious girl's memories. Raven meeting him for the first time in the alley. Her rejecting both Beast Boy and Cyborg's advances. Her crying herself to sleep. The feeling of being trapped by destiny of being the Gem and how similar it was to this caged feeling now. Raven walking in on one of his and Starfire's make out sessions. Hurt, Betrayal, and Sadness. True and utter despair. Darkness.

Raven yanked her hand away and severed the connection before he could get anything else. "Stop touching me! You always touch me, but I don't mean ANYTHING to you." She cried. She actually cried. But not the average human tears. The things rolling down Raven's cheeks were bright sliver and seemed to glow as they fell.

"How can you think that?" Robin screamed punching the metal wall. "All I have ever done is care about you!"

"You are wrong," Raven choked out, "It's always been you and Starfire and then the rest of us! ALWAYS!" With her last words Raven pushed Robin away and her magic lashed out, whizzing in every direction barricading Robin away from her.

"Raven! Let me in!" He cried he stepped forward and was sent reeling back. He'd only ever seen her this bad once before. What was going to happen to them?

When she had made contact with Robin her whole outlook shifted. It was no longer like she was walking a street with neon signs, now it was as if something was throwing memories at her with all its might. Robin snatching her out of her free fall after Slade attacked. His sadness when she died. Starfire's face as he kissed her again and again, all the time thinking about if Raven was okay after her birthday incident. The emotions he felt as Starfire's hand moved across his chest: Lust. But not love. Then her face after she woke up and launched him out of bed. Not lust, never lust, something more…. "Could it be that I lo-" NO! Raven no longer had control. She could feel herself brimming with emotions she could no longer suppress. All she could think about was that Robin needed to get away from her, otherwise her feelings coupled with her powers would rip him apart…..

More coming soon? I hope so...