Here I am. With my new story. Yay! I'm glad you all like Just Friends. I'm glad I actually completed it! Here is the prologue of my new story, Unexpected.


Nobody's POV


Jimmy Neutron. Cindy Vortex. Libby Folfax. Sheen Estevez. Carl Wheezer. Michelle Rayo.

They were the best of friends. Through Elementary School, High School, and well, not College. Of course they tried to be friends, but it was impossible. Jimmy went to Harvard, one of the best colleges like, EVER. He became owner of the ever-so-famous industry of Neutron Space Administration. He worked with NASA and other space industries. Let's just say he's very rich. Cindy went to Yale, even though she wanted to attend Harvard with Jimmy, they had long confessed their feelings for each other, but her parents forced her to go to Yale, because they went there. She graduated there and stayed in Boston for awhile, before moving to California. She became interesting in acting, and is one of the best actresses in Hollywood.

Libby went to a small college in Washington, after her parents had decided to move when she graduated High School. Later, she dropped out of the normal college to attend Beauty School and opened her own business of hair care. The Wheezers also packed up and left, but decided to go to West Virginia instead. He attended a community college, but also dropped out to be taught by some llama professionals to own his own Llama Ranch. Who knew?

Sheen stayed in Retroville, and lived with his parents until he was almost 20 years old. He went to a tiny little school a town away and actually graduated, and decided to become a full-time DJ for a very popular radio station in Houston, Texas. That was after he moved there, of course. His love for Libby never died, he thought about her constantly. Deciding that a long distance relationship wouldn't work, they broke up 'temporarily'. Ha. They haven't seen each other for almost 5 years.

Michelle Rayo moved to Retroville when she was 15. She was Carl's cousin, and she sported the familiar red hair like he did. Her dad was a soldier, and they moved a lot. She moved New York the day after she graduated Retroville High School. She went to a private college and now works in a small business with almost no power but a lot of money to her name. She travels constantly, and absolutely hates it. But normal people are supposed to hate their job's, right?

And while they tried to meet for a reunion, it just never happened. It was either Jimmy had another business meeting, Libby had a hair emergency, Cindy was shooting another movie, one of Carl's llamas were sick, Sheen of course, had to be in the studio to play songs and talk about whatever he wants, or Michelle had to do an emergency little business trip to Europe or something. Whenever they tried to get together, something like that always came up. It was expected.

But what wasn't expected, was that they WOULD meet up in the most unexpected place ever. And do one of the most expected things that six friends would do when they haven't seen each other in five years. They talked.

But what they talked about, however, was a completely different story.

It was...unexpected.

A/N: I guess that was okay, right? Was that long? I dunno. I'm glad that ALL of you read that. (Hint, hint). I know most prologues are boring, but mine is SUPER IMPORTANT TO THE STORY!...R&R!