AN: This was actually my first fanfic ever! So be kind!

Food shopping!

Sasuke looked out the window. The sun was rising, it was bright and orange, and it made him think of the one person he thought that he could never get…

"Naruto" he just loved the sweet taste of the name up on his lips. But he could never tell him.

'He'd probably freak out and run for his life besides…he loves Sakura.' His eyes narrowed. He got out of his bed and made breakfast. When he got to team 7's usual meeting place he walked with his eyes closed and leaned against the hard wooden bridge.

"Ohayo Sasuke- kun" Sakura said with her usual annoying smile. Hadn't she realized that he wasn't interested? Well, since Sakura was, in Sasuke's eyes, just one of his annoying, rabid fan girls he just decided to ignore her as much as possible.

"Hn" Sasuke said without opening his eyes.

'Naruto isn't here yet maybe…maybe I can ask Sasuke- kun out on a date' she thought to her self blushing slightly. For the last five years she had been trying to ask him out but no such luck.



"Sasuke- kun I was wondering if you…if you liked to go on a date after today's mission?" she said with hope in her eyes. How could he refuse this cute look of shyness and hopeful eyes?

"No thanks" he said simply. 'Why does she always ask me to go on dates with her?' He didn't notice, or maybe he didn't care, Sakura's disappointment to his answer. Who couldn't notice though? Her arms were hanging beside her, all looks of cuteness was totally gone replaced by a dead look on her face.


Naruto was running towards the bridge waving, shouting and grinning, as usual. She looked up and smiled a bit before hitting him hard on the head. Naruto sat on the ground and pouted while he massaged his growing bump on his head. Sasuke smiled as he glanced at the blond boy.

2 hours later their sensei arrived.

"Ohayo I got lost today"

"LIAR!" Naruto and Sakura shouted to him furiously.

"Well today we have a special mission" Kakashi said to his students.

"YAY! What? What? What?" Naruto shouted while he bounced up and down.

"We are… grocery shopping for the Hokage" He said grinning under his mask. Both Naruto and Sakura fell over.

"Shall we go?" Kakashi asked his students who laid on the ground.

"What the hell is so special about grocery shopping for that old hag?" Naruto muttered while picking out some fruits and laid them in a bag. He really wanted to learn some new moves or something more interesting then deciding what fruits Tsunade should have.

Sasuke stood and watched the blond with longing eyes. He didn't really like the mission but it gave him some time to 'admire the view' as he liked to call it. But it looked more like he glared at him. ( AN: I have no idea how you can do that)

'He looks so cute when he's angry.' He thought and smirked.

"Hey dobe, can you hurry up?" Sasuke said with a mocking tone. Naruto was so easy to provoke and Sasuke knew that all to well.

"Yeah I'm com…DON'T CALL ME DOBE, BASTERD!" He yelled at Sasuke. The other customers discreetly cleared the area.

"Well, don't call me basterd, idiot" Sasuke said smirking.

The insultings flung back and forth until the owner of the grocery store came. He was a fat man with an apron on him. He was bold and looked more like a butcher then the stores owner. But, hell, he looked scary!

"Stop this immediately! You're scaring away the customers! If you're not going to stop I'm going to throw you two out of my store" There was no doubt about that, he looked like he was very strong, so throwing out two 17 year old boys didn't seem to be so impossible for him.

The two boys looked at each other. Sasuke started to smile slightly but quickly looked away with a 'humph'. Naruto looked chocked as he realized what happened.

'Did Sasuke just smile at me?' the thought ran through Naruto's head as he looked at the floor.

"Are you going to stop or should I throw you out?" The owner said impatiently.

"What ever" Sasuke said and his turned back and walked away. The owner who was satisfied with that eyed Naruto one more time and then walked away.

"Stupid Sasuke always making me look bad" Naruto muttered as he walked to Kakashi.

Tbc? Review please!